Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/428

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CONVENTION—INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY. JUNE 2, 1911. 1645 Convention between the United States and other Powers, for the protec— ’¤¤° **9*1- _ tion of industriafllzgwoperty. Signed at Washington, Jane 2, 1911; ratification advis by the Senate, Februa 6, 1912; ragied by the President, June 20, 1912; rati tions at ashington, April 1, 1913,- proclaimed, A 29, 1913. BY THE Pnnsmnm or THE Umrnn STATES or- Ammzron. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas a Convention for the protection of industrial pro ertyr mglrctecticgx ofindus and revising the Paris Convention of March 20, 1883, as modijgd by r¤·g¤iii$e.y` the additional Act sigped at Brussels on December 4, 1900, was concluded and signed y the Plenipotentiaries of the United States of America and certain other Powers, members of the International Union for the Protection of Industrial Proqprty, at Washington on the second day of June, one thousand nine undred and eleven, the original of which Convention, being in the French language, is word for word as follows: UNION INTERNATIONALE mon ui ‘ ‘ PROTECTION DE LA PROPRIETE INDUSTRIELLE CONVENTION D’UNlON DE PARIS "°‘·”·°· DU 20 MARS 1883 poun LA PROTECTION DE LA PROPRIETE INDUSTRIELLE REVISEE E1 Bruxelles le I4 Décembre 1900 et B Washington le Z I9I I V°*·3”» P- *936- SA MAJESTE UEMPEREUR D’ALLEMAGNE, ROI DE °°¤*”°“¤¤ I’°°'°’° PRUSSE, AU NOM DE L’EMPIRE ALLEMAND; SA MAJESTE IJEMPEREUR D’AUTRICHE, ROI DE BOHEME, ETC. ET ROI APOSTOLIQUE DE HONGRIE POUR UAUTRICHE ET POUR LA HONGRIE; SA MAJESTE LE ROI DES BELGES; LE PRESIDENT DES ETATS—UNIS DU BRESIL; LE PRESI- DENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE DE CUBA; SA MAJESTE LE ROI DE DANEMARK; LE PRESIDENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE DOMINICAINE; SA MAJESTE LE ROI D’ESPAGNE; LE PRESIDENT nns ETATEUNIS D’AMERIQU'E; LE PRESL DENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE FRANQAISE; SA MAJESTE LE ROI DU ROYAUME-UNI DE LA GRANDE-BRETAGNE ET [N0·rm.—TmnsI2.tion follows, on p. 36.] ' 96497°—vor. 38—·r··r 2--27