Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/953

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SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 83. 1915. 935 Fon NAVAL GUN FACTORY, WASHINGTON, D1s·rR1o·r or CoLUms1A: WNm‘ °°‘;¤,§¤g*°¤ New and improved machinery for existing shops, $75,000. illxxilai. ° NAVAL Paovmo GROUND, INDIANHEAD, MARYLAND: For machin- 1m1a¤1mu,uu. gig fcgr extension of powder factory, to be available until expended, P°"°°"°°°°"‘ , 20. NEW BATPEBIES FOB smrs or THE NAVY: For liners for eroded Lum '°* °*°¤°·* guns, to be available until June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and gum seventeen, $100,000. AmrUNrr1oN ron smrs or rms: NAvY: For procming, producing, ,,,3*,,§,'}“‘“"“'°" ‘°’ preservi.§ and handling ammimition for issue to ships, $3,000,000, to be av able nmtil expended. Tonrmnons AND A1>r1.1ANcEs: For the purchase and manufacture of a¤'£2,{p°°°”“d°""' torpedoes and ap liances, to be availab e until June thirtieth, nineteen hundred andp eighteen, $1,000,000. Tonrnno s·rA·r1oN, Nnwronr, Rnonn IsLAND: For labor and mate- N f’n.iY°°i°"' rial; general care of and repairs to gounds, buildings, and wharves; bogts, intEtruction(;0i(;1struments, too , experiments, and general tore o ou ts, $80, . P For the construction of a building for the storage of torpedoes, “"°"‘°i"‘““‘¥· $20,000. For new and improved machinery and tools for torpedo factory, “°°“"°"’·°‘°· $30,000. Ex1·ERmEN·rs, BUREAU OF ORnNANcE: For exgiarimental work in E‘*""“""“"°'*· the development of armor-piercing and torpedo sh and other projectiles, fuses, powders, and high exp osives, in connection with problems of the attack of armor with direct and inclined Ere at various ranges, including the purchase of armor, powder, prollectiles, and fuses for the above purposes and of all necessary materi and labor in connection therewith; and for other experimental work under the cognizance of the Bureau of Ordnance in connection with the development of ordnance material for the Navy, $100,000. ' RE1>Ams, BUREAU or ORnNANoE: For necemary repairs to ord- R"'““‘ nance buildings, magazines, wharves, machinery, and other items of like character, $30,000. CoN·rrNeENr, BUREAU or ORDNANoE: For miscellaneous items, °°""""'°‘ namely: Cartage, expenses of light and water at magazines and stations, tolls, ferriage, technical books, and incidental expenses attending inspection of ordnance material, $9,500. BUREAU OF YARDS AND nocxs. n?»`iI°°°IY°°d°°°° MArN·rENANcn, BUREAU or YARns AND Docxs: For general Mm maintenance of yards and docks, namely: For books, maps, models, and drawings; purchase and repair of fire engines; fire apparatus and plants; machinery; operation or repair, plurchase, maintenance of horses and driving teams; carts, tim er w eels, and all vehicles, includin motor-prcgpelled and horse·drawn passenger-carrying vehicles to ie used o y for omcial purposes, and mcluding motorpropelled vehicles for freight-carrging p1u·poses only for use in the navy yards; tools and repair of the same; stationery; furniture for Government houses and offices in navy yards and naval stationscoal and other fuel; candles, oil, and gas; attendance on light and power plants; cleanin and clearing up yards and care of buildings; attendance on fires, ligiits, fire engines, and fire apparatus and plants; incidental labor at navy yards; water tax, tolls, and ferriage; pay of watchmen in navy yards; awnings and packing boxes; and for Pmmm pay of emplolyges on eave,_$1,595 496: Provided, That the sum to be cxmau, cu., gv. paid out o t apprgpriation under the direction of the Secretary of lm the Navy for cleric , inspection, drafting, messenger, and other classified work in the navy yards and naval stations for the fiscal year finding June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and sixteen, shall not excee $425,000.