Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/164

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1354 SI.XTY·FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ons. 334, 335. 1916. A§¤¤é·u2h1¤t¤. cnn. $$4.-an Ae: For the relief of W. W. Blood. , {Prime. Nc. M-] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rrlergiresentatives of the United W W States of America in Congress assembled, at the Secretary of the r·.{ymé$l°¤3.d' Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay, out of any money in the 'l‘reasury of the United States not otherwise appropriated, to W. W. Blood, of Greenville, Plumas County, California th; sum golf g43gi§,fin fall Iggment for all wgrkétnd litlgar done and pe orm y or e vernment o the United States or its or?]<iial rIepresent(;)tives a(t)a1ili1fe India? schoo}1 near Greenvillei1In(c?·a15 ey, umas unty, ornia, ming the year nineteen un e and seven. Approved, August 11, 1916. A A t11,`l916. CHAP. 885.-An Act To adiudicate the chime of certain settlers in Sherman WR- *3*-7 Cmmty, Oregon. ., [Private, 1%.93.] _ _ _ _ Be tt enacted tlge Senate and House 0; I;1¥;ese·ntat·t·ves cy" the United 0§,§f""""‘ °°‘""" States of America tn_Congress assem , t the Secretary of they 1,3 mg _ amp ffreasmzyrbe, and he is hereby, authorized to pg, out of any mon:3 taxn eispaemsee m the easury not officrwnse approlpnated, e following seve· "°‘"“‘°°°"°“ “‘· gg-if money t0_ the trhespective c aingants, tfheir hegxs, or reprwentatives; e amount to e pai to eac sett er ' Hwy Hm begs, Iggal representatives; ’» _ 0 arry , 1,255. _ 5:*; E· P‘f"°"· To Hiram E. Powell, deceased, $2,000. »»‘1¤~¢‘?-2?“‘ ¥°8¤S·€1%*s¥sa» **002- 1 _ ‘ ‘ 0 avi . u , ecease , $1,440.' Elms J. Powell. • L·=·¤~ ¤· Hm- $3 il.1I€§.'l‘1l°i1v1`ii{’ ;§6€i5` §;;_;;g{g0ugh_ To Alva B._Cmtt, $1,290. may-imag Hm To Benjamin E._ Dougherty, $1,600. mm Hjmmlemsr go }`heron 511]], deceasiad, $2,000. ~»~·~ ¤;~»s~·-·» Tg 1”i.‘Q.‘ii.m‘B. §.;§$2; ?$$’»·?»"Q"»··» f° §%§“{. ’:£‘Z§S·§‘1‘8°;. 3.. · · o a e . a es , .

l‘;*B°L°‘;;;; $0 liens Yfg%0l‘, $1 ,580.

. • ’ •) ¤~··»~· ¤··¤- Tg Charles K. £{‘.a,’;1?§8t. °··°· "· Hm To Grace T. Hill, $1,625. 1 ’°**¤ ¤· Cm To John B. Coon $1 496.41

        • 1 F·S· ¤·~=*··¤» To Merit F. s. Hentdn: $1,500.
Léxfnm- 'rgo §1ober§Li;Al1ison, $1,618.

“°“**°¤ D- =““=‘°¤· Tg R:1ll§en'D.r2v1l1¥gol1{’;li50.

;Sxg·;‘°“r’!;h;l’;" $0 li/'xiarren Digslarsgilall, $1,970.

‘ ‘ o - astasse erm t, $1,460. ??'€“`?1’“$i»» 'f°§°E l%·“‘“€?11?§’L°°· U.!} l . . 0 0 . , 800. Ejgijgh gl T0 Diedrich Patjens, deceased, $850. Gfwge glgimigoni To Ellen E. Mclleod, now Ellen E. Somer, $800. Hwy Nmmi "{"0 George al. Sungson, $800. (-,6,,,0,,5 W_ mp o Henry lachan , $800. chggink Watkins To Cascious W. _Faircl1jld, $855. mmm Dwgb;mv_ To Watkins, deceased, $560. AEN H com ‘ To W1H1am Daugherty, deceased, $1,039. ' To Alice M. Coats, deceased, $570.