Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/1076

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INDEX. 2379 Ramsey, Sylvester, Page- Ruuia-Continued. Pace. pension xncreased 1550 proclamation violating neutrality Running, Thomas G., in war etween Ausi:ria·Hunga.ry paygggut to _______________________, , ,_,_ 1392 and _______ _ _ _____ _ ____ _ _ _ _ _ ______ 2005 Runymgw Alfred L., Germany and ... . 1999 p€=¤¤1<>¤ ·--··-- _ -·--··--·-·---·-·.·-.-... .· 1441 authorizing officials of, to seize on the Rural Credit Unwns, ctc. , European, high seas offenders of fur seal regulaapproprialziou for expenses of commission to tions ... . .. 1948 stqdy . 1115 Rusnhn Sag, Rural C'reQm, etc. , _ ou free list, cotton bagging made from .. 154 approprxamou fm; expenses of studymg, Rust, ew, disseminauug information, etc., of. . 441 no allowance for, on imports of iron or steel, for studies of cooperation iu, etc 1112 or manufactures of 125 Rurql Credits, Sygtem of, _ RutabagaSccd, Jcmt Gougressmual Committee created to duty on .. . ... 134 investigate and report a. bill provid- Ruth, Amanda, ing for . . .. 1116 pension increased 1384 alpgrepriation for expenses . 1116 Ruthenium, Rum elwery, Posml Service, on free list .. . 158 appropriation for supplies 303 Rutherford, Catherine J. for carriers . 304 payment of Court of findings to adsubstation clerks .. . . . . 304 ministrator of ... . - . . 977 pay of carriers increased . . . 304 Rutherford, Lyman, deficiency appropriation for . 333, 335, 578 pension increased 1380 forcarners and clerks . . . 1158, 1161 Rutherford, William B., _ _ allowance for injury, ctc., to carriers while payment of Court of Clmms findmgs to 965 on duty ...,,...,... 301 Ruzherfordwrg, N. C., _ _ _ pa_y of carriers resdjusted 1227 appmgrjauou for public budding . . 828 increase allowed carriers with motor vo- Rutter, ward IC, hicleg, etc .,.. . 1227 pension increased . -· 1603 Rural 1'HIldl£’i07I, _ Rutter,_Thgmx1a C'., apgro riation for mvemxtion of . 1033 pensnon mcressed 1370 Rum (see blic Roads and Ryan, Daniel J., Rural Engineering OEce, Depart- relieved from penalty, etc., under contract. 1544 ment of Agriculture). payment to -------·--··- - --·- 1514 Rural Mails Division, Post Departmqnt, Ryan, [0;,,,, appropriation for superintendent, 8BB1Bt· pension increased ________,_,_______, _ ,,._ 1538 am, clerks, em .. 495, 1037 Ryan, yan., ;r_ (widow), RW00, _EZ¢9·¤¢T, pension increased . . - . 1535 pensmn increased . . .- 1356 Ryan, pcm-, Rwhiny, Wiilwm 11, pension increased ... . 1567 pcnsnon .--·---·-- · ·----·· 1440 Ryan, samml F., RW'}, mllwm A-» payment of Court of Claims findings to 963 pension increased-, ·.-·------··--~- - ·--·· 1577 Ryan, Thomas, Russell: Anna T. Sundow), pemiguipqmgged ,,,,, . .. 1393 P¢¤¤¤•¤ im ---··-·---·-···--······· 1*2* Ryan Wllwm A. R“”‘n- H¤¢¢i¢ 'S· ('”id°'w)· pa§m0nt of Couh of Claims findings to ud- 1>¤¤¤i<>¤ incwrsed -··-··---·-···-·--· · - · · 1292 · · t of ... . . ova Russell, Jawa 12., _ R bum ‘§}f,.‘f§,t’j,°'(,,,,;,;,,,,) payment of Court of Claims fiudmgs to ad- y nsibn ’ _______ _ ______ 1338 R n r;i;1isu·amr of .--· - ·---- · -~-- 967 RK ``````°``° ` ` ` WM » 0 7% ’ ... . ... 161 h°m°°°°°d Pawnt i°°“°d t° ····‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 1269 0n£;•;?°1¥}Hi .. 161 Russell, John L., pensionil1C§S6d-»······••-·•· -···· · S Russell: Larkin, 1532 ’ pension . . .----·-·- · ·-·-·- . R·-=~»S·»~· <¤-<·M·>··~>, S“'"""”‘*”’ °"‘?"’· ’“·· mm { pm R_g_;¤;i¤*;,}g;¤;;$gd ··-···-··-·-····-···· 1333 “Pp‘°"§‘?£$3 ¤.m°'¤¤‘“t%'°m0¤th .,{’r~¤ed.m B z . W ·· give; ,,.,,.,.,. , 27, 636 R""’"§‘°‘$•#¥2§’°°°°A‘} ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’‘‘‘ . 1323 mouth ofNechcsto Bmm0ut.. 3-;, 636 °;:mi’0n ° mm " _________ 1278 mon? of Neches to Orange, on thas? 636 Rmaellvilk, Ark., _ _ Sa me ``'``` · ```` 7 °```` ``````° : ° ` _ ’ deficiegfy appropriatjou for public bun1d· 563 chanmgstswqgimmmued; _ Z ···--· - ·····--· · ·····-····· · ···· lock __________,_____,_____________ 1052 Rwellmlk, K!/·» ‘ ’ tion etc to be made condemned cannon nted to .. Z . . 1209 P¤’€hm1m·¥'Y °X”·mm”· » l ·l» Russellville, Ky., Cvirnabaland Prcobytman _ {Pr ’°V°tm‘°m* Put ur ‘‘`°’`` 1059 ghw-c;,_ Sabqw Rwer _ payment of Gburt of Claims findings to 970 bndgeI;;1ti}1g‘;·;zed acrcm, ucar Hunter, La. Rusxid r . ‘‘'‘‘` ’''`' ° ‘'’’ ’ ‘ ‘ _,,... .. . 442,1116 Sac aml oa: Indmn Agency, Iowa, ‘*pg§,°§0’;§;‘t;‘;;°Q§’§£§”a§§‘;?T’ ___________ 443 appropriationi01’8.dditi0D3l€mpI0Y€€B sv for Second Sgcrgmyy ____ , ..., . . 443 SGC and FQW gndmn Agqngyr 94 gm. third Secretary _______ , _______ . ..,.. 443 appmpnauon for addmoml employeesn . .