Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/309

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290 SIXTY -THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ons. 21, 26, 27. 1914. Rm) min G, higher rank than the rank for which he may have beenrecommended is-mesg-mes. by said examining board: And provided further, That the President ma also commission or warrant as of the highest rank formerly held by him, or the present equivalent_of such former rank in case the nomenclature or some of the duties of the same may have been changed, any person who fomerlm comwned orbfvarrant oflieinrhgf th51United Navy id f have _ u mr si. h nora discharge' m e service: proved urtlwr, "‘$°°'““"““‘:”°‘ Thai; pgrsons gay be commissioned in the Navy for engineer duties only, and for all line duties other than engineer duties, and when ` so commissioned shall have the full rank, pay, precedence, and so forth, of the lme grade for which they are commissioned. hmpumeuunwung Sec. 22. laws 1;1ndbsect1;>6n·sl°3f laws conihcting with the "` provisions o t are ere y re . Approved, February 16, 1914. Fe 23 1914. _ · · · . · — M ¤e.°E."§e,€°i.a é}.%i‘2.°§£’L‘¥'§£,T“.'1Z2fea"*§‘.?’3 .{°'r?‘°""’*’°°° °‘ "‘° ""’°‘“g‘°‘°“’ i Be·itenadedbytl»eSena¢eandHmue R theUmZted d,§_;'gm_°**°*“° “‘d Stem of America in aeeembkdlif That there is hgeby appro-

 for pnated, out of any moneys in the Treas1u·y not otherwise appropri-

’ ‘ ated, the sum of }600,000,or so much thereof as in the opinion of the Secretary Agriculture may be necessary, to be expended, by and under direction, for the purpose of the_mvestigation, treatment, and eradication of hog cholera and dourine, mcluding the employent _ of assistants, clerks, anehpthqr pexpovrars, and the payimegt ogpallygher xmpssd oianlmal OXPGIISGS, m 0 c1ty 0 ashmgto an e w :Pm- ’°""'¤·’»°°:? vu1ed,dit t not less than $50,000 of said sugiushall be availlaable fog ex n uremc onexammtro ’ f th ' v··» »·m b "‘§h. Act apprmovledymgiarch r..m.r-ii ..Z’.?.?i... i‘i£‘é‘i.33“.?...’I‘r“tr.‘£.."Z°.§.. ('lhu-t_y-seventh Statutes at Large, pages eight hundred and thirty-two and eight hundred and thxrty-three), regulating the preparation, sale, barter, exchange, shipment, and importation of viruses, serums, toxins, and analogougfproducts for use in the_treatment of domestic animals,

 for the euozcegrrens (;;1iGl1B prplvisions, ianpluding dettiectiolrirnrg vioaionsosar can e tionsm th :

‘m°°°"°rd° "ml furlhw, That not moreriihgdxn $100,000 df thehrzlhlhiohemmbegged provided shall be used for the investigation, treatment, and eradication of the disease known as dourine. Approved, February 23, 1914. P?!§u§yl%32$9}4· A;:l'1§a;uthorize the construction of a bridge Mross the navigable [Public, N 0. 59.) I B it enacted theScnate nd H R emazi ' y§"”‘·*“d'°'sB°’* Stat; of Anuzrizya in Oongrega asaeoiruzlvzg, Téhlhzs the B a1g,m(i’:g bgaglgiéaggbcglggg lumbus and Saint Andrews Railroad Compan , a corporation duly say anime Com- created existing, is hereby authoiized to guild and maintain a my my md"' ml-l1‘0¤d bfldgit $61:088 the navigable_waters of Saint Andrews Bay, in Bay County, Florida, at a pomt srutable to the interests of navigation at or near a pénnt on the north arm of said bay known as Grassy comments. 1,091*9, OH North Fly, 111 $·¢¢0l'd&Il08 with the revisions of the Act V ll P °*~“*·P·°*· entitled Angict to rgxlate the construction of bridges over navigagble waters, approv March twenty-third, nineteen hundred and Amendment- cxgno. That etge right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby Approved, February 23, 1914.