Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/422

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TREATY-PARAGUAY-PEAGE. Aoousr 29, 1914. 1615 Treaty between the United States and Paraguay for the advancement of —‘—“F“S* 2°» *91* general Scgned at Aeuncion, August 29, 1914; ratajicatrbn admeed y the Senate, October 22, 1914; ratyied by the Presulent, October 26, 1914; ratified by Paraguay, March 9, 1915; ratiications exchanged at Asuncabn, March 9, 1915; proclaimed March 17, 1915. BY rm: Pnnsmmrr or rmt Unrrnn Srrarms or Ausmoa. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas a Treaty between the United States of America and the ,,g$'3°§P"" *’°""°· P"' Republic of Paraguay looking to the advancement of the cause of P’°°¤b*°- general peace was concluded and s@ed by their res ective Pleni— potentiaries at Asuncion on the twentiminth day of An st, one thousand nine hundred and fourteen, the original of whiciu treaty, being in the English and Spanish languages, is word for word as follows: · TREATY OF PEACE TRATADO DE PAZ _ between the United States of eutre_ los Estados Unidos de America and the Republic of América y la Repiblica del Paraguay Paraguay 'gh®hUnii{ted S){ziatesfo;’ America de América °°'“"°““‘ P°"°”· an e eu co aragua,yaep cae aragua,en being desiroiis to strengthen tds el deseo de fortallecer los vinydulos bon s of ami‘tL0that bind them de amistad que los unen y tamtogether and to advance the bién fomentar la causa de la Paz cause of general peace, have re- Elneral, han resuelto celebrex un solved to enter into a treaty for atado con ese objeto, a cuyo fin that purpose and to that end han nombrado como sus Plenipohave appointed as their plenipo- tenciarios: tentiariesz _ THE PRESIDENT OF THE EL PRESIDENTE DE LOS “°""’°“"“‘"°’· UNITED STATES, HIS EX- ESTADOS UNIDOS, a SU EX- CELLEN CY DANIEL F. CELENCIA DANIEL F. MOON EY, Envoy Extraordinary MOONEY, _ Enviado Extraordiand Minister Plempotentiary;and nano y Muustro Plenipotenciario, THE PRESIDENT OF PARA- EL PRESIDENTE DEL PAR- GUAY HIS EXCELLENCY D. AGUAY a SU EXCELENCIA MANUEL GONDRA, Minister of DON MANUEL GONDRA, Mi- Foreing Relations; nistro de Relaciones Exteriores; Who, after havin communi- Quienes, después de haberse cated to each other gheir respeo- comunicado sus respectivos Pletive full powers, found to be in nos_Poderes, que encontraron en proper form, have agreed upon debida forma, han convenido en the following articles: los articulos siguientes: ARTICLE I ARTICULO I The high contracting parties Las Altas Partes Contratantes m§Qfjg°**;§)‘°I‘,;;§*,;';j agree that all disputes between convienen que todaslas cuestiones tional Qouimisswu them, of every nature whatsoever, entre ellas, de cualquier natura- {3'p,,§Y°°°"°"°° °”°