Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/720

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1882 in DEX. Cromwell, Caroline J. (widow), P¤8¢- Crowley, Martha (willow), Pagepension incrcased . ... 1210 pension . ... 1453 Cronan, Janus, Crown Point Reservation, N. Y., pension increased . ... 1265 condemned cannon gmnved to ..,. . ,. 83.5 Cronc, Ridmrd H., Crozier, John A., pension increased - ... 1439 pension increased ... . 1507 Crook National Forest, Ariz., Crum Creek, Pa., approjpnation for maintenance, etc., of . 458. 1146 exchange of lands at Schooner Ledge light Croo , _ obert L., yr., station, Delaware River, mouth of. . 239 · grenmon . . 1584 Crum River, Pa., " ook," U. Army Transport, change of channel authorized by Alba B. sale authorized - . 634 _ Johnson, ou; ...,.,,.. 393 Crooks, Hornet S . (widow), bridge to be maintained over new course, pension increased ... . 1307 etc _ ... 393 Crop Estimates Bureau, Department of Agri- Crumb, 1lartha(wid0w), culture, pension increased. ,...,,,,,..__, 1255 apfpropriation for salaries ... . . . 468, 1157 Crumptzm, Jane (widow), or general expenses . . ... 469, 1157 pension . .. 1287 monthly crop reports publication . 1157 Cuba, for admmistntivo expenses . 469, 1157 appropriation for minister to. . 252, 1048 for field agents . . 469, 1157 or aciuisition of legation premises, Crop Plants,_ f _ h I f Ha ana. . .. . . 260 appropriation or investigating ysio ogy or preservmg` monuments, etc., to solof, etc .. .. 453, 1141 _ diana who fell in . . ... 287 Crop Reports, Monthly, admission to Military Academy authorized to be printed, etc., the twelfth of each of René W. Pinto y Wentworth . 50 month. ... . . . . 1157 head tax not levied on aliens entering Crops, from, for temgorary stay, etc .. 875 appropriation for technological, etc., in- sales of ordmmcean ordnancestorm to 643 vestigacions . . .,.., 453,1142 Camo, Tar., _ _ _ _ for breeding. study, etc., arid-land. . . 454, 1142 appropriation for public bmlding . 264 for investigations of insects affecting ce- Curl mgm, _John W., real, etc. .. 465, 1154 pension increased . . . 1411 Crosby, W H., etal., Culum, P. 1,, may bridge Niagara River, BuHa.lo, N . Y. . 751 appropriation for care of lepers, etc., naval substitute tunnel in lieu ... 751 station ..,,. . .. 559, 1170 Cross, Cam}; S. (widow), Cullens, William H., pension increased ,,,,,,,,,._,.,_ _ ,_,_ 1293 pension ine;-eased ___________________.,., [538 Cross County, Ark., Cullers, Margaret E. (widow), may bridge Saint Francis River, near pension increased _,...,.,... 1334 Pm-kin _,.. . ..., _ _________ 920 Culp, Francis R,, Cross, George E., pension increased . . . 1539 pension increased ... . 1512 Culp, William J., Cross, George P., pension increased ... I-M0 pension increased ... . 1595 Cultures, flant Nutrition, Cross, Susan A. (widow), alpprognatiou for testingsamples, ew. . ‘ 43:%, IMI pension . . ..,... 1407 Cu ver, aniel, Cross, Thaddeus, pension increased . .. 1339 pension increased .. . . 1462 Culver, Ooqar D., Crossman, Jarrws M., pension increased ...,,.,, .. . ISQ4 pension increased ... . 1250 Cumb¢"I¤'§d Rivf'3 Crouse, Benjamin A., appropnation for improvement of, above pension increased . ... 1516 Nashville, Tenn . 399 Croui, Lewis B., _ below Nashville . ... 399 pension increased .. . . 1458 bridge authorized acrom, near Clarksville, Crow Creek Indian Hospital, S , ])qk_, Tenn . . 924, 924 appropriation for maintenance, emo., of. , 125, 970 Cizmberlongf Sound, Fla. and Ga., Crow Creek Indian Reservation, S. Dah., appropriation for improvement of channel appropriation for school buildings on ___,,_ 988 _ _ to Saint Johns River from 396 no allotment for sectarian schools on Cumzdm, ‘ completion of .,..,.. , _,________ 988 duty on - ..- 793 Crow, David M., Cumming, Elizabeth (widow), pension increased ., , ,________ 1533 pension .. . ._ .. . 1397 Crow, Henry W, Cummings, Adella I. (widow), pension increased .._,,,.,, , ,.,___ _ _______ 1313 pension .. _ .. 1 408 Crow Indian Reservation, Mont., Cummings, Damel K., proclamation directing disposal of lands pension 1¤CP€¤·S€d· - -; -·---··-·-—---·-·-- YZ50 in, released under Reclamation Act. 1734 Oummtnyfz Flow L- (”·”d°w)» Crow [rid1km,s·, ,llo·n,t_, pension inCf6qS€d. . . . . . . 1549 appropriation for fulfilling treaties w·in_h_ 139, 980 Cummings: Lewis L., Croz4·eIZ_ Joseph Wi, } pension Increased. . . - ... . ... 158-1 ponsion 111€¤‘€¤S€d -·---·- · ··--···---. . 1264 Cummings Point, Fla., Cmwlfyy G§°"9¢ A-- | bridge authorized across Perdido Bay, pension increased . »-... . ... 1502 : Lillian, Ala., to ... 235