Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/712

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INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION—OPIUM. JANUARY 23, 1912. 1929 [Tra¤slatb¤ used by the Senate.] INTERNATIONAL OPIUM CONVENTION. His Majestg the German Emperor, King of Prussia in the name of °°¤°¤°“¤¤ *’°W¤¤- the German mjigire; The President of the United States of America; His Majesty the mperor of China· The President of the French Regublic; His Majesty the King oi the United Kingdom of Great ritam and Ireland and of the British Dominions be ond the Seas, Emperor of India; His Majesty the King of Italy; Majesty the Emperor of Japan; Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands; His Imperial Majesty the Shah of Persia; the President of the Portu- @1836 Replub `c; His Majesty the Emperor of All the Russias; His ajesty the King of Siam _ being desirous to take one step further in the way marked out by the International Commission at Shanghai in 1909; resolved to pursue procgressive suppression of the abuse of opium, morphine, cocaine as w as drugs prepared or derived from these substances giving rise or which may give rise to analogous abuses; taking into consideration the necessity and the mutual proiit of an international understanding on this point; being convinced that they will meet in this humanitarian effort the imanimous adhesion of all the nations interested, have resolved to conclude a Convention for this purpose and have appointed as their Plenipotentiaries, to wit: . His Majesty the German Emlperor, King of Prussia: · ""*¤’°*°‘*'“'- His Excellency Mr. Félix de Mu er His preunt Privy Counsellor, His Envoy Extraordinary and Plempotentiary at The H|;_·)€¤0§ Mr. elbriick, His Superior Privy Counsellor; ` Dr. Grimenwald, His Counsellor of Legation; Drbdlgerp, His Privy Counsellor, Director at The Imperial Health 06} Dr. Rossler, Imperial Consul at Canton. _ President of the United States of America: Bishpip Charles H. Brent; Dr. amilton Wright; Mr. H. J. Finger. HB Majesty the Emperor of China: His Excellency Mr. Liang Cheng, His Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiaiymat Berlin; The President of the nch Republic: _ Mr. Hem·y Brenier, Inspector of the Agricultural and Commercial Services of Indo—China; _ _ _ Mr. Pierre Guesde, Administrator of the Civil Services of Indo-China. His Ma`esty the K` ¤· of the United Kingdom of Great Britam and ireland andmvtihe British Domin1ons Beyond the Seas, Emperor of India: _ The Right Honorable Sir Cecil Clementi Smith, G. C. M. G., Member of the Pri Council; Sir Williamvgtevenson Meyer, K. C. I. E., Chief Secretary of the Government of Madras; Mr. Grenfell Max-Muller, C. B., M. V. O., His Counsellor of Em ass ; Sir Job Collins, M. D., Deputy Lieutenant of the County of London. His Majesty the King of Italy: _ His Excellency Count J. Sallier de la Tour, Dulce of Calvello, His llilmbassador Extraordinary and Mimster Plempotentiary at The ague.