Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/731

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712 SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cns. 293, 294. 1914. d miraad liylthe Seslzlxietary cif tix Trlenastnilry, but {not} to_ exceed $2% a day .P*¤*¥*¤* ¤°¤¤·¤*° °· , w e actu em oy . e even 0 disagreemen as to

`mlm m     f°2}°”°Sl °’ £I}°°`2“2¥h§.’£;§’§§"§°§“$.h.?.?.“‘$ub`2i.2“`éi?.?£.?

e es suc con ac maypbe brought against the United States in the District Court of the United States, sitting in admiralty, in the district m which the claimant or his agent may reside. _ b,}°]'§’,,‘§g°,‘},§_°' °1“"“ Sec. 6. That e Director of the Bureau of War Risk Insurance, upon the adkxstment of any claims for losses m respect of which no xtiorlnrshall ave beertrl begun, shakll, pn approyal of t;h)eg1ecreta1t;y of eas ro a suc caun or osses eparym t t int?erest;.ali1lll’tliln SI:<g·et¥a1·Iy of the Treasury is directed to make pro- Adj““"”°° ’ ° °' vision for tltigspeedy a;1justment of cla1ms forfloilses also fi? ge rompt no cation o parties m intermt o e ecisions o e ’ .}:5, ¤**¤“° ‘° gusm 0n'1lli6irfclaitIllS· i 1 · (1 ei '° .” [ 11:0.7. at or epiuposeo paying ossesaccnurgguner e ps mw rovisions of this Act there IS hereby appropriated, out o any mone P the Treasury of the United States Iiiot otherwise appropriated ml , the sum of $5,000,000. ,.i‘§¥iE§°E{$?°°° M Sec. 8. That there is hereby a ropriated, for the purpose of dea e nses o e esta ent an maintenance o the i "' "‘“g “'% v$"*’°R..». 12.* lE“§‘”‘. hd . .}..3* Bureau o ar urance, inc u the ayment o s `es perse herein authorized and other nal services lin the District of Columbia, out of any money m the Treasury of the United States £uSp°% 0, Ac, not otherwise agzpropigiated, the sum of_$100,000. _ _ _ w mn www- Sec. That W; fesident is authorized wgenzlverbintghés ment eneeessi o erwarmsurance y e m aes shall lhave ceased to exist, to suspend the operations of this Act in so far as it authorizes insurance by the United States against loss or 0 damage lgmrisks of war, which suspension shall be made, at any ¤¤¤`i'&°»i°°»°iii1° °l°i°° event, wi ‘ two years after the passage of this Act, but shall not affect any insurance outstanding at the time or any claims pending jus§g*e°&_'°* mul *6* adjustmflnlt. For the p ltheB final ad¥1%tme1]g.1s<lf Iagy suc outstan g insurance or c , the ureau o ~ar urance may, in the discretion of the President, be continued in existence a Hmmm to Cm further period not exceeding one year. _ me- Sec. 10. That a detailed statement of all expenditures under this Act and of all receipts hereunder shall be submitted to Congress at the beginnnlig of each regular session. _ l¤°¤°°“¤*¤°°*°‘°*>'· Sec. 11. at this Act shall take effect from and after its passage. Approved, September 2, 1914. “°¤{P5F°§§,,¥’{"· cnn. 2::4.-it Act Providing at second homme me desert—la¤d sums. “’“‘f“°* N°‘ ml Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representative: of the United §.,‘f.‘,}§§§,“,§‘,§l,’g;,,,,,dO, States of America in Oongrees assem , That any person otherwise

 duly qualified to make entry or entries of public lands under the homeac. stead or desertiland (liws, whodhai heaartoforg mad`; or Enbag hereafter

makeen im ersai laws,an w o, oug no a to own may havejostlrlbrfeited, or abandoned the same, or who ma hereafter lose, forfe1t, or abandon same shall be entitled to the benefits of the P _ homestead or desert-land laws as though such former entry or entries colilaldbsa had never been made; Provided That such a licant shall show to the PP satisfaction of the Secretary of the Interior that the prior entry or entries were made in good faith, were lost, forfeited, or abandoned because of matters beyond his control, and that he has not speculated in right nor committed :1-fraud or attempted fraud in connection wi suc prior entry or en es. Approved, September 5, 1914.