Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1380

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cxxxw INDEX. Internal Revenue Taxes, Emergmcy—Con. P¤¤¢· International Boundary_ Commwlmkm, United Page- I scummmi A-continued. States mul Mcmoo, _ stamp tax on sales, etc., at exchanges . 760 appropriation for contmmzng yvorlg of. . . 446, 1120 bills of sale required; contents ... 760 resumption of water d1str1bution work. 446 punishment for failure to deliver salaries of employees, etc., allowed. . . 447 stamped bills, etc ... 760 water distribution work; report to requirement not applicable to goods in Conlgress . _ .. 1120 course of tra rtation for delivery. 760 Internattona Bureau for Protectum of Inpromissory notes; Eank notes excepted. . 760 duxtrial Property, _ _ express and {reight receipts; bills of lad- appropriation for annual conmbunon . . 491, 1121 in requn-eg ..,.,,. 760 International Bureau for Publication of Cusbungles of newspapers; monthly state- toms Tavtfs, _ _ ment of publisher in lieu of bill 761 appropriation for annual contnlgutmn. . 446, 1120 penalty for failure to issue stamped bill Intemational Bureau for Repreaatng African of lading .,.,,,... . . 761 Slave Trade, _ tax on telegraph and telephone messages. . 761 appropriation for annual contributmn. . 447, 1121 payment required . 761 International Bureau of Amxmban Republics exemption ofc01Eipa.n business, etc 761 (ace Pan American Union). Govemmento cialymessages . 761 International Bureau of Permanent Court of stamp tax on indemnity bonds; judicial Arbitration, bonds excepted . 761 appropriation for annual contribution . . 448, 1121 certificates of profits, etc . . .. 761 Intematwkmal Bureau of Weights and Meaamrea, of marine damages, etc 761 appropriation for annual contribution. . 446, 1120 other, not specified ... . . .. 761 Internatwmzl Catalogue of Smkmti/ic Literabrokef s conkzcrtggl ... . _ . ._ . 761 ture, f conveyances o rope y; mimmum appropriatiou or ex enses, re tion considerationing .. 762 P poi .. ... 26, 625, 838 to secure a debt not taxable .. 762 for printing and bindin .. 69, 672, 881 customs entries . . .. 762 Intermmbnal Cmnmalsmion og Phytopathology, warehouse withdrawals. ._ _. 762 acceptance of invitationw participate m, marine, inland, fire, and lightning p0lr authorized . 768 0168 .. Z 762 International Commismbn on Publi}: and cooperative mutual fire insurance ex~ Private Internatabnal Law, pepted .. ,-: ... 762 appropriation for expenses of representareinsurance pohc1es exempt . . 762 tion , . .. 451, 1126 iidehty, guaranty, etc., po11c1es; excep- deficiency appropriation for uota, etc 31 txons ... . .. 762 International ommisaimt on 3`able of Consurety bonds, etc:. : ... 762 stunts, etc., regmsurance PQIICIGS exempt . . 762 appropriation for contribution to .. 448, 1122 foreign passage uckets ... . . . 762 International Committee of Weights and proxies . ... 762 Measures, other powers of attorney; exceptions 762 appropriation for expenses of member. 502, 1043 protests --·-- , ··----· , -··.-.·..--·-- 763 International Conference of American States, p9.l’l01’ and sleeping C8! t1Ck8lB .. 763 appropriation for ogpongog of delegates to scnavvw za .·----··--.. z ----...-··- 763 Fifth ... 450,1126 stamp tax on perfumes, toilet articles, etc.; Inmnqgqbqml Cenjeyeyw, on Edueahgmy Pete -·--··~------ z ··----·-·-·····~· 763 invitation from Netherlands to participate chewing gum or sabstmnfes ...-- 763 iu, ma be accepted ... 236 payment of tax <>¤ mack ¤¤ h¤¤<i ·--·--· 763 International cymzjmm tm Mmmm Law, ¤·HiX¤¤§ ¤¥·N¤P¤ it \`·\i¤° of 9946 ~··- _ ···· 763 appropriation for participatin in ... 275, 450 drawbac an exported ¤¤¤·p¤=<1 ¤r¤¢1¤¤ Intematwnal comm aww; Aiomzom, P¤{‘¤16¤¢ ······ ; --~··--··--···-···· 763, appropriation for ex uses of delegates, at not a lqwed on prior exports ... 763 Mum, Ita] , ¥0u,teenth __________ no ascerwagnent of nzht to ---------·--· 763 for expenses or izimenm 453,1127 8€¤6¤*·1 °·d!¤1m1¤t¤mV€» em-: laws made invitation to foreign Governments to parggplicable . 764 tie; ge in ____ _ _______ _ _,__________ 453 rece , etc., tv be made wd kept by Ima-nazwmimconpur Ojnmmmoza, P€Y¤0¤¤, 9*6 -··-· ; ·-·-·---·—-··---·· 764 foreign governments mvited to send deledouble tax for evasnons, etc .. - 764 gates to ____ _ ______________________ 772 a pro riation for ex uses ... 764 Intghmtigngl C 0 C 0 - P agotment: for cogectors .. 764 me-0,, gm f humbug f Com far paper f<>¤ ¤¤¤¤P¤ ---···--···-·--·--·~· 764 acceptance of invitation to participate in, to take enect on dag after Bzagsage 764 guthogizod ________________________ 773 discontinued WT amber 31, International Congress of World’s Purity 1915 ----· - -···-·--~··- ; -·-----·-·- 764 Federation, Seventh, fo¤¤€1’ WX OH f6¤¤¢11t’6d hq¤0¤`¤ te be delegates to, Minneapolis Minn. authored in force after JB?1uary 1, 1916 .. 764 izgé _______________ _______ ’ ________ 2 39 1- emption of unu stamps .. 764 Intwmming (3 · 1mm¤¤um{_ Arzywamg, Bout} of rum- 1Pederat»[0nnng’I_Xf8;nt;{ W°'ld" P“""’ POT Idmfhldfy Tub?} OT T07I'G05‘i'I`lg, dg] fgg to g g ° - appmpaaaau or ¢¤¤¤i1>¤t{¤¤ - 4+8.1122 memo, i°1n.i’?Y’T{‘Y?`i.*f’.?? nz Interrmtional Association for Labour Legiala· Internatiomzl Congress on Customs Regatta- ( im. tiom, ‘ ‘ appropriation for contribution . 505, 1046 appropriation for representation at ... 450