Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1393

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xxu INDEX. Army Emergency Inzmase, 1917—C0ntinued. Page Army Emergpqncy Increase, 1917-Qontimied. Pagedmft. exemptions; physically or morally draft provisions, 1918; persons lmble .. 955 deiicients, . . .. 79 citizens and residents between ages of quotas not diminished b ... 79 18 and 45 . 955 local draft boards constitution, sequence of ages permitted . . 955 jurisdiction, etc ... 79 neutra.1 aliens may withdraw declaraadditional boards created in exch Federal tions of intention and be relieved judicial district; composition, etc.. 79 from . . 955 review of decisions of loca boards bzr- . . 79 ciuzenship forever debarred thereby. . 955 exclusive jurisdiction as to cases o ex- persons in industries, occupations, or empted industries ...,. 79 employments necesmry to main· Iinality of decisions, etc . ... 80 ‘ tenance of national interests, etc., filling vacancies, regulations of procedure, exempt from .,... . ... 955 etc ... 80 registration required of all males between registration required; ages liable . 80 _ 18 and 45 . 955 notice by proclamation as to time, etc. . 80 notlce by proclamation of time, etc 955 punishment for failure, etc . 80 exceptions ; persons in armed service 955 y mail allowed . . . 80 ‘ PTBVIOIIB registrants . 955 services of officers, Federal, State, etc., persons in foreign diplomatic and conto be utilized . 80 suis: service . . 956 dug compulsory 80 ptmmhmeut for failure, etc . 956 au ority conferred; use of {ranks . 81 3gB extent defined . 956 punishment for violating provisions re- subsequent, on attaining age of 18 . . . 956 lating to, etc .. 81 by mail allowed ... 956 voluntary enlistment qua.1i.Ecstions same persons formerliiin Navy may reenlist as Arrgg .. 81 _ in New or arine Corps - .. 956 agessllow ; to serve during emergency. 81 registrants liz. le to serve in Army, Navy, all present eulistments to continue during or Marine Corps 956 emergency .. _ ... ..- 81 app11c¤t:ion_of Navy and Marine Corps grouping o enlisted men in State, etc., _ regulations .,.. - .. 956 units .. . ... 81 restnctmu on employment of married wodischarges of enlisted men at end of emer- men not gpplicsible to wife of soldier gency, on apgaliestiou therefor .. 81 _ or sailor m service . 956

 persons ependent upon them, soldiers regardless of age eligible for Army

a. owed 81 conpmimions ... 956 employment of retired enlisted men on !1'|300mC€1'S’ schools. . . 956 active duty with full pay, etc .. 81 drafted men may be assigned to educageneral officers necemary for tactical units tional institutions for special techcreated, to be appointed for the nical training. ..., 957 emergenc{ . .. 81, 410 contracts for, authorized ,,,,,...,,._,, 9.57 for Coast Artil ery districts .. . ... 81 homestead, etc., entries allowed persons selected irrespective of gmdes held by in service under 21 ,..,.,,, 957 them . 81 resiclence required ...,,,..,._., 957 vacancies resulting, w be filled by wm- <>iii<=¤a1¤ evthomed fe vevly epphceporary promouons, etc , , ,,, 81 _ l·10¤B -·-----·--·--··.·...·- Z . - · 957 permanent status, etc., retained .,,...,, 82 1’€g1¤¤‘l}¤¥·S of 9-Hy class mey be mto appointments for additional forces, etc., to Immediate WWICB In PmP°m°¤ to be for emergency period . .. 82 full Smtfh Gm-, q\10¢¤ ·--··---·-·--- 554 discharges for- cause, rléy me President. .. sz clawed eq ¤k¤lle<} erpemi may be celled upon resort of bm; of Officers ________ S2 llllll) 1mH10(l12l{8 BOYVICG IHBBPBCUVB pay, etc., 0 forces provided for, to corre- _ °f_€1°8¤<>1’ l’€¤¤d€¤€6- --··· _·--;· ;-· · 554 ypond with Regular Al-my ____ _ ____ gg registration of all nmle persons in United pay of all enlisted msn increased during Stews =¤¤¤m1¤g eee of 21 mee June emergency; rates, _,,..,__________ 82 5. l9l7 . .. 557 not crt-xlited to continuous-service pay_ _ 82 BXCGPUGDS ·. . ... I .. : ._ 557 suspension of unsung me-icum on de ¤> be ipleced et bqtwm of lm of ehgwles tails, em _______________ _ __________ 82 0 class to which sssigned .., 558 prohibition of alcoholic liquors near camps, (MY fm`: tv be Proclaimea by the P!€¤i· etc., authorized ..,,,,,,,,,_, _ ______ 82 dent .. .558 sales, etc., at; medicinaluse s.l10wed__, 82 all who have attained the age since to forces in uniform unlawful; Punjab. last r@strstion day, to present ment for _,, , __,___ _ _ _______ gg theniselveg . _ . ..,,,_,_ 5 58 houses Of in game, Stew hmmm h EE exemption o ivimty an medical stuto be suppressed . .,.. 8:; . .d?““’ ----- . ····--··--· : -. -·-··-·— ;· - 558 punighment for p€m1im§’ etc ____ U _ _ _ _ 83 liability of registrants to m1.l1ta.ry service coniiicting laws suspend ,___ _ _______ _ 83 *}%*1 dm?¤· ···~·- A ~·--~- - ; ----.-.-. 558 calling of mu quot? Oi dma of , provti1s;<;n;l;> former ct applicable, no- 58 umm ==~¤=*¤¤¤¤el me ¤>¤>vl<=¤¤¤ mgimm of »ss121`éii£`ii1§ ‘‘‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ rg ‘ 5 oi State, etc.. quotas ..,,____ 333 t {agement with th? cl GHS, . Y draft provisions, 1917, amended; persons 8" · " , d- - er respective liable, rules, ebc _,,_ _ ,,.___ _ ______ 335 - E;)$t;:lE;%(;;¤¤§§1;¤§é· ·--·· 884 citizens of neutral countries having de— iiscal year until end of war 894 g;red11§tenti?n, exempwd by with- restriction 011 relinquishing horhesteiig wa iereo . . .. 885 etc., entri ’ ’ forever deburred citizenship thereby. - 885 i 21 ... 5 of 960