Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/1077

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2380 INDEX. Sac and Fo:z_Ina‘1hns of the Missouri, Kane., Page- Saint Francis, Ma., _ _ Pageappropriatnon for fulfilling treaty with; bridge authorized across Sa1nt Francis school _.. 87, 590 Rxvjer at . . . 764 Sac and Fox Indume of the Missouri, Nebr., Saint Francis River _ _ per capita payment from tribal funds to. . 594 bridge authorized across, at Saint Francis, Sagcharin, 131 · Mo ... 764 UW 011 ··-- - -·-·----·---··-—---··----·-- Sain: Francis River, Ark, $a€h¢*·*» preliminary examination, etc., of, to be duty on perfumery, etc. in .. 118 made ________________________ _ ____ 1000 $*1***, _ _ _ ’ _ Saint Helena Naval Training Statikm, Va.,

  • 1***5* °¤· 11***% PWD: ****181** Wm ***b*'*°¤· · - 141 appro riation for maintenance. . 397, 933

Sacks. {vim F-. rm guildings _,,_________,___,,,,,_,__, 400 S,,P°,,,m°“m°°,D1I}§.@&i ‘‘‘°°`'‘°°‘’‘‘‘‘‘ 1404 Saint Hekna, S. 0., _ _ vmummy atekgf, ggugs B°““f°1$°eT.ii°i:n“<?t?.u1i{¢,‘?‘§. %‘?`}i‘TY°. if?} 207 S m a$*S*;dd,”;° *****8 *° - ***6* seem Jtgw Egrawpa cum, Culpeper · · oun , a. S 0*11 free hat' leather ‘’'`'''''°‘'’ 159 S paynI1en3;>ffé/ougtpéf C|g;'mIdah0Mind;'¤gg to ____ 993 ’ · amt oe atiana orest S,3·;1t;Yj°:1;lmEb,u”,,m, 01:; j{u°,·°h,'u'¤'d'l; ‘’°‘'’°'‘ 126 appropriation for msinténance,’etc., of- . 428, 1098 a pro nation for enforcing use of 28, 627, 839 8****** -1****75 Manda (mdowii sayiiy oflzye at sea, pension mmwd ..- 1262 appmpriatnourhfor representatives at gnter- S °i*,°1;‘;°;’6¢*°•1 ····--·····----·-··----· 1466 natro time erence or- . . 275 aint o iver, Safety of Railway Operation bridge authorized across between Fort appropriation for investbting, etc., sys- Kent, Me., and Clilir, New Bruns- _temstopro1note .., . :..,. 627,839 wick ... : .. 581 dsfimsncy ¤x>pr¤p¤¤¤¤¤ for 1¤V°¤h8**·**1*8i sam John': Bread or Bean, 9*% **Y¤*¤m¤ is PY°¤1°*¤ -·····--·-· 212 on free list .. ; ... 162 Saftty Pm, seam Johns Rim-, rm., . S *1‘—V*Y °¤ ····~·· · ----···--·-----···-·-·-·· 129 approp`ria;utio:,ft¢i:· improvement of, Jackson-

  • 12*0***6* e e ocean .. 37

Sa ***37 **1% ****1 °X*¤1°*· **1 ······—-·····-·-—· 116 for irgproyiemeint of channel, Cumberland {Wn oun an .., . 637 11*)* '°¤» ***1*1 °¥*¤*¥t of ··----·--·-—--·-- · 116 additional aids to navigation, etc., author- S ccske ··------·--··------·····--—-····-- 116 S I izedRon, begoy Jacksonville . 926 » aint ones iter, e ., Sggzgué ········---··· - ···-······--~~-··- 135 improvement of, subject to title to cut·ofi, r , ,·v Bic ... 1051 pensmn increased 1362 Sain, JH I I, Mm S°§,?;;1$K”,§g;,,,.,0 __________ _ _____________ 1348 ¢¤¤<1s¤;¤:t<i ¤¤¤1<>¤sr¤¤t¤dt»G¤¤d Army mo S El" ' •••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••-

 ... 1485 Sam J“**”* *°}[“"'· of

Saginaw 3400, yuh uty on stoc s, etc., , .. . 133 appropriation for improvement oi. 36 ’S""”* J“*'?"€ Gmk N **l“9“""'• Van ,3,90, appropriation for public works 936 S ‘*t£i°..E‘Ti1¤$c'?.$§€‘§Sa£°“§ ‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘“‘ "’“3.ZT. L"“‘{.,"'I¤‘£.¤”]°3."¤'§1‘i.iT'“"f‘i*"‘ °°*"*‘£{"" ai en . e ex n mourn ver, Saint Albans, W Va., Methodist Episcopal Weldon Springs Ending, Mo., by. . 309 ChurchSouth S tLou` , Mo. payment of Court oi Claims to 995 asigpropriztion ’ for asistant treasurer’s Saint Albans, W Va., Saint Mark'; pisoopal omee .,,..,.,,,,,,_,__, 477, 1019 Church, _ for public building, customhouse ... 13 payment of Court of Claims iindings to 995 for expenses of Congremional committees Saint Andrews Qay, Fla., todedicationo Jefferson memorial,- 236 bridge authorized acrog, at Grsmy Point. . 290 for public building, post office .. 826 preliminary exammation, etc., of, to be dedciency apprzpriation for post office _ made . : ... _ 1058 building; ditional equipment, etc. 210 Saint AEI:-ew; Masonic Lodge, Ogntkuma, for Exposition, fuel y'! , lng 6 re ·• ----· ••••····••••- payment of Court of Claims Endings to 970 condemned cannon granted to Army and Saint 4nge Emma wulow) Navy Club 1212 pension increased . ..-... 1508 mail to be carried acrom Mississippi River Saint Ann’a Infant Asylum, D. C'., at, on mileage basis of pay .. 300 approplriation for care of children in 547, 921 payment allowed for special transfer and Saint ir River, M1ph.,_ terminal service at Union Stations, prehmmary examination, etc., of, to be _ East Saint Louis, Ill., and .. 300 Saint ... . .: .. 1060 time §itend§d for bridging Misimippi P¥*¢w¤ , ¤·» * .. . ... 0 appropriation or relief, and investigating condegtidii proceedings, etc., au- 81 _ tribal rights oi. ... eos therizgd __________________ _ ________ 810 Saint Oroixliwer, Me., title of United States to tract in, quit light station_at Dog Island entrance to, claimed to M. Forster Real Estate authorized . 926 Company . 1454