Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/511

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 the general dates and limitations elsewhere prescribed in this

Convention for the respective groups to which these birds belong. Anrrorm IV. S*’°°i“' *"°‘°°"‘”‘ The High Contracting Powers agree that s ecial protection shall be adm given the wood duck and the cider duck either (1) by a close season extending over a period of at least five years, or (2) by the establishment of refugee, or (3) by such other regulations as may be deemed appropriate. Anrrcux V. mN,,°“,,,,,'“ ‘“‘“ °“’ *"°' The t of nests or of migrato game or insectivorous or nongam shall be pro0§§ited, exceptlzir scientific or propagating purposes under such laws or regulations as the High Contracting owers may severally deem appropriate. - A;a·rrcmr VI. R°‘“"",,,,,,,,*°“ °{ "‘*°' The High Contracting Powers agree that the shi ment or export mud of migratory birds or their eggs from any State or Province, durin the continuance of the close season in such State or Province, shag be prohibited except for scientific or propagating purposes, and the international traffic in any birds or eggs at such time captured, killed, taken, or shiplpled at any time contrary to the laws 0 the State or Province in w `ch the same were captured, killed, taken, or shipped shall be likewise prohibited. Every package containing migrate bir·ds or any parts thereof or any eggs of migratory birds transportez or offered for transportation from the United States into the Dominion of Canada or from the Dominion of Canada into the United States, shall have the name and address of the shi per and an accurat; statement of the contents clearly marked on tihe outside of such pac age. - ' Arrrrcrn VII. · ,$L"b‘§’,,,§f km '°‘ Permits to kill any of the above-named birds which, under ex—• traordinary conditions, may become seriously injurious to the agricultural or other interests in any {particular community, may be issued by the proper authorities o the High Contracting Powers under suitable regulations prescribed therefor gy them respectively, but such permits shall lapse, or may be cancel] , at any time when, in the opinion of said authorities, the plarticular exigency has passed tand :10 irds killed under this article s all be shipped, sold or offered ors e. Arrrronm VIII. ¤¤lZ°é€.iim°° t° b° The High Contracting Powers agree themselves to take, or propose to their respective appropriate law-making bodies, the necessary measures for insuring the execution of the present Convention. ARTICLE IX. R°°m°`u°°‘ The present Convention shall be ratihed by the President of the United States of America, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate thereof, and b His Britannic Majesty. The ratiiications shall be exchanged at Washington as soon as possible and the Convention shall take effect on the date of the exchange of the ratifications. It ”""“"”· shall remain in force for fifteen years and in the event of neither of the High Contracting Powers having given notification, twelve months before the expiration of said period of fifteen years, of its intention of