Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/726

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1 888 INDEX. Department of Agriculture—Continued. 1’¤8¤· Department of Commerce-¥C0ntiuued. P¤·B¤- appropriatxon for dairying and live stock appr0pria.t1ou for Bureau of Standards, salexperiments on western irrigated, aries ,... . .,,.. 113, 1114 etc., lands . 491, 1166 apparatus, expenses, etc .. . 114, 1115 amount available for yelaicles, motor member, Intemational Committee on boats, etc.; restriction, repoxétél 1166 _ Weights and Measures .. etc , mves ti I1 etc . . . detailed estimates for all officers and for cout?1§;en(1;e$ipeuses .. . . 115; 1116 employees required hereafter. . . 1 492 for rent ,._,... , ,,.,,,, , __,,,,, 116,_1117 smtersgntgf comgaléted investigauous 492 gm- civil expenses under, , ,__,,,,,,,,,. 316 to su mitte ... 1- B f hth .. 3 6 detailed statement of all expenditures fgr Oo1a]:;:a:1z1111(:1 (£;§>det1?:mS?11rvey . 318 f oigdlrevigps 1;/-e etcd 492 ior gishgrieg Béueau .. . . . . ore caonoooan-mouau rm u. ,,,,,,,,,,,. , ,,.. other animal contagious diseases. 492, 1167 fg: prigtigrg Sndugggdiug for ,,,...,.,... 331 paymexgl for ammals purchased, dféz 1167 deficiency appropriation or Standards lg? 2 829 strcy , etc . , reau . . 3 for increased y to employees under, for Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Corn- ’ receiving Es: than $1,800 a year; 1167 meme, _____,,,,,,_,_,,,.. 25 exc nsions .-·-.-...·---- for Steamb t I ecti S 'ce . -- 25 detailed reports to be submitted .. 1168 for Navigatgzn Igrirpeau wi . . 25 111Vit8.t'.l.0¤s to II1i1&!'l1¤f2l0I1&l Farm COD- for Gout gud Ggodeljc Survey, ,,___,, 25, 826 gress authorized 1168 for Fisheries Bureau 1 . 25, 32, 826 for printing and binding for 331 for Bureau of Lighthouses- . 25, 32, 820, 826, 829 deficiency appropriation for Forest Serv- for census Omoo _,,_.,_____,,,,,.,,.,.. 32 ice .. Z . _. . . Z 24, 32, 826, 829 for Bureau of ... . . 32 for c1u·us-canker investigation, eqc. . r . . . 24 for contingent expenses . .. 830 for wlgéte-pine blister rust investxgauon, 24 cost of prsgpction seu1;vi<'ie, empgyyees, etgc., e .. . tr erred anff ommxssron for deséroying wild animals affected with 24 from. . . . fif -1,161 .. i - 796 13108 .. . .. em em; tr exo ousevesses, {cr Ergiements, Court of Claims, under--- gi mg etcx to service or 1%.vy and Army- - 602 gi g.§a“€»¥.;; ?;,;;,;.;é}H1:. ‘.‘.‘ . 1:: 1 ‘e1;é§$, gg L·¢h*h,·;,¤*¤,,,,,’i,¤*¢*, §*·ji?¤ *?_*§?“g* ____ '?i*i?iT ,3, or ureauo Anim I1 stry . , "°° " for Bureau of Plant Indussry ... 31, 826, 829 Dgagtimi of C°'”'*'"{"‘;€ M'? L“b°%D ent ex for Bureau of Chemistry . .. 32, S26 9 Clancy appmpna mn or COD g 32 `33 826 for Bureau of Entomologv ... 32 pauses ‘‘‘° f ‘ ‘'‘‘ f ‘’'‘`‘ ’ ’ for Bureau of Biol `cal Survey 32, 826 D¢p<1Tfm¢‘f§¢ of J11$¢w¢, _ _ for Division of Puggilcations . 