Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/498

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RADIOTELEGRAPHIC CONVENTION. JULY 5, 1912. 1715 II. Note is taken of the following declaration: The Delegation of the Unite States declares that its vernment gmd ¤!=¤¢¤¤· is under the necessity of abstaining from all action witgoregard to ¤a:°m°°° °° °° rates, because the transmission of radiograms as well as of ordinary telegrams in the United States is carried on, wholly or in part, by commercial or private companies. HI. Note is likewise taken of the following declaration: The Government of Canada reserves the right to fix arately, §¥,'§§{},?“mm ,,, ,0 for each of its coastal stations, a total maritime rate for itgiograms ¤¤=¤~ proceedingl from North America and destined for anzlship whatever, the coasta rate amounting to three-fifths and the s `pboard rate to two—§fths of the total rate. ‘ In witness whereof the respective plenipotentiaries have drawn up P,,,°,?c‘}§‘_* °‘ °""“‘“ the present Final Protocol, which shall be of the same force and effect as though the provisions thereof had been embodied in the text of the Convention itself to which it has reference, and they have s' ed one cop of the same, which shall be de osited in the archives olgllhe British (government, and a copy of which shall be transmitted to each of the Parties. Done at London, July 5, 1912. For Germany and the German Protectorates: “‘“““‘“‘ B. Konnnmz O. Wscnmxrmm Dn. Kam. Sranoimn Scrmanmz Gomsoii D1:. Erm. Krauss FIELITZ For the United States and the possessions of the United States: Jomw R. Enwlums JN0. Q. W.n.·r0N Wums L. Moonm Loms W. Ausrm Gnonez Owmw Scmmn Even: Rvssm. C. McK. Sanrzmm Davm Woosrmz Tomi Jomw Hays Hsmroma, Jr. Wnnsrmz W. D. Tnmzmr. Jour: I. Wammmmr. For Argentine Republic: VICENTE J. Doumeimz. For Austria: Dr. Farm Rrrrmz Waermn vox Jamzmeo. F H Dr. RUDOLF Rrrrmz Sum. v. Osrnnm. or unga : ry Cmnnns FOLLPKBT Dr. me Hnmrrmr For Bosnia·Herzeg0vina: H. Goremcmz, G. M. A1>01.1>H Damivenn A. Cicom Romano Vro.