Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/562

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SIXTY·THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 191. 1914. 543 MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSIBSZ For payment of such miscellaneous p:$:°*'¤¤°°¤¤ •¤· expenses as mafy be authorized lg, the Attorney General for the Supreme Co1u·t 0 the District of olumbia and its officers, including the furnishing and collecting of evidence where the United States is or mai be a party 1.n interest, including also such expenses as may be authorized by the Attorney General or the court 0 appeals, District of Columbia, $15,000. CHARITIES AND CORRECTIONS. ,,§“°' '“"*°°"‘°°’ Bonn or Cnanrrms: Secret , $3,500; stenographer, $1,400; §,°°"_,,,,,,°‘°,‘,;f"*“°* clerk, $1,200; messenger, $600 fgapccmm-one $1,200, three at '° $1,000 each, two at $900 each, two at $840 each; d.rivers—one $780, three at $720 each; hostler, $540; traveling expenses, including attendance on conventions, $400; in all, $18,260. nnnoimxronms nm COBRECTIONAL ms·rrrU’rroNs. R°‘°""°‘°“°’·°“’· WasmNG’roN ASYLUM AND JAH.: Superintendent, $1,800; m§'§‘§$°°”*‘¥""“ physician, $1,200; resident physician, $480; two assistant resident Bakrk physicians, at $120 each; clerk, $840; engineer, $900; assistant engineers—three at $600 each; night watchman, $480; blacksmith and woodworker, $500,; driver for dead wagon, $365; one hostler and driver, and one driver for supply and laundry wagon, at $240 each; hospital cook, $600; assistant cooks—one $300, two at $180 each; tramed nurse, who shall act as superintendent of nursing, $900; two graduate nurses, at $425 each; graduate nurse for receiving ward $425; two nurses for annex wards, at $480 each; ei5ht orderhes, and two orderlies for annex wards, at $300 each ; lgup nurses, not less than twenty-one in number (nurses to be (pa' not to exceed $120 per annum_ during first year of service, an not to exceed $150 per annum during second year of service), $3,000; registered pharmacist who shall act as hospital clerk $720; gardener, $540; seamstress, and housekeeper, at $300 each; laundryman, $600; assistant laundry- man, $365; six laundresses, at $360 each; two chambermaids, three waiters, and seven ward maids, at $180 each; temporary labor, not to exceed $1,200; in all, $27,825; For provisions, fuel, forage, harness and yehicles and repairs to °°“°“°“"“"°“°" same, gas, ice, shoes, clothing, dry gnoods, tailoring, drugs and medical supphes, furniture and bedding, `tchen utensi , and other necessaiiy items, $35,000; _ _ _ _ or repleslrs to buildings, plumbing, pamtmg; lumber, hardware, cement, e, oil, tools, cars, tracks, steam eating and cooking apparatus, $2,000; _ _ _ _ _ _ _ or hospital furnishings, mcluding stenlizers and accessories for operating room, and microscope for laboratory, $1,000; Payments to- destitute women and children: For payment to ben- d§°, ,$"" 6£C18.I‘l.8S named in section three of "An Act makiplgl It a misdemeanor V¤*· 3% P- 8’· in the District of Columbia to abandon or willf y neglect to {provide for the support and maintenance by any person o his wi e or his or her minor children in destitute or necessitous circumstances/’ approved March twenty-third, nineteen hundred and six $5,000, pr so much thereof as may be necessary, to be disbursed by the d1s- bursingl officer of the District of Columbia, on itemized vouchers duly audite and approved b%_the auditor of said District; . _ Support of prisoners: or expenses of maintenance of jail prisoners .,,$,‘,¥{"°r° °' im ’"°' of the District of Columbia at the Washington Asylum and Jail, including pay of guards and all other necessary personal services, and for support ogjprisoners therein, $46,000; For repairs to j roof and chimney, $500; B""“‘·‘°°‘