32 3PP1`0P¤¤t10¤ {OF A1t°1f¤€Y 661161*11 S°11°1‘ rm- drainage investigations ,,,,.. 32 for General, Assrstaufs -..--·---- 108, 1110 for International D;-y-L;md Cqngrg _____ 32 for Sol1c1tors, attorneys, etc _. . 108, 1110 for irriggtign invggfjggtioug ____________,, 826 for clgef clerk, law clerks, examunerisig Hu f B f S 'ls . 829 6 -·····----·---·····---·-- · · · » mtgu glrfsggpségom _____________,__,, 476 for superintendent of prisons, etc 109, 1111 exc of hud; with Non}; Dakota, for for D1v1sion of Iuvestngatxon 109, 1111 -13,ud experiment gtgtigu gi; Mug- for clerks, etc. . . .. . . 109, 1111 dan __________________________ _ _ _ _ _ 344 for Drvxsxou of Accounts. ... 109, 1111 grain standards provisions .. J. . 482 for contingent expenses ...- 109, 1111 rural post roads provisions . 355 for 0111018-1 ¢·f9·¤¤P01’t¤t10¤ -··-- · ·-··· 109. 1111 warehouses for agricultural products, pro- f<>1‘ Wilt- -··-·-·—--—·· ; -··—----···- 10% 1111 vision, _________________ _ ___________ 486 hveyear lease au thonzed .. . . 109 standard grape, etc. basket regulations to for S0l1c1tor of the Treasury, etc. 109, 1111 bg ggtgbligheqi hy _______________ _ _ _ _ 674 for Sohextor of the Department of Com— Dgpanment of Ummm, merge . ..----··-·-··-·--··- 109, 1111 apfprogriatrou for Solicitor of the 109, 1111 fol’ S¤11¢1¢01' of 1119 D€P¤1'¤¤°11* °1 or ecretary, Asistant, clerks, etc,. 110, 1111 L¤1>01'··;·;· ------ · ··---·-·-—··· 109» 1111 for Bureau of Lighthouses, mlaries. . 110, 1112 fo? ¤1111<11’Y €XP€¤5¢¤ ¤11<1€1' --------- 311 for Census Office, salanes. etc . ..-- 110, 1112 for P€!11tQUf13·!'1€B, C0¤¤1¥11Q¤0¤ ·-··-···-- 311 Cotton mtggobacco Statistics Divi- 1 0 { reskrxcpon gu Ki:) bu1}1d11i1,;—”;l; - - gt- 311 sion crea ... 1 1 0I' $1S¢8!1 _ me » ‘ for Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Com- 1>01'11QY¤. €*¢-. 111 customs cases ··-·-· 311 meme, salaries ... 111, 1112 for supphes, etc., cusfoms ¢¤·se¤ --·----· 311 developing foreign and domestic com- for Witness fées, 602-. B0¤~1'<1 of G€¤€1’¤1 meme ... 111,1113 Atpprarsers- , ~ -; ---- 1 --------·-·--- 311 investigating cost of pmductjon 1].1 for de eucling sluts 111 c1¤-1¤!¤- · -f-- -, ·--- 311 promoting commerce, Lam; Amer- for déctecuon and prosecutmn 0 cnmes, 311 ic:-1 . . ... 111, 1113 - -: - -·····--- - ····-—----- ; ···-- commemian attachés: Z . 111, 1113 prctectugg the person of the President- 311 for Steamboat Inspection Semce, ssla- for mspeetrou of pnsons and pnsoners. . 312 ries _____ _ _______ _ _,____________ 112_ 1113 for uaveling and emeligeucy expenses. . 312 salaries. etc., service at large .. 112, 1113 for enforcurg antrtrust laws  : 312 for Bureau of Navigation. salaries 112, 1114 use forlnddeu for proeecuqug labor sggpiugservice atlarge, salanes,ehc 112, 1114 orgamzatwns, etc ; assocxatxons of 312 o commumcatron ... . . - 113, 1114 f¤\T!¤€Y$, BW ·-··-··--···»···· · -·-··-