Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/864

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846 SIXTY·THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 75. 1915. 4 twine, baskets, wire, splints, and moss, to be purchased by contract or otherwise, as the Secretary of War may determme; care, construction, and repgired of flcguntains; abating nuisances; cleaning statues d re amrmg` esta $18 550. R•¤•rv•¢i¤¤¤· mFor limprovement, cere, and maintenance of various reservations, including maintenance, repair, exchange, and operation of one horsedrawn and two motor propelled passenger carrying vehicles to be used only for official purposes, $30,000. For improvement, care, and maintenance of Smithsonian grounds, $3 000. For improvement and maintenance of Judiciary Park, $2,500. For laying cement and other walks in various reservations, $2,000. For broken-stone road covering for parks, $3,500. For curbing, coping, and for park roads and walks, $2,000. ger care and maintenance o ottioxpac Parmw,000. f P 1’¤¤¤¤•¤P¤*· or' , so' , an p anting tportion o otomac Peaks west of thelxlxioad em ankment, and constructing roads and , $25 000. PaFor oilixigl or otherwise treating macadam roads, $4,000. For comp eting a permanent road around the entire river and harpor front of the portion of Potomac Park east of the railroad emankment $15 000. For care and, improvement of the portion of Potomac Park east of the railroad embankment, $10,000. ger continuing tg; improvement of Montrose Park, and for its care 0¤w¤¤¤p¤r¤· For lacing and special portions of the parks in conditi n foii outdoor sports $10 000 o . "°’**““° m“P“'*· To continue construi:tion,0f necessary retaining walls in Meridian Hill Park, and grading mcident thereto, $25,000. ‘ For new lodge in Garfield Park,_$3,500. For care an maintenance of Willow Tree Park, $1,500. imma: umm. For furnishing an additional water su pl for the two buildings in ,,,·,§{,‘,‘§‘f‘°““‘ "°°°' the Smithsonian grounds occupied by tgiellational Museum, by extending the Present twelve-mc water main in those groimds out to the corner o Ninth and B Streets northwest, $1,500. mu from names One half of the foregoingipums under " and grounds in ‘°"""°" and aronmd Washington " s ll maid from the revenues of the Disgn-ict of Columbia and the other from the 'l‘rea.sury of the United tates. m¥·*=;_#v:g°n¤;¤m”· Under appropriations herein contained no contract shall be made " for making or reppmng_ concrete or asphalt pavements in Washington City at a lug er price than $1.80 per square yard for a quality equal to the best laid m the District o Columbia prior to Jul first, eighteen hundred and eighty-six, and with a base of not less tdran six inches thickness. _ ngrgmwydgfmtgfzatgf dGF§Irm1;r;p1rtpy§1in6•r:(t, care, and maintenance of grounds of executive gordzucgi §re¢isi,bshrubs¥ golants, fertilizerséoand skillueg llabplp for the un o the r o as ma e - ggendent of the Bui $1,00(li r ques y 0 Super For such trees, shrubs, [plants, fertilizers, and skilled labor for the grounds of the (ggpitol an the Senate and House Office Buildings as guaymbe reques by the Superintendent of the Capitol Buil ing, 4 0 . ngirnegsutive inmate Ftifhilmpmgement gud maintenance of Executive Mansion grounds ` (wit iron ence 5,000. E°$*°°°'· °°°- bugor the em(ploynie:11St cfzalioeangineer by the officer in charge of public dings an groun , , . For purchase and repair of machinery and tools for shops at nursery, and for the repair of shops and storehouse, $1,000.