Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/1138

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INDEX. 2441 Washingtogr, [nd., _ _ _ Page. Ware}; Cmggg, page, approprxauon for public building .,,_,,,,., 329 duty qu _________________ _ ______________ 129 condemned cannon granted to Grand Army marking required on ____________________ _ _ 129 p0S¥· .-.·.. 1205 Watch D' ls, Washington {awa. on freewlist, white glass enamel for 157 appropriation for public building .. 829 Watch Movements, etc., Washington Market ompany, D, C., _ duty pn .. , ,.. 129 eficiepycy atpgropgation fprireiunding to 1 Wmgélrsing required on .. 129 nite ts. s rentas rom . 1 43 at , Washington Mgmor-alal éuilding, D. C_, George, duty on ,... . ,,_,,.. 129 uyrgxe extengfd for erection of . . .. 839 W jewels for movements of . . - 129 as ington, 0., afer Color Painti s, deficiency appropriation for public build· duty on, not sperclgially provided for 151 mg ··-·······---—····- - - - · —‘ ··--·-·· 564 Water Colors Washington Monument D, C., { · ’ ¤·g.,·Iml · · · appropriation for care, etc., of grounds 33, 633, 845 Wgzrrgzgyxhzd D_ m’ etc ```` 165 - 0Y Cam and mainllemmcc- ··--··-- 35, 635, 847 appropriation for Waehington Aqueduct for fuel, repairs, etc. . , ... 35, 635, 847 ctc _____________________________ 531 906 for Slmdal ew-, °P°m¤8 ····--··--··- 635, 847 for liltration plant new storehouse , 7l1¤shiay¢<;¤éOl]Vit 729 f etc __,,. és 1, sos erms o - ... · · · wanagum, N. 0., earners vhwa, r$$E“£,‘é’,2`S£fy(lYE,'fT‘Y FTZZZQ1 ZZZZZ'g§i’ S3? payment of Court of 01e¤¤¤ fiyrdmse to ---- 980 for Mcmimm Park Reservoir . 531:907 Waahmgum, N. C., Methodist Epwwpel for uing mrmeis ... . ... 531, 907 Chwch South, , _ for water meters, public institutions, etc. 531 payment of Court of Claims Bndmgs to 980 for Seimas ,_,_,__,,...,.,... 551, 923 Washington, N. C., Pgesgtering Church, for gen8ml'BxPcng“__: ______ I _________ 551, 923 P9·!{1¤9¤t of CQ¤!t 0 C Um ndmgsw ·--· 980 for extending mains, mstalling meters, "Washmgtoin Jyatwnal Fiorest, Wash., etc ______________ _ ______________ 55], 924 appropnatxonifor m&1I1t%118·DC6, 6l3C., Of. 429, 1099 temporary draftsmen, etc ... 552, 925 Waehmgiqn Pamh, L¢_·, temporary laborers, etc 552, 925 may ridge Pearl RIVGI at Boealq usa .. 1222 Water PWM. Plums, Wmhmgt-;°)" ézmlway ami Elmo C°mp'my* provisions for, in grant to San Francisco . · ·* Gal., for water uses ... l 242 extension of tracks on Portland Street from Wow, Rights (8,,8 also Inigauomy g`$h°l° Av°°u° SE' t'° F°“n‘h Smwt ,,24 extension of tige ger payments under recla- ········‘‘‘ 2 '‘‘‘‘‘‘ ; ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘·‘‘ mation ct or. .. . ...,, 686 ‘° "“"£§§‘ 1‘i$§"l°»€2${}§r‘§.}‘1,$§§,;,‘§$;‘; Wm Suzzrly vfghe r»r»e%_s»,m, d seem e¤¤>¤d’¤ eeeke ·—-·--------- 525 “p”'°P,§§§`,EI,°€§1J’§r€2‘§.i§?. £¤i§‘“ ‘° 2%*% 857 Washington Western Jud1h·•k1lD·Lstr1bt, ’. . ’' ’ ’ deiicieagyéxpprogdadgn iorguay of Clinton 219 Wggzgsgz *:;%”;:;·sBnric€ in _ , Gon

  • , owar ,as e acoyu ge .. . ““g“

for pay, Beverley W. Coiner, as de facto VP"°l“°§; --·-·············--···-··- 688 drstricz attorney . . 219 Wam . ¤l1¢v» ““’·· . . f bl. build additional judge agowixd {ori ,_________ 581 deficxeggr appropriation or pu rc - 564 d uble fees, etc., y c er * 0 istrict court ·—····--·~ , -·-··-··~--···-·····•· 0 repealed, from January 1, 1915 . 654 W“l*"’f°"d» V“·· B“P*'·“ Cllurdlr . Bal . · cd » yment of Court of Claims lindmgs to 993 ary, etc., establish 604 Wim . . . . . Waskea Adeline (widow) aterlwk, Va., Pmmtwe Qaptwt Church, penxm increased ’ ________________ 1349 Wpayment of Court of Claims iindirgs to 993 Waste, uu"'- aterloo, Ala., Hzsnonarg Bagtzst hurch, duty 0,,, @,,,,),1, mapélggcgured ___________ Wp;1.y;nen;Vof;}fo1ut ofClB1H1B ndmgs to 964 t rovr or .. .. aeroo, ._ ., _ _ _ ounaeglliggilcdttldn ... Wappropdationlforopublnc building . 829 tt b ,f king a r aterman _Char es ., §,Z,,3l‘s§‘5i',f’f?..?T.?T? HF'? rw Wpsns0n}ubr,.,,_esd ..., mt gil ·_ _ ,__,,__,,__,,,,,,,,.,, . ,.,,. 162 aterproo 0 , W W, Mill, ‘ duty on, cotton, etc __,,.,_,__,, , _______,, 139 din free list, cotton bagging made from 154 , Waters, Jaynes E., Waste Paper, Exemtwp Departmmts, Fypension increased ,. . .._,, 1345 d°‘*“‘°r§"",r{*"*"°""“"°“ ‘°’ °""°“’°” °f rs l “”§?,;,!;§’l'2`% com of cram arena to ad 91* mg ---·-····--·-------------- ~ , pa _ _ D - __ WMM, WOOZ, » mérmstratgr of _____ _ _______________ 9,7 f ee list, bur, not specially rovided for. 164 Waters, Mineral, etc., _ _ (mcalrd. not specially provided)f9r _ . 1 6} I duty $$1 °Y artificial -—--··---·-—-· 137 garnetted, not_ ec1ally_prov1ded tor. .- 160 Waters, 0 , _ _ noils. not ecia ly rovided for 164 I yment of Court of Claims lindmgs to 989 not specially providxdd for .. 165 Wgliers, Shadrach. thread. not specially provided for . . 151 l Wpension increased 1497 top. not specially provided for . 164 i aters. Thomas B,. _ _ rine. not specially rovided for . 164 l payment of Court of Claims findings to rowdne. not speciallg provided for ... 164 · heir . . . 974 slubbine. not specially provided for. . . . 164 Watersheds of Navigahle Streams qsee Conservayam, ndt specially provided for. , .. 164 tion of Navigable Streams).