Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/462

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TREATY—HAITI. SEPTEMBER 16, 1915. 1655 The President of the United Le President des Etats—Unis, *’*°°*P°°°°“"*°* States, Robert Beale Davis, Jun- Monsieur Robert Beale Davis, 1or, Charge d’Aifaires of the Jr., Charge d’Affaires des Etats- United States; Unis; And the President of the Re- Et le President de la Re ubpublic of Haiti, Louis Borno, lique d’Haiti, Monsieur Secretary of State for Foreign Borno,. Secrétaire d’Etat des Re- Aifairs and Public Instruction, lations Extérieures et do l’In— who, having exhibited to each struction Publi ue, les uels s’ét— other their respective powers, ant communi uz leurs plleins pouwhich are seen to be full in od voirs respectig, trouvés en borme and true form, have agreegoas et due forme, ont convenu de ce follows :— qui suit: Article I Article I The Government of the United Le Gouvernement des Etats- °°°‘? ‘?“°°“ States will, by its good offices, aid Unis, par ses bons offices, aidera wma mm of Hm" the Haitian Government in the le Gouvernement d’Haiti 5. deproper and efficient development velopper eiiicacement ses resof its agricultural, minera and sources agricoles, minieres et commercial resources and in the commercia es et a établir sur imo establishment of the finances of base solide les finances Hai- Haiti on a firm and solid basis. tiennes. Article II Article H The President of Haiti shall Le President d’Haitiinommera H§,§2;;§‘Qus*§§,‘;?§“ °' appoint, upon nomination by the sur la pro ition du President President of the United States, a des Etats-Siiis, un Receveur gen- General Receiver and such aids eral et tels aides et employes qui D““°°· and employees as may be neces- seront jugés nécessaires pour resa.ry, who shall collect, receive and couvrer, recevoir et appliquer apply all customs duties on im- tous les droits de douane, tant a ports and exports accruing at the Yimportation qu’a Yexportation, several custom houses and ports provenant des diverses douanes of entry of the Republic of et ports d’ent.rée de la Repub- Haiti. li¥e d’Haiti. The President of Haiti shall e President d’Haiti nom- H§§”,:_§’°(§*§,Q§,fg§‘j;,{° appoint, upon nomination by the mera, en outre, sur la proposition President of the United States, a du President des Etats-Unis, im FinancialAdviser, who shall bean Conseiller Financier, qui sera un officer attached to the Ministry of fonctionnaire attaché au Min- Finance, to `ve effect to whose istére des Finances, auquel le pro osals andl labors the Minister Secrétaire d’Etat pretera une aid willplend efficient aid. The Fi- efiicace pour la realisation de ses _ nancial Adviser shall devise an travaux: Le Conseiller F inan- D“*“·°*°· adequate system of public ac- cier élaborera 1m_systeme adé- counting, aid in increasing the quat de comptabrlité publique, revenues and adjusting them to aidera it Paugmentation des revethe expenses, in uire into the nus et 5. leur ajustement aux dé- validity of the deibts of the Re- penses, enquétera sur la validite public, enlighten both Govern- des _ dettes de la Rzifpblique, ments with reference to all even- éclairera les deux uvernetual debts, recommend improved ments relativement a toutes methods of collecting and apply- dettes eventuelles, recommaninv the revenues, and make such dera des methodes erfectionother recommendations to the nées d’encaisser et dlappliquer Minister of Finance as may be les revenus et fera au Secrétaire deemed necessary for the welfare d’Etat des Finances telles autres and prosperity of Haiti. recommendations qui peuvent étre jugées nécessarres au bien- étre et a la prospérité d’Haiti.