Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/782

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764 SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Crr. 130. 1918. “-‘°°'**Y°"‘P‘°Y°°‘· For minority employees authorized and named in the resolution of December sixth, nineteen hundred and fifteen: Special employee, $1,800; special messenger and assistant pair clerk, $1,800; two specral messer§prs£8a1t6g1,500 each; special chief page and pair clerk, - $1 800· m , . °,§;g*}”_ ‘““*¢"*°d hor irssistairt department messenger authorized and named in the resolution of December seventh, eighteen hrmdred and ninety-seven, $2 000. hor special messenger authorized and named in the resolution of Japuary fifteenth, nineteen huindged, $1,500. f f th f 1 o eontmue em oyment o the assistant oreman o e o ding` room, authorized in the resolution of September thir·tieth, nineteen hupdred and thirtepn, at per daY» $1,405§5. h 1 o contmue employmen o the person name in the reso ution of April twenty-eighth, nineteen hundred and fourteen, as a laborer, $84,0. ’ To continue employment of the laborer authorized and named in the resolution of December mneteenth, nineteen hrmdred and one, $840. m·§ggj*¤¤¤¤¤* °‘ S“°· Successors to any of the employees tlprovided for in the six preceding paragraphs may be named by e House of Representatives _ at any time. °°“‘°'°"°° "“'“"“"‘ Conference minority: Clerk, $2,500; assistant clerk, $1,200; ’anitor, $1,000; in all, $4,700; the same to be appointed by the chairman of the conference mmority. -_ ¤¤¤<¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤z¤¤- To continue the employment of messengers in the majority and minority caucus rooms, to be appointed by the majority and minority whips, res tively, at $1,200 each; in all, $2,400. ,,,§°“‘”'“‘°°‘·“““"’“'*· Owner: or Fngmnsrmuz Postmaster, $4,000 ;, assistantpostmaster, 3;,2002 registry and money-order clerk, $1,500; messengers—thirteen (mcluding one to supermtend transportation of mails) at $1,200 each, eighteen at $100 per month each from December first, nineteen hundred and eighteen, to March thirty-first, nineteen hundred and nineteen, $7,200; laborer, $720; in all, $31,220. Hm md www- For hire of horses and mail wagons for carrying the mails, $3,500, or so much thereof as mag be irfriecéciisary. ¤P°*‘*¢¤· ()rr·rcr.u. nnronrnnsz ix 0 ci reporters of the roceed1ngs` and debates of the House, at $5,000 each; assistant, $2,506); 'anitor $720· . 1 } ! Sm ¤¤=¤¤¤¤ ¢¤ mgiiiigggigfgnnas ro comnrrn F ten h to °t- ` ,,,,m,,g‘{m,_ _ _ ms:_ our s ograp ers comm:

 ‘°‘%a.’;23§’4.?°3.§“€t’;;J,“‘*‘3‘J.a§§2$t.*$e§??Z.2£a in th. for .,·

paragraphs they shall be construed to mean the one hundreifalrxid twenty days from December second, nineteen hundred and eighteen, mm mm m be to March thirty-first, mneteen hundred and nineteen, both inclusive, ,,,,,1 ,,8,,,,,,,;,, "’ 'S D(Er,m1:rr rrrrgnk Mnimsprés ann l)m.E0%4·r·as{(%'ll;oh-pray each gllfirimber, e ega e an esi en ommmroner or c r e necess - played in the discharge gl zfiicial $;;8r§seni'at5i:·1e u ies, , per annum, rn mon y ms en 00, much thereof as may be necessary; and Representhtivesyand gsfc? gates elect to Congress whose credentials in due form of law have R_ S_ M 31 p_ 6 ele? duly wat the Clerk of fthe House lp; Representatives, in ac- ' ’ co ance wrt teprovisionso sectiont `t fth R d Prom Statutes of the United States, shall be entitled t¥i(pIi>g*ri)1ent rlindeirzslilis To he placed on roll iiégropnationz Brqmded, That all clerks to Members, Delegates, and °*°¤*P'°¤*¤°S· ident Commissioners shall be placed on the roll of emplo ees of the House and subject to be_rem0ved at the will of the Mimter, Delegate, or Resident Commissioner by whom they are appointed; . and any Member, Delegate, or Resident Commissioner may appoint one or more clerks, who shall be p’laced_on the roll as the clerk oflgirch Memtlger, Delegate, or Resident mmxssioner making such appointmen .