Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1533

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INDEX. y·;,·;,¤·y gmgu-0 ti ed, Page- { Militia, D. C.—Oontinued. » _ P¤8¤· balance of apprdplrializiinn for expenses of eligibility of former membersfor reappointregistration, ctc., {or, 1919, covered 1170 _ guent, Qflogit-élbé -·----·-··- in _____________________ _ ____,,,,... rov1sions v01 0 former Government employees to be re- Militia, Organized. _ _ _ _ instated on application, if honor- 1164 delic1epcy83ppmpn¤;uon f<;·i{am1l1es of e;1- 11 ably discharged from . . is ¤1€¤ GH BT!-fig _ B€!'V'1€ - period fservi fperso lected b be fits f V lunteer Sold1ers’ ome exdiaft, et? ... 217 M ls;) ticgided (io, in Federal Service .. 368 terminated four months after peace pro- i , - -,_ _ _ _ claimed ________________ _ ________,_ , 217 appropriauon for inspection of duty farms personsin,exemptedfromselect:ivedraft.. 78 _ _€t<Z-, by }1?¤·1t of§¢1¤·1¤ ----··----- 941 protection of civil rights of persons in, Milk River Iirngatwn frayed, Mont., against prejudice Oi- mjury dunng appropriation for maintenance, etc., of. . 148, 674 {Bun therein ____________________ _ , _ 440 exchange of18I1(1B_`W1§11 Montana, for Nelpersons specitically designate&§;; 440 M_ucmlm¤0¤ %z§0i’V°1!' site ···-···-- · ···~·-·- 1205 pmvmsfnnd 4(grinto ... ... 9 55 deficiency appiopriation for public build- 348 M7-! mg-.•..•-_________________________ Apunishmentifor purchasing, belonging to Maha md f . hibitcd the Government, from persons in the 8**:*9 ta? °n gm ucts ° » using Pm service, etc ...,.. . . . 1016 Mal k-(gnld hh 1; ···•••• · •‘'*‘‘ · ‘•••··‘'‘ 1138 Mmmm S!°;i”’ {mm Gorph 736 brijdlge aiiqblogdiedadcmss Allegheny River ap pna OI! 0I' .. - . a ...·.· · - · · · gi? reserve supplies . ... Md lah ·‘‘‘‘‘·'‘‘‘‘‘‘’···* •···••·* 1188 nii$g?y°.]$g,;i°.£’,?? £)41;:?,?n forwuex °° appropriintion ior expenses, Volunteer Soldeficrency appropriation for issue to Na- .d1°” H°m° ······· · ············ 13*2663 dom] Gund ______________________ 12 iorimprovement of harbor .. 258, 909, 1283 for researches, etc., to standardize and dejmegglliu “RP1§°Pmu°n f°*` Vdmfgeeggz 484 testing ... - 495 Mi N . cr? Fo‘::;’·b;_ •·‘'··••···· v · I • I- 1 cg.

cm-psf ¤uQ°ip'i§{¤1gi’s¤i°Z =§·Ii>d¤:v_{1i?1;i3¤;°¤r   etc-, of .--- 13%

' the war .. .. .. 88 1 . ····•···•· · ················

m {Loewe stock of, to     I. equipping etc

rps mtimetotime,w1 ou . . » » ·» peyméni, mt exceeding $7,000,00o.. 1174 mm Exif; 1*} °‘Pl°““'°° --·····- — ---·-··- 722 Military Training Camps · - · Em-ga · lands g, mg; be ucqlljféd by C0!1d¢m¤$· 518 appmpgggiiélf Y . ?f145, 670 n _•-__._.__••______·~·•.-__ • n • • · • ¤¤·m‘ . d°““°2.$.¥seZP*é2"”““°“ ‘°’ “'§i'°‘§?$"3§» me avvmvprggg gg; ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤=¤¤ <=¤~¤¤v¤· ex-69 876 mm pz%% isélmiy nine ’ fornrms e<iuipnieni:s,am1nuniiion etc.. , 70 · Rmm mr ‘ deiicciencyiappropriation fonwarexpenses. 364 Him N mtggsicr umhue e ui ment for expenses, of ceqnpq, etc .~--.·- - --·-. 830 pp Pm ,,,ddm,,,,£i ’ q P ’ 146 001**0000 0* 0PP’0P0“°0¤¤ *0* 0*40**000 for oper;.ting; etc;::`146,672

  • ,j§g¤réd0;;-· *0* 191% 1918- 1912 lm for purchase ot we for headquarters; 672

‘‘‘‘‘'°‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘°‘'‘‘‘‘ tan ti . . . 147 Mmm .{£;·»» mem, Nm:. on Nm ds¤es?f鑧,?"spp$$$’rsi?2`3 E? equipment, ’ ` tis Aff¤ir¤ Division)- etc ... 840 Militia Bigreau, fWa€1Dck;;arli,·rrcwn¢, 12 yin, Sealey, mn appropnatwn or er _ e 785, 39 · 5 g0yw,t,·iig, tc _____________ 1260 gr pax. ew., Nwénsl Guard oiicers ?1Ie1i)rcigd!:y§;moprbdon 1?me¤ung,ei¤.. . me M ;¤g¤¤d to -··-······—·---~··-~··· 67, 875 i Mineral Fuels ang roducls, bel 'litia . ., appropriation or testing, etc. ' iippropriation for expenses ... 950 I M I goglnited States I 145, 670 orcamps,etc .,,.. .,,, 950 'ncra nustrics for commutationof subsistence enlisted aippropriation fdr investigating economic men on special detail . 950 develgpment, etc. , of . 145, 670 for rent of armones, etc 950 Mineral Land nmha, for pay of troops, not Government em- allowed persons under age of 21 who are in _ ployees .. _. . t . .. 950 the Army during the war. .. . . . . 957 deficiepgg) appropnatiozén for expenses for 022 suspension of residence, etc., require- · rea proprna. n ,. 1 m nts . .,. 957 enlistment; and appomtments in, during annual gssessment work on claims suspresent war _.: . 1019 pencled for 1917 and 1918; condinot to relieve from m1l1tary or naval tions . . .. , . 343 service ... . 1019 not applicable to oil lacer claims 343 six-year contracts allowed; ... -- 1019 not to affect Act reiieving clainmnm special class service for period of the war, 1019 in armed . ... 343 etc Z .. in suspen rm pril 1, 1919. 1055 Hpay, etc., for emergency service 1019 continued for 1917, 1918, and 1919., . . 1213 o cers, commissions, examinations, etc. .. 1020 Mineral Paint, W1)., assignment of retired, to duty .. 1020 appropriation for public building . 109