Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/499

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17].6 RADIOTELEGRAPHIC CONVENTION. JULY 5, 1912. Signatums—C0utd. For Belgium: J. BANNEUX DELnmE For Belgian Congo: Ronmzzr B. Gonnscmnrrr. For Brazil: Dr. Fmmorsco Bmemmo For Bulgaria: Iv. S·1·0YA1~10v1rou. For Chile: C. E. Rxcxaxm. For Denmark: N. MEYER J. A. Vorrrz R. N. A. FABEB F E · T. F. Kumar. or t: gyp J. S. Lu>nELL. For Spain and the Spanish Colonies: Jacorso Gaizcm Roman JUAN DE Cananm Y Garmmo Jacmm Lannanon ANTONIO °NIET0 Tomas FERNANDEZ Qummua J.u:uE JANER Ronmsou. For France and Algeria: A. Fizovm. For French West. Africa: A. Ducrmzm. For French Equatorial Africa: A. Ducrrimm. For Indo China: A. Ducnamz. For Madagascar: A. Ducrrmm. For Tunis: E1-. nm Fmwoum. For Great Britain and the various Brithh Colonies and Protectorates: H. Baamoron Smrm E. W. FARNALL E. Ch.uu.•roN G. M. W. MAcn0N0on For Union of South Africa: Rrcuann SOLOMON. For Australian Federation: CHAELES Bmorrr. For Canada: G. J. Dmsnamrs. For British India: H. A. Kmx. F. E. Dnmasrmz. For New Zealand: C. WRAY PALLISEB. For Greece: C. Dosros.