srxrrrrrrn coxennss. sm. 11. css. 12, 13. 1918. 435 deposits, with accrued interest, and shall thereupon be entitled to a patent therefor as herein provided. _ Sec. 8. That there is hereby appropriated, out of any Choctaw and ,,.$§,¥§;’,g’,,';*}*·‘°¤ "°¤*. Chickasaw funds in the Treasmy not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $50,000 to pay the expenses of appraisement, advertisement, Pmms to mm, 0, and sale herein provided for, and the proceeds derived from the sales Indians. hereunder shall be paid into the Treasury of the United States to the credit of the Choctaws and Chickasaws. Approved, February 8, 1918. _ _ _ _ _ _ February 8, 191s. CHAP. 13.—Jomt Resolution Eor the of gromotingedicrency, for the utilr- zatzion of the resources and industries of e mted tates, for lessening the expenses [Pub. Res., No. 21.] ’ of the war, and restoring the los caused by the war by roviding for the employment of a discovery or rnventnon called the ‘ Garabed/’ to make possible the utilization of free energy. Resolved by the Senate and House 021 Representatives of the United ,,Gmm,, States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the asssamaitoxussos Interior is hereby authorized to acce t, as trustee for the United ’»{{"§"(§’“,,,,,;’,f,,,_§?',,*},’% States Government, from Garabed T. Giragossian an assignment b¤¤<¤=¤1>¢¤d. of the right to utilize for the Government’s own use his discovery or invention to be known as the “Garabed." Said assignment to and utilization of said discovery or invention by the United States Government shall be free of charge or ex ense. Sec. 2. That the Secretary of the liiiterior is authorized to perform u,$ij;Q"{',,°f"‘· °’°·· "“‘ any and all acts,. and to ma e such rules and regulations, and enter into such contracts as may be necessary to carry this resolution into Prom effect: Prmnkled, however, That the said Garabed T. K. Giragossian nsqrmémaon or shall demonstrate the practicability of his discovery or invention, §$f‘““{‘Y· °‘°·· ‘* and that it can substantially effect the purposes set out in section one of this resolution, to a commission of five eminent scientists, who shall be a pointed by the said Garabed T. K. Giragossian and be approved gy the Secretary of the Interior. The United States Government shall be under no expense in connection with the demonstration of the “Garabed." R __ Sec. 3. That if such demonstration shall in the opinion of the said ¤s1i1i°v%it$i°lir'i»iir¤i°iv.i»i1ii scientists prove the practicability of said discovery or invention, and that it can substantially effect the purposes set out in section one of this resolution, and that he is the first and original discoverer or inventor thereof, the said Garabed T. K. Gi.r vossran shall be recognized by the United States Government as 'ilie original discoverer, inventor, and legal owner of the invention or discovery and of any improvements pertaining thereto that may be made by the said ldghwwmowk Garabed T. K. Giragossran. The certificate of said commission of mlmywmmte. scientists, to the effect that said discovery or invention is practicable, as aforesaid, and that he is the ori inal discoverer or inventor thereof, shall constitute the said Garabeci; T. K. Giragossian the legal owner of and entitle him to all the rights and benefits of said dis- Pmm ,,,,,,1,),,,,,,,, covery or invention for a period of seventeen years. The right is ' reserved to the said Garabe T. K. Giragossian, his heirs and assigns, to take out patents for his aforesaid discovery, invention, or for any improvement or device pertaining thereto. `rzc. 4. That the United States Government shall not issue to any- pi-iiiia}»°ii»ti$i;¤iisiu°% one else any patent involving or relating to the distinctive principle ““Y°“° °*“’· of the “Ga.rabed" free energy generator regardless of its form or shape, or for any device, improvement, process, equipment, or apparatus based ufion the distinctive principle of the said discovery or invention, or or any improvement or ch e developed in the use of the Stud "Garabed," and shall preventagge construction, im Ottatron, use, or exploitation thereof, in whole or in part, in the Iiinited
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