Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/518

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SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 141. 1914. 499 homes on duty outside of the District of Columbia, and for their actual necessary traveling expenses, including necessary sleeping—car fares; m all, $173,000. _BunmU or Lrerrmousnsz Commissioner, $5,000; deputy com- I"‘”"‘°"”°’B“’°‘“• mrssroner, $4,000; chief constructing engineer, $4,000; su ° tendent of naval construction, $3,000; chic clerk, $2,400; clerks-one $2,000, two of class four, two of class three, two of class two, five of class one, seven at $1,000 each, two at $900 each, one $840; messenr; assistant messenger; messenger boy, $480 (one transferred to §;cretary’s office); assistant engineers-—cne $3,000, one $2,400, one $2,250; d.ra:ftsmcn—one $1,800, one $1,560, one $1,500, one $1,440, two at $1,200 each; in all, $64,030. Cl:p1·:sr1;p§)crir1<i;n:$Di1ector, $6,000: fourcl1iefstai:istician}.:s,at$$3,000 °°“°“°“°°‘ eac ; c e er 2,500; geograp er, $2,000; stenogra er, 1,500; eight expert chiefs of divisions, at $2,000 each; clerks——elaven of class four, twenty of class three, thirty-eight of class two (one transferred to Secr·etary’s office), three hundred and three of class one (one transferred to Secr·etary's office and one omitted), eighty-thr·ee at $1,000 each, eighty-five at $900 each (one transferred to Secreta.r¥·'s office) ; engineer, $1,000; skilled laborers—one at $1,000, three at 900 each, five at $720 each; two watchmen; three messengers; one fireman; give assistant rlrioessengers; threehurgskilleild laborers,_ atd?720 each; our memenger , at $480 eac ; ve c arwomen; m , $689,960. For- securing infdrrnation for census reports, lprovided for by law, °’°°"“°*'°"'*°“’* semimonthly reports of cotton roductioargipeno `cal reports of stocks of baled cotton in the Uniwd) States of domest1c and foreign consumption of cottorguper diem compensation of special agents and of same of detailed emplcggs, whet er em}: oyed in W , District of Columbia, or where; cost o transcribing State munici al, or other records; temporary rental of quarters outside of the%)isu·ict of Columbia; for supervrsinicagents, and emplojyament by them of such tem rary service as may necms in co ecting statistics required Iliiy law, including $15,000 for .2ir’.§..r..g tobacco statistics authorized by law in addition to any other fund available therefor: Provided That the compensation of not to am?. at exceed ive special agents provided for in this paragraph may be fixed ’ ’°°°w"'° at an amount not to exceed $8 per $835,000. _ For books of reference and pen cals, mcluding payment in §§f,f;;_°,}g;_ advance of annual subscriptions, 500. For experimental work m developing tabulat.i¥ machines and '*"*’°"‘*°¥“’°"*“°'· repairs to such machinery and other mee amcal app ances, including technical and mechanical service m connection erewith whether performed in Washington, District of Columbia, or elsewhere, and purchase of necessary machinery and supphes, $12,000. Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce :_ Chief, $6,000; assistant ¤§`$,;‘§,’;§,§’,f,';'_°;‘_ chiefs——one $3,500, one $3,000; chief of division, $2,500; assistant chief of division, $2,250 (now paid $2,500 from appropriation “Collating tariffs of foreign countries"); chief of drvrsron, $2,000 (now yigrd from appropriation "0ol1ating tariffs of foreign countr·ies"); c ef clerk, $2 250; translator, $2,000; stenographer to chief of bureau, $1,600; clerks—mne of class four, six of c ass three, one $1,500, of class two (increaseof one, and two at $1,400 and onetariif assrstagrt, at $1,440, now paid from appropriation "Collating tariffs of foreign countries "), fourteen of class one (one omitted and one now Efard from appropriation “C0l.lating tariffs of foreign countries"), teen at $1,000 each, fifteen at $900 each; three assistant messengers; two ‘“'?r°”?..~.b‘ ‘” ““’ "22e.i"L’.;.r .1 el s. { » 1 .1 e me ·····» o er romo ev op e creagn omes c com- md c m merce of the [ihited States $75,000, to be expended under the drrec- ml tion of the Secretary of Commerce: Provided, That not exceeding P'°"”°’·