Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/1075

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2378 INDEX. Ross, Charles B., P¤8€· Rowe, S. (widow), Pagepension increased ,,.,,,.. . . . . 1590 pension .. . .. z ...- · ···.·.··-- · 1526 Ross, George W, Rowland, Nanqq E. (widow), pension increased _,.,..,.. 1290 pension increased 1389 Ross, Henry H., Rowley, Clifbrd, pension increased 1373 pension .. , -...-.. 1597 Ross, Manurmkz J., now Manurvia J. Spoke, Roxborough, Philadelphia, Pa., payment of Court of Claims findings to . 965 condemned cannon granted to Grand Ross, Wilkisou, B., Army post 1211 pension increased .. . . 1415 Royer, James, Rossee, John T., pension lHCl`€H8€d . . .. 1559 pension ,,,.. . 1327 Royster, Isiphine (willow), Rompillg, Ga., pension increzmed ... _. 1605 appropriation for public building 613 Rubber, hiduz (see also India Rubber), Rost, Emile, duty on manufactures of . 150 payment of Court of Claims findings to not specially provided for .. 150 administrator of succession of ... 974 Rubi, Michael, _ Roth, Florence K (widow), payment of Court of Claims findings to-, - . 973 pension increased ... . 1346 Rubikzs, _ _ Roth, George, duty on, artificial 149 pension increased . . .. 1484 cut, but not set . . .. 149 Roth, Henry, Ruby National Forest, Nev., pension increased 1537 appropriation for maintenance, etc., of. 428, 1098 Rothschild and Company, John, Ruchings. dencienc appropriation for payment to. . 321 duty on .. 150 Rothehild, élirrwn B., Ruckle, William H, pension increased 1399 pension increased . ... 1397 Rotramel, Ellen D. (wulow), Rudd, Hiram H., pension increased .. . . . . . 1435 pension increased 1342 Rotten Stone, Rudolph, Henry C. R., on free list, crude, etc . ... 162 pension increased ... . 1363 Rauch, Silaa, Rudrau]', Edwin, pension increased . . .. 1409 pension increased 1540 Rouhan, James, Rudrow, Joseph H., pension increased ... . 1383 pension increased 122 Roulstcm, James W, Rudy, George W, payment of Court of Claims findings to pension increased 1302 administratrix of ... 985 Ruf Daniel, Roumania, Servia, and Bulganh, pension increased 1332 apipropriation for minister to ... . . . . 443, 1116 Ruj`, James W, or secretary of legation- . . . 443 pension increased 1234 Round Iron, Rujin, Thomas D., duty on, in coils or rods .. 123 pa ent of Court of Claims findings to 985 Rounds, Mary C'. (widow), R , Neck, pension increased ... . 1248 uty on .. . ... 150 Rounds, Wilson, 4 Rugby N. Dah., pension increased . . .. 1487 condemned cannon ranted to .,. 1212 Rouner, William L., Rugh, Sarah J. (widowg, pension .. 1570 pension . . 1429 Rouse, Parker S., R·?oaa Rosa, payment to legal ripzrkesentatives of ... 1542 uty on stocks, etc., of 133 Rouse Point 11ar or, e Champlain, N. K, Riga, preliminary examination, etc., of, to be uty on, Aubusson . ,__,,, 143 made ... . . 1057 Axmiuster. . . ..., 143 Rmurh, George W, Berlin ,..,.,,,..,,__ _ __,___ 143 pension increased . ... 1390 corticeue .. . ...,,_, 141 Rousseau, Cmmrumder H. H., cotton . Q . , ,,,, 143 thanks of Congress extended to, for dis- flax, hemp, jute, em .,,...,,_,______ 141 tinguished services on Istnmian linoleum .._____,_, 141 Canal Commission ... . . . 1190 oilcloth, etc .. . ...,____, 141 advanced in rank to grade of rear admiral oriental, woolen ,..,,____ _ _ _ 143 of the lower nine .. 1191 straw, etc., not otherwise provided for. , 141 may be retired on application 1191 wool, floor ,,,___ _ _ _ _ 143 Routt, National Forest, Colo., Ruleafor Measurement of Vessels for Panama appro§riation for maintenance, etc., of. 428. 1098 Canal, Routts ills, Va., Saint Paul’s Free Church, proclamation prescribing .. 1968 payment of Court of Claims findings to 992 Rules of the House of Representatives, Digest cj} Raving, agplrogiation for preparing 458, 1001 duty on, cotton . ..,.. 138 Ru , emy M, ramie . ... . ... 141 pension increased . ...,____,,_ 1252 wool, camel’s hair, etc . . 142 Rum (see Spirits). on free wool, waste, not specially pro- Rumford, Me., vi e or .. 164 appropriation for public building ,,,,,,,__, 828 Rowe, Demiel, K., Rumlgi, glrthur E., P pension increased 1355 payment to, io; injuries _,____________ _ ____ 1459