Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/713

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1930 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION-—OP1"UM. JANUARY 23, 1912. C P1·;_ip8<;;¤¤¤i¤ri·¤— His Majest the Emperor of Japan: _ _ °”° ° His Exiellency Aimaporiatg His Envoy Extraordmary and Mm- ' t te ti a 0 e; Dr]?'l9;mo(;nlPa(l:ag1i, Elrggineer of tllgu General Government of Formosa.;

   echnical Specialist attached to the Laboratory

0 He5i ty thlfllpeen of the Netherlands: _ _ Mr. J.£).l‘&tcC‘i.·1eg0er, Her do(1j}mer Minister of the Colomes, President of the ; MréC. T5. van ll-xglictlar, lllelxxhlliaerryof the First Chamber of the States 61* 3 Mr. GX. A. de Jongh, Former Insppctor General and Chief of the Opium Ré 'e Service in the Dutc Indies- MrG6J. Sclieurer, Member of the Second Chamber of the States ner ; Mr. G. van Wettum, Inspector of the Opium Régie in the Dutch

 Majesty the Shah of Persia:

Miéza Mdumud Khan, Secretary. of the Persian Legation at The · .-Ellkesident of the Port¤.§uese Republic: , ' His Excellency Mr. Antonio aria Bartholomeu Ferreira, Envoy . Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary at The Hague; His Majesty the King of all l§ll.Q_Rl188l&B2 ’ _ His Excellency Mr. Alexandre Sung, His Master of Ceremoni H1s_present Counsellor of State, Envoy Extraordinary mi

 Plempphtentiary ?t§tockholm. i .    

a'est e King' 0 iam: , His Excel1ehcy{’hya Akharaj Varadhara, His Envoy Extraordinary and Mimster Plem8o t London, The Hague and Brussels; Mr. Wm. J. Archer, . M. G., Counsellor of Legation. Who after having degosited their full powers which have been found to be in good and ue form are agree to that which follows: Cuarrma I. ummm. Raw opium. mmm Ddnition. By raw opium shall be understood: The spontaneously coagulated sap obtained from capsules of the soponficgaoppy (Papaver sommferum), and whichshall not have been su Jecte to any but the processes necessary to the packing and the transportation thereof. A-md ' e 1. 1·?•°g°°¤¤¤*P¤* TheContrac' Po shall t Hiac' dsl regu] ti dmm' ul for the_contro1tgfgthe grcdductionegild dtistiiibdlion bgag opiurh, ill: less exmting laws or regulations have already regulated the matter. Article 2. _ram¤u¤e·um- TheContraotmg` P ,tal¤.n§' `toaccountth diff ' '”°‘ their trade conditions:) limit thelhlumber of town; porglinrcgsthx places through which the importation or exportation of raw opium shall be permitted. Aw I 3 ic e . irtqgumum ¤r ox- The Contracti.n€1Powers shall take measures: ‘ ’° mi a. to prevent the exportation of raw o ium to countries which “ shall have prohibited the entry thereof, andp hub. the exportatioph of ragv opium to countries which shall ve _ e importation ereo , Unless existing measures have already regulated the matter.