Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/640

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SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 223. 1914. 621 so far as such printing ma be ems t' v th ts of the Act to define andylix the sthirdahldedfcdldldltz td) hrcdlilfnltdirllotlhe v°l`31’p°45‘ panty of all forms of money issued or coined by the United States, to nefund tfle public d]e1bt,da;1&i for other purposes, approved March ourteen nineteen un r . _Fpr engfavers’ and printers materials and other materials except f;*,j"“*j7;‘°· distintgtgve paperh or mincellaneous elnpenses, inclunliug purclhasei ’°` ' mam ancean v1nonecessaryorsesanve'es, horse and vehicle for oécial use of the director whenmin wiliting, ordered by the Secretargr of the Treasu , $470,000, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of are Treasutg.

 the fiscal year nineteen hundred and teen all proceeds wPb¤g<=g¤_gg,{_rg1¤t°w]g{‘1g

derrvlnd romtnvork petnlformed by thefB Engraving mu. mg ydirecono eSecretaryo e asury,notcove an embraced in the appropriation for said bureau for the said Escal year,

instead_of being covered into the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts,

as provided by the Act of August fourth, eighteen hundred and eighty- v°‘· “* " ”"· six (Twjenty- ourth Statutes, {page two and twenty-seven), be credited when received to the appropriation for said bureau for the fscal year nineteen hundred and teen. msommaxnous osmcrs, rnnasunr nrrrarvnmiwr. 1¤•¤•¤¤¤•¤¤=· For pa for internal-revenue stamps, including freight, $90,000. i·'it§Ki°i¤l:T§l•’°§§f{»$. Toeuahgth Sec of the'l‘re•¤uryto fnd o red R·¢¤¤<1¤f¢¤¤- into Treasury ag imersntdlymvmue collections, ulifdidr thx? p!i~g{·i;£>:; of "°‘· “5· ¥’· B2; gh;) rang approved May twenty-seventh, nineteen hundred and eight, _

 for yiolations of internal-revenue laws: For detecting ,,,}’${"'°‘g "‘°‘““°"'

2.?t‘}J;Y.i“§‘$%J.T.*i§;‘}B“.i’§’c0¤¤’“““ivmg"“°‘$2 ‘£§E”2£°5.§"i¥§i§‘·“°{§‘§§‘;.?8'.l1§ gg information {ang detectinocnv of such violations, §1 and the S‘“*°"”“‘ '°‘¥“"°“· mmissioner o enue a eta' statement to Congress once in each year as to how he has expended this sum, and also a detailed statement of all miscellaneous expenditures in the Bnlgausgg Internal glevenue. _ th _ to f d _ mlomagrlgumh e t o e'.[‘reasury1sauo useoranm n- nection wilthjuthe enforcement of the laws relating to the Treascdry ml>:2:¤l»lm¤¤l1¤:’&T Department and the several branches of the public service under its control, not exceeding at any one time four persons paid from the a propriation for the collection of customs, four persons paid from tge apprtnipnatxon for salaries and expenses of mtemal-revenue agents or from e appropriation for the foregoing purpose, four persons paid from the appropriation for suppressmdg cqunterferting and other crimes, but not exceeding six persons so etarled shall be employed Mwat angoone time hereunder: Promded, That nothing herem contained érggfxium shall construed to deprive the Secretary of the from mak- ' in%auy detail now otherwise authorized y existing law. _ cmu mmm ontmggnt eipenses, Independnnt For cnlntmgent exé mg»g¤¤s€§;g”¤$¤7gi nsesunerte urrementso BGCIOD y-six undredan gfty-three of the Rldzlrsed Statutes of the United States, for the col- Am P Am lection, safe-keeping transfer, and disbursement of the public money, for transportation of notes, bonds, and other securities of the United E I mm uc States for salaries of special agents, and for actual expenses of exam- n.s.,m.aea¤,'p.1ia iners detailed to examine the books, accounts, and_ money_ on hand at the several subtreasurres and depositories, including national acting as depositones under the requirements of section thirty-six hundred and forty-nine of the Revised Statutes of the United States, also including exammations of cash accounts at mmts, $185,000. _