Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/165

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SIXTY-FOURTH cosonnss. snsn. 1. ons. ass, 556. 1916. 1355 To Thomas J. Farra, deceased, $1,760. '*"h°¤*” J- Fm- T0 Edgar G. Messinger, $1,760. Edgar cnuasinger. To Louisa M. Clements, $1,600. L°“*“* M·C‘°m°°*s·. To George D. Clements, $1,605. °°°'¥° D·C‘°¤*°¤°S~ To William Kmsew, $1,899.72. W¤"·¤=· K¤e¤·=·-~ To Thomas F. Cochran, $300. “*°m“ F·C°°b¤*¤· To George Meader, $2,000. G°°'8° “°°<'°*· To William H_ Andrews, $2,000. Wllll8I11H.Al1d.I’%WS. To Charlie W. Barzee, $1,900. Ch““°W·B°”°°· To Joel H. Reed, deceased, $1,370. J°°l H- Rm- To John O. Powell, $1,400. Mm O- *’°”°“- To Abrahan C. Huff, $1,400. Abmhm C- Hm- To John D. Wilcox, $1,200. J°h¤ D- W“°°¤· To Eugene W. Garlick, $1,400. E“g°“° W- G°’“°"·_ To Goodrich D. Boardman, $700. ,,,§‘,,‘{°d’*°" D- B°°"*‘ To Elisha T. Vallandingham, $1,080. _ Elislm T- V¤¤1¤¤<1· To Frank A. Sagm, $1,900. mi-liinlné .4. sam. To William S. owell, as transferee of George W. Mark, $1,590. W“""'“ S· P°"°“· To Thomas Macken, $1,120. T“°‘”“ M“°*°°· To James Macken, $1,200. ’°“'°’ “°°"°”· To Joeb M. Powell, deceased, $2,000. ’°°b M· P°‘”°"· To Leon V. Moore, $1,540. ”°°“V·M°°’°· To Fred Krusow, $1,255. Fm K'“*°"- To Uriah Serviss, $2,000. U’i“h S°"’—”· To Alexander Scott, $1,350. ’“°‘”‘“d°' S°°“- To Thomas Walsh, deceased, $480. Th°m“ w“m" To Johan Janssen, $1,550. ’°*-°°’“““°- To Elmer F. Heath, $1,600. Emu F' H°°th‘ To John Fulton, $1,200. ‘°‘“* F“"‘“* To Carl Peetz, $2,000. C°“Y°°u' . To John W. Messinger, $2,000. mm wZ]l°$mg°r` In all, $94,648.13, which amount is hereb appropriated, and the ‘“’”°""“°'°'"°”‘ Secretary of the Interior is authorized and directed to make the payments to the claimants herein named and provided for by his Pmm warrant upon the Treasury of the United States: Provided, That no Amm•iv’s.•¤¤.¤¤•¤. agent, attorney, Erm of attomeys, or any persons engaged heretofore "‘°d°°°°‘ or hereafter in preparing, presenting, or prosecuting this claim shall, directly or indirectly, receive or retain for such service in preparing, presenting, or prosecuting such claim, or for any act whatsoever in connection therewith an amoimt greater than five per centum of the amoimt allowed under this bill to the person for w om he has Mmmm acted as agent or attornriyz Provided further, That no purchaser or “ assignee oi? the claims o any of the said claimants shall receive therefor a greater amount than was paid to the claimant for his assignment. Approved, August 11, 1916. A1§ust11,1916. CHAP. 336.-An Act For the relief of Doctor E. E. Johnson. [Private, No. 94.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House <g`Rr1e£resentatives of the United F E hm States of America in Congress assemble , at the Secretary of the ;¢.;,.,5Z§tt.,f’“‘ Treasur be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay to Doctor E. Johnson, of Cortez, Colorado, out of any money in the »[‘reas · not otherwise aléprogriated, the sum of $512, for expenses incurrueltl and services ren ere as physician and surgeon to injured members of de uty marshals in the arrest of renegade Indians at Bluff City, Utah). Approved, August 11, 1916.