Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1655

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0ClXXX1V [N])EX_ War Finance Corporation Act—Conti.nued. P¤8¢· War Finance Corporation Act-Continued i’•¢¢· board of directors; chairman, the Secretary liquidation of assets and winding up of °f uw T{€¤¤“?Y» <>¥h¢!¤ Sppomted by _ affairs at endof the war ... 511 the President. Z .. _  : .. 50 7 disposal of securities permitted prior to. . 511 forbidden to participate m questions af- balance to be paid into the Treasury. .. 511 _ iecting personal mterests- . t 507 bonds of, exempt {rom all taxation ... 511 time of, to be devoted principally to except estate, income surtax, excess, Corporation 507 _ and war profits taxes .. 511 Government officials and Federal reserve interest on not exceeding $5,000 bank directors may be members oi, , 507 exempted ..,...,,,,... 511 terms of appomtrye directors; vacancies; exempt from Federal, State, etc., taxaquorum Z . ._.. .: . Z .,...,..,, 507 _ tion, except on real property. . 511 compensation; limit, if receiving other no liability of United States for Corpor~ - (i0vgmm9¤t_531ar·y_ : _ _,_____,,_ , _ _ _ 507 · ation bonds, etc _____,,,,,,_,, , ,_,, 511 pnncipal pfiice in District of Columbia; punishment for making false statements $8911095 Bild bljulches elsewhere- . . 507 to obtain advances from ... 511 corporate powers specified; general ..,,,.. 507 overvaluing securities for securing ad-

  • PP°m¤¤¤¤*¤ oi employées, etc 507 vances 511

by l¤W¤ regulating conduct of business, counterfeiting bonds, em ... 511 etc . . . 50*1 uttering counterfeit bonds, etc . 511 may advance money to banks, etc., making altering, frauduently, bonds, etc ... 511

l0au¤_on notes of busmess concerns passingaltered bonds, etc . . 511

contributing to prosecution of the officials of Corporation embezzling war...:..: . . . .. 508 moneys, etc .,...,.,..,. 512 amount limted .. 508 making false entries in books, etc 512 purchasmgbonds, etc., of such concerns. 508 drawing orders, etc., without auamonmt limited .. 508 thority ... . 512 promissory notes to be given for ad- detection, arrest, etc., of offenders by vances; colla uired .. 508, 1049 Treasury secret service force ... 512 collateral not req if for agricul- quarterly, etc., reports in detail to be tural products or live stock 1049 made to Senate and House of Repre- _ full amount of loans, etc., authorized sentatxves ... .- 512 · » upon further security ...,,,.,,..,,, 508 annual regrts to Congrem  : 512 may advance money on notes of savings, national restriction on indebtedness building, etc., asociations contrib- not applicable to liabilities incurred uting to prosecution of the war, etc . . 508 _ under this Act._ ...·.···...·... 512 security to be given; amount .. 508 Capntal Issues Committee created; meminterest rate required; determination of. . 508 bers .. _ .. _.. 512 further security may be called for .. 509 officers, etc.,_ forbidden to participate to make advances directly to active busi- in questions affecting personal inness concerns contnbuting to prose- _ terests .  : ... 512 cution of the war; conditions .. 509 eligibility of Government piiicmls and limitation of time, etc . 509 Federal reserve bank directors . 513 amount of security; railroads under Fed- term of mernbers; salary ... . 513 eral control excepted .. 509 compensation 11 receiving other from the interest rate required .. 509 Govcrmlgcut 2 ... 513 limitation of advances to one person, etc. . 509 removsl;cha1rmanship;¢;lr1orum . _ . . . 513 railroads under Federal control excepted. 509 officxalsnetc., appointed y, not subject may deal in Liberty bonds, etc .. 509 to civil service law . 513 bonds may be issued by; limit ... 509 aupay restriction 513 interest rate to be approved by Secretary expenses allowed on approval of of the Treasury 509 chairman., . .-._ 513 made a first charge on all assets 510 rent, oiHce equipment, etc., lmutatnon. . 513 to be used for advances, sale, etc .. 510 principalpiiice in District of Columbia; may be imued payable m dollars or for- _ iield inquiries elsewhere . _. . . . . - . 513 sign moneys .. 510 to mvestigate, determine, etc., if issue determination of foreign dollar equiva· hereafter of securities by corporalent . .. 510 tions, etc., are compatible to national acceptance as security for reserve bank interests . . 513 _ notes, etc .. 510 value of stock affected. ... 513 interest charge on reserve bank notes unissued stock included.: 513 secured by... . 510 exceptions; ordinary bnsmess borrowgeneral laws applicable .,.. 510 ing . . . _ .. 5 14 powers of Corporation to commence when refunding of existing indebtedness. . 514 authorized by the President 510 resale of authorized issues .. 514 reserve fund to be accumulated from eam- securities of railroads under Fedings . . . . . . . 510 eral control .. 514 investment of, in Liberty bonds, etc 510 bonds of War Corporation- . 514 deposit of, in reserve banks allowed. r . . 511 no approval of validityof issues, etc., by, purchase and redemption of Corporation to be construed _ . 514 bonds from .. 511 appropriation for salaries and expenses Federal reserve banks to be depositaries for fiscal years 1918 and 1919. ..-.·. 514 and fiscal agents ... 511 annual detailed reports to be made ., 514