Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1534

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INDEX. clxm MineralPr0dy1,c2.s (see also War Contracts, etc.), P¤8¤· Mines Bureau, Interior Department-Con. Pasoappropmation for investigating, etc., be- approprriation for Government Pug] longing to_`United States .. . . . . 145, 760 ards, District of Columbia ..,, 672 settlement of claims for losses, etc., in sup· one-fifth from District revenues ,,,,,, 673 plying designated, needed for na- for experiments, etc., of liguite mglsmd _ tional defense during the war . . . 1274 peat for commercial use ..,...,,, , _ 1154 Jlmeral 1{caquroes of the United States, plant, etc. , to bg gold on c0mp16t·;°u_ _ 1154 approlpnation for preparing report on 145, 670 report of results to Congress ,,.,,___ _ _ 1154 Mmera Substances, _ _ _ _ deiciency appropriation for laboratory appropriation for mvestigating safety m equi ment, etc., qugrhgrg in new _ treatment of, etc.; restrictions 145, 670 building _,_,_________ _ _____________ 17 deficiency appropriation for investigations for investigatin mine accidents. . 31, 840, 1039 _ of mining, etc., for war materials. . . 491 for war materiai investigations . 490 Mmarql {Substances and Qres, · for mine rescue cars, equipment, etc ____ 840 provisions for increasing supply, produc- for mine inspection, Alaska 1039 tron, etc., of certain, ior national for testing fuel 1039 _ security and defense . . . - 1009 printing done by private parties mowed Mgneral Waters, from appropriation for explosives; mternal revenue tax on sales by pro- _ regulations ,,,,__, _ ___________ _ _ _ _ 490 ducer, etc., of bottled artificial . 1116 Hmcs, Coa , natural ... . 1116 zones may be established about, to pm. war revenue tax on artilicial, not carbon- vent sale, etc., of intoxicating ated, sold by producer, etc . . 312 _ liquors. . .. 958, 1047 natural, bottled, etc ... 312 Mines, etc., Minmilr, _ _ appropriation for investigating, etc., use of provisions for increasing supply, produc- explosives at .. 670 tion, etc., of certain, for national deductions allowed for depletion, etc., oi, security and defense ... 1009 m computing taxable income of in- 1fima, md f h b d dividuals .. ; ... 1067 excise tax on p ucts 0 , using ro i ite corporations .. Q 1078 child labor ... . 1138 regulations for use of explosive; at ,.,, 385 may be taken, operated, etc., for public M·mes,_Naval, use .. . 279 deficiency appropriation for storage, war Jlinea Bureau, Director of the, _ expenses . . ..,. 207 provisions regulating manufacture, sales, Mme: of the United States, etc., 0 explosives in time of war, census of, to be takenin 1920, etc 1291 subject to . . 385 census schedules of inquiries . 1294 Mines Bureau, Interrbr Department, relate to preceding year . 1295 appropriation for salaries and general ex- _ limited toactive .. , ... 1295 penses ,,. - .. 145, 670 Mines, :Sub1rurr·me (see also Submarine Mines), for investigating mine explosions, meth- deficiency a.p%_·opriation for .. 200 ods of mining, etc ...,. . .. 145, 670 Mmgo Oounig, . Va., for investigating mineral i-uels and un- bridge au orized across Tug River bennished products . . .. 145, 670 _ _ tween Iiike County and ... soo for investigating treatment of ores, etc. 145, 670 Mtmdoka Project, Idaho, ior petroleum and natural gas inquiries, appngnation for maintenance, etc. of. 148, 674 etc . 146, 671 Mundo Napoml Forest, Idaho and lzfzah, amount for personal services in Dis- appropriation for maintenance, etc., oi 987 trict of Co umbia . . 146 Ilsmmum Wage Law, C., detail of Public Health officers for d€6C18DCY_ appropriation for expenses encooperative work with . 146 forcing. .. . ... 1021 for enforcing explosives regulations, etc. . 671 payable wholly from District revenues. 1163 cancelation of licenses for violations. . 671 CODQKHICUOD of terms used 960 platinum, iridium, palladium, etc., Wagnalioardcreated 961 included. . ... 671 appointment, organization, etc . 961 personal services in District of Co1um— authority to secure testimony; regulabia authorized . - . 671 tions, etc . . ... 961 detail of public health officers for co- appropriation ior expenses wholly from operative work with ... 671 District revenues . _ . 962 for mine experiment stations 146, 671 authority of board investigate wages of for equipipn , etc., mining experiment _ women and minors. ... 962 station, igittsburgh, Pa. .. 146, 671 register of employees to be ke t . . - - 962 for experimental mine, Brucewn, Pa.. 146, 672 to establish muumum standard ofwages. 962 for care, etc., new buildings. . ... 146, 672 conferences on inadequate wagesof women- 962 for mine rescue cars .. 146, 672 composition; hearings, etc .. . - . Z - - - 962 for mine inspector, Alaska; per diem; report and recommendations; piece clerk ,__,_____ , ___,,,,... 147, 672 rates, apprentices, etc ... . .. 963 for technical books, etc .. 147, 672 action of bom; disregarding, unlawful. . 963 for land for headquarters, mine rescue posting of orders; licenses for lower rates- 963 cars, sidings, etc.; acceptance of wagesforminorst0bedeterminedbyBoard 963 lands ,,_,,__,__, , __,__,,,,... 147, 672 employing at lower, unlawful .. 964 temporary details of field employees separate inquiries authorized . 964 for service in Washington; allow- investigations, as to compliance .. ,964 ences, etc ,,.,,,_,,,,,,,,... 147,672 decisions of fact by Board final ..-.. 964