Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/306

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SIXTY—FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 209. 1916. 285 For extension of locker room and toilet facilities, $23,000; For one lumber storage shed, $5,000; For the construction of storage platforms in large gun shop, $1,500; For one railroad car for shi ing sixteen-inch and fourteen-inch gms between Watervliet and Iwatertown Arsenals and the Sandy ook Proving Ground, $14,000; . ' In all, $803,700. Repairs of arsenals: For repairs and improvement at arsenals, and R°P°*"· °‘°· to meet such unforeseen expenditures as accidents or other contingencies during the year may render necessary, including $150,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for machinery for manufacturing purposes in the arsenals, $350,000. QUARTERMASTEB conrs. Q“°"*'m¤¤°°*°°¤‘v¤ Military posts: For the construction and enlargement at military Miliwry ppm. posts of such buildings as in the judgment of the Secretary of War °°°’°"’°"°”*°*°‘ ma be necessary, inc uding the inst ation therein of plumbing and of lieating and liglhting apparatus; but no part of this sum shall be R°’°""“°“‘ used for the purc ase of and for construction of buildings at Coast Artillery posts, nor for the establishment of any disciplinary barracks, $127,000. Military Post, Schofield Barracks, Hawaii: Toward the construe- H§;*;g,¤¤¤d B¤¤¤¢k¤» tion undlelr a contract or contrapts which a1·•i_a1;1thorized, or citherwise, ' at a tot cost not exceeding' 2,077,000, 0 the necessary uildmgs` water and sewer systems, roads, walks, and so forth, re%uired to com; plete permanent accommodations not already provide for two regiments of Infantry, one regiment of Cavalry, and one regiment of Field Artillery, $1,000,000. Barracks and quarters, seacoast defenses: For construction and m!;¤¤¤¢¤ :¤:,¤!¤¤=¤- enlargement of barracks and iiparters for the Coast Artillery and other ’ ° °m°°° buildings in connection with the adopted project for seacoast defenses including the installation therein of plumbing and of heating and lighting apparatus, to be expended as in the judgment of the Secretary of War may be necessary, $420,000: Provided, That no part of this {)’;gv*~¤;5· { sum shall be used for the construction of officcrs’ quarters to cost in °°'° qw °"" excess of the limits established in the sundry civil a pro riation Act V¤¤- 35. ¤· W- approved May twenty-seventh, nineteen hundred andieigdltz Provided Sw 1’·<i¤>· W- further That of the amount herein appropriated $383,000, or as much thereof as may be necessary, shall be expended for the necessary buildings, including heating, lighting, and plumbing systems, roads, and walks, water and sewer systems, and so forth, re uired for the accommodation of four companies of Coast Artillery at San Pedro, California. Fort Monroe, Virginia, wharf, roads, and sewer: Fm M¤¤r<>•.Va For repair and maintenance of wharf, including all necessary labor Wharfand material therefor, fuel for waiting rooms, an water, brooms, and shovels, $2,430; repairs to apron 0 wharf, including all necessary labor and material therefor, $3,930; whar1inger,'$900;~ four laborers, $1,920; in all, $9,1 80; for one-third of said sum, to be supphed by the United States, $3,060 _ For 'rakes, shovels, and brooms; repairs to roadway, pavements, °,§°P’“” ‘° '°“’*· macadam and asphalt block; repairs to street crossings; to street drains, $2,170; six laborers cleaning roads, at $480 eac ; in all $5,050; for two-thirds of said sum, to e supplied by the United States, $3,366.66. _ _ For waste, oil, boiler repairs, sewer pipe, cement,br1ck, and supplies, S°"‘“’ “‘“"‘°""“°°* $1,400; two engineers, at $1,000 each; two laborers, at $500 eac ; in all, $4,400; for two-thirds of said sum, to be supphed by the United States, $2,933.33.