Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1566

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INDEX. cxcv Panama-Cialifomwkz Exposition, Page Panama Ca’nal·—C0ntinued. Pm- ZPPYOPHMIOU for transfer, et5>.,_ of G9vem— apfpropriation for land defenses ., 1308 ment exhibit at, to M1smm1pp1 Cen- or reserve engineer equipment . 1308 temzual Exposition . ... 126 for altenug, etc. , seacoast artillery .. 1308 Pamma Qangzl, _ balances for submarine mines supplies, gpprggngugu for gu gxpenggg; oblgctg dgg- covered il], , , _ , , , , _ , . , .__,___ _ , _ _ _ 1308 lgmwd- -_ ---·------------·-·--·-· 176, 702 for barracks and quarters, Infantry ____ _ 1308 pay of officials and employees .. 176, 702 for barracks and quarters, Coast Artillery contnngent expenses .,. . ... 176, 702 Forl; Sherman _,,,,,,,,_,,,,,,,,_,, I 1308 d2m3·g€8 to vessels p88BiJ1g through 0Hicers’ quarters limited __________ _ _ _ _ 1303 locks -...·.---.-~ 177, 702 for new wharf, Fort Sherman ... 1308 logos or damages to property taken.. 177, 702 materials, etc., to be purchased from claims for damages to lands, etc 177, 702 War Department stock on hand 1308 expenses, sales of unserviceable prop- no dpay to officer using time-measuring erty, etc. . ._ .. 177, 702 evice on work oi employee . 180 preparing estupates on Isthmus . 177, 702 for mosquito destruction, Canal Zone- . . 60 per diem subsxsteuce, employees trav- for l1osp1ta1 treatment of Army garrisons, elmg, etc 177, 702 etc.; subsistence . 61, 866 mrsce aneous expenses ... 177 for surveys of Atlantic coast emmmo for construction and equi ment; addi- to _____,_,,_,,,,.,.,..,,...,. . . . 162, 688 tional to Auditor for glfar Depart- . for Weather Service expenses in . 975 I¤€11$ --·------------·-··-·----·--· 177 fo!‘ Iéliéf and ptotectwn of American completing dock at Cristobal . 177 seamen in,. ,...,., . 529, 1335 constructing two seagoing coal barges; deficiency appropriation for fire-control contracts ... 177 installations, coastdefonses . 22 building two colliers rescinded 177 for war expenses, fortifications 201, 488 for maintenance and operation. ... 177, 703 for seacoast batteries ..,__,,,__,____ _ ____ 201 for salary of Governor . . . . L`- 177, 703 for land defenses ,,,,_______ _ ______ 201 correction ... 240 for electric plants for soacoast fortificafor procuring su plies, equipment, etc., tions , ,,,,__,,,,,,__,______ 201 for Panama ad, etc . 177, 703 for searchlights ,,,,,..,,,,.,,,,,, ·, _ 201 payments to injured employees . 177, 703 for purchase, etc., seacoast cannon .. 201 for sanitation, hospitals, etc .. 178, 703 for ammunition for seacoast cannon. . 201, 1032 for civil government expenses ... 178, 703 for installing, etc., seacoast artillery 201 expenditures payable from proceeds for Submarine mines and supplies 201, 1032 of bonds; exceptions . . 178 for ordnance depot ... 201, 355 restriction on employees and compen- forsubmarine base, Coco Solo Point. . . . 355 sation .. . 178, 703 for iortiiications, protecting, under Govfor general expenses from moneys re~ emor . 355 ceived from specified sources , 178, 703 for protecting, under Army. . .. 355 net proHts to be covered into the Treas- for arracks, quarters, etc., for troops. . . 831 my . . ... 179, 704 for land defenses- .,.., 831 for operating waterworks, etc., Panama for relief and protection of American and Colon, from receipts, etc . 179, 704 seamen ... 347 for refunding tolls from receipts . 179 for completing Dock N o. 6, Cristobal 482 transfer o insane Americans to Saint limit of cost increased 482 Elizabeths Hospital, D. C . . ... 179 for sanitation, hospitals, etc .. . . 597 for fortifications . 179, 819, 1307 for subma.rinB mines 1032 for clearings and trails. .. 179, 819, 1307 additional pay of $120ayearnot.app1icsbls for preservation, etc., fortifications . . 179, to employees on. 1 . 814 819, 1307 of $240 2. year not apphcable to employees for electric plant supplies, fortifica— of .. , . ._ 1267 tions .,,,,,,..,, 179, 819, 1307 correction of approprumon for salary of for seacoast batteries . . . 179, 819, 1307 Governor ... _ .. 240 lor Coco Solo Point, submarine base 179 houses of,_ may_ be occupied by officers for constructing, etc., aeronautic station. 179 serving with troops, without paying for submarine mines supplies ... . . . 179 rent . _ . 855 for fire-control installations . . 179, 819, 1308 jurisdiction of Canal Zone district pourt of for purchase, etc. aerial machines. etc.; offenses under Trading with the supervision oi buildingconstructmn. 180 Enemy Act .. I ... . 425 for purchase, etc., seacoast cannon .. 180 rules, etc., governing vessels in Canal Zone for ammunition; contracts . . . . 180, 819 vgaters to be made by Governor of, in for installing, etc. , Seacoast artillery 180 $11119 of WM'- . . · .·····--·--·-·-· · · - 220 §Of L)1'dIl21DCG depot. . . . ···-..· . Panama Canal Bgyndg, or two zines, etc . . · · _ repeal oi appropriations for dock and 180 mmm ;gg}g;,m€d at 3% per of 36 dred __•___________'__·._·___·__ • • . - for Sea Walls and embankment; U _ _ _ · _ • 819 bonds authonzed in lieu of ummmed .. 288 for acquiring, etc., lands .. . . 819 Panama Clamfzr Gwemm of mr for geumhljghm _ _ ______________ , ,,,,,,, 819 appropmauon for salary of . . 177, 703 for electric plants, installation, etp . - . 819, 1307 COITGCUOH.: ...·-- - -·-----·-- 240 for fire-control stations, construciuon, etc. 819 for construction of cantonment camps, for expenses, ordnance depot .. - 819 etc., under duectaon of . ... 892 for cantonment camp construction, etc.- 819 Papago Indann Reserjvayon, Anz.,_ under direction of Governor .. 819 appropriation for ungsuon progect on , 561