Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/307

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286 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 209. 1916. B°°°?°“d°‘°”°’- For continu` construction of the necessa accommodations for wgilmppims and Hal the Seacoast Auritgillery in the Philippine Island}-; and Hawaii, and for tem cantonments for over-sea garrisons, $69,000. _ _ £"*,§*,gg{§;v’j,}$l';€‘§id at the mternal-revenue taxes imposed by the Philippine Legislawnpaeemxes laws ot ture under the law enacted by that odg on December twenty-first, "°'°"°‘ nineteen hundred`and fifteen,_as amende by the law enacted by that body on February fourth, mneteen hundred and sixteen, and the tonn tax on vessels engaged in foreign trade enacted by that body on Fiibiiuary fourth, nineteen hundred and sixteen, are hereby lega - €<>¤¤¢¤°¤· °*°· ized and ratified, and the collection of all such taxes heretofore or hereafter is hereby legallgzeild, ratifipghaand confiimedfsas fully tag all intents and purposes as the same y prior ct o ongress en s cificall authorized and directed. fggiégvggda ,jg¤;¤*,gn_ Ptlfesselsbwned by citizens of the Philippine Islands and documented mg.»m.l°ugm ems. as such b the vernment of said islands shall hereafter be exempt in ports of, the I§ri)ited States from payment of tonnage taxes and hg t dues; and the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized, upon R¤f¤¤d°*P°Y¤¤¤¤*¤· certificatiopl by the Commissislner of Navigation, fao refund, out of ang mone in the reasury noto erwisea pro riate , tonnage taxes an light dues imposed upon vessels owned) and) documented as aforesaid enterirgg ports of the United States since August first, nineteen Qfffé tu", m, hundr and fourteen: Prmrided, That nothing contained herein f¤r¤•¤- shall be construed as exempting said vessels from any taxes or dues _ imposed by the government of the Phili pine Islands. National cemeteries § . . P . . . Mm,,,,m,,,,_ · yrroxnr, cmmrmzmsz For mamtaining and improving national cemeteries including fuel for su rintendents, ay of laborers and _ other employees, purchase of tool; and materials, $120 000. S“"°“"°°"°°"“· S Opay of seventy-six superintendents of national cemeteries, . 6 7 ’ §‘§‘§,?§,',§'g_N·°· For the addition of a kitchen and bathroom to the lodge in the Salisbury National Cemetery, to be erected under thesupervision of the Secretary of War, $1,500. S0§,§j‘S?§,Q$§Sf’s ‘° Fspl cogtxniarpg thsewglp of furnisiindg headstopes of durable stone oro er ura ema ri or unmar e aves o Union and Confederate soldiers, sailors, and marines in naiiional, post, city, town, and WI U P 545 vol txgllagye segegagzrses, nagaluciemgteriis st navy (yardsl arg stapions og zo, fzsi; ven. $4, Z 9 m_ e a es, an o er uri aces u.n er the cts o Marc ai. P P third, eighteen hundred and seventygthreei February third, eighteen $.,i.¤r§.i.,$_ W V I hundred and seventy-nme, and March ninth, nineteen hundred and

sh; *’· ·· *· "· six; ccrntrnuipigi the_work of furnishing headstones for unmarked

graves of cr ans interred in post cemeteries under the Acts of ,.,_,,,__,m,&<_ April twenty-eight, nineteen hundred and four, and Jime thirtieth, nineteen hundred and six; and furnishing headstones for the unmsrkegl graves of gggfgggrate soldiers, sailors, and marines in na ion cerne cries, , . _

·>¤j·s¤·>¤>¤¤“‘=·>‘~- 1<or repairs to roadways to national cemeteries which have been

Exgjéghmengs by constrfrrcted by special authority of Congress, $12,000; Provided, That railroads wetness. no rar oads s al be permitted upon the right of wa which may have been acquired by the United States to a national cemetery, or to Hesmcmnl encroach uplon any roads or walks constructed thereon and maintained by the United States: Provided further, That no part ·of this sum shal be used for repairing any roadway not owned by the United mmm tt) me States within the corporate limits of any city, town, or village. preach, ‘ No part of any appropriation for national cemeteries or the repair oi roadways thereto shall be expended in the maintenance of more Bmw mndigtm! t an a single approach to any national cemetery. seriss,n,r _ For expenses of burying rn the Arlmgton National Cemetery, or in the cemeteries of the District of Columbia, indigent ex-Union soldiers, ex-sailors, or ex—mar·mes of the United States service, either regular or vo unteer, who have been honorably discharged or retired and who