Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/948

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930 SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. III. _Cr=r. 83. 1915. have no permanent value or historical interest may be disposed of Eg the Secretary of the Navy by sale after advertisement for propos as waste paper if practicable, or not practicable then otherwise as may appear best or the interests of the Government, the said Secretary tg make egetailed (regorétl to the fongress in every casile of the n¤¤¤·¤u¤¤. a ers estroy ; provide wa t at no papers ess t an two gegrs old from the date of the laslisindorsement thereon shall be destroyed or dis osed of by the Secretary of the Navy, except in the maannerlprovicied in said act of February sixteenth, eighteen hundred an erg ty-nine. · d,f{;’{?,{f,§§’§;2,',}°E€§E Hereafter officers who now perform engineering duty) on shore gt;g;tg;;·égrb·g_° °°¤- only and officers of the Construction Corps shall be elrgr le for any shore cgutly clolmpatible with therlr rank an grade to which the Secreta 0 the avy may assign them. , _ W ILYEBONAUTICSZ The sum of $1,000,000 is hereby reappropriated out » 5-lsmm avglnablg for of the upoblrgaltéed;;es of thi;-rlpprgiprératrcggs ‘;i(;g;11strn1ction and ’ reparro vesse an s ammac e or e vear ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and fourteen, and made available for aeronautics, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Navy_for procurmgnproducmg, constructing, operatmg,_preservrng, storing, andhandlrnlg aircraft and appurtenances, mamtenance of fa.1rcraft;jstations an experimental work m development of aviation or nav purposes. ¤,:fl, °' An Advisory Committee for Aeronautics is hereby established, °°¤P°¤***°°°'· and the President is aguthorized ti; appoint rlragt vt? exgged twelve members, to consist o two mem rs rom t ar artment, from the office in charge of militaay aeronautics; two memgers from the Navy Department, from the 0 ce in charge of naval aeronauticsa representative each of the Smithsonian Institution, of the United States Weather Bureau, and of the United States Bureau of Standards; together with not more than five additional persons who shall be acquainted with the needs of aeronautical science, either civil or military or skilled in aeronautical engineering or its allied sciences: §{yg•f*;•émm,m Ifromded, That the members of the Advisory Committee for Aeronau- Dutv to supervise tics, as such shall serve without compensation: Promded further, ’“°°'°“*°‘°‘ That rt shall be the duty of the Advisory Committee for Aeronautics to supervise and direct the scientific stud of the problems of flight, with a view to their practical solution, andy to determine the lproblems which should be experimentally attacked, and to discuss their solution and their application to practical questions. In the event of a laboratory or la ratories, either in whole or in part, being placed under the direction of the committee, the committee may direct and conduct research and experiment in aeronautics in such laboratory R¤¥°¤ ¤¥¤°¤°°°‘- or laboratories: And prwidedfurther, That rules and reizrlations for the conduct of the work of the committee shall be form ted by the Appmrmm M corrrihnrrtttgle and approved by the President. expmmmw wm, e sum o $5,000 a year, or so_much thereof as may ·¤=· necessary, for five years_1s here y appropriated, out of any moneygm the Treasruy not otherwise appropriated, to be immediately avarla le, for experimental work and investhirtions undertaken by the com- .§‘ZLZ§°€é1§1Z?°{’{L°c?°m”“maat“r‘l “£‘$m.”°°in°§‘?f§m°?;?3S$niZ {:;*;·&·"pm om attending, meetings of the committee: Prmnkled, That, an annual ’ report to the Congress shall be submitted through the President, N, M, ··~¤— i”“A“mdmgG “.‘l§}§““§£“°dmm“”$°”i“&‘?r£f§i’£rp$r'§L’i“i—'°°‘ at ts- r. - : or e a su is mz?. 'ztmmnb ence, and transportation of such portion of the Naval Ltililtia as shall

  • " engage in actu service or instruction adoat or on shore, and for pay,

transportation, and subsistence of any part of the Naval Militia as * shall participate in any cruise, maneuvers, field instruction, or encamp-