Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/783

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SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 130. 1918. 765 Corvrrnenrvr EXPENSES: For wrapping paper, pasteboard, aste, °°¤**¤8¤¤¢¤¤r<>¤¤¤¤- twine, nev§aper wrappers, and other necessary materials for folding, for use of embers, the Clerk’s office, and folding room, not includin envelopes, writing pagipr, and other paper and materials to be printed and furnished by the public Printer, upon requisitions from the Clerk v01. za p. 624 of the House, under provisions of the Act approved January twelfth, ` eiggiteen hundred an ninety·-five, $10,000. _ or furniture, and materials for repairs of the same, $15,000. F“““*"'°· For pac§§g boxes, $4,500, or o much thereof as may be necessary. P*T"k’”‘ b°‘°s· For eous items and ex nses of special and select com- M“°°"““°°“‘ “°““* mittees, exclusive of salaries and lagr, unless specifically ordered by the House of Representatives, $75,000. For stationery for Representatives, Delegates, and Resident Com- S""“’"°"· mrssroners, including $5,000 for stationery for the use of the committees and officers of the House, $60,000. P mm For postage stamps: Postmaster, $250; Clerk, $450; Sergeant at °mg° ps' Arms, $300; Doorkeeglelr, $150; in all, $1,150. For the purchase, `ving, maintenance, e e, and operation A“‘°“‘°"”°·SP°“*°"· of an automobile_for the Speaker, $5,000: Pr , That not. more than $2gpO of this sum shall be used toward the purchase of a new r automo e. ‘ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. L“"‘? °‘°°¤¢‘°¤ General administration: Librarian, $6,500; chief assistant librarian, mmm °“= $4,000; chief clerk, $2,500; librar·ian’s Secretary, $1,800; clerks——one $1,200, two at $1,000 each; stenographers and typewriters·——one $1,200, one $900; messenger, $840; messenger to chief assistant librarian, $600; junior messenger, $420; operator of photogaphic copying machine, $600; in all, $22,560. _ ail and delivery: Assistants4One in charge $1,600, chief $1,200, one $960, one $780, one $600; junior messenger, $420; in all, $5,560. Order and accession: Chief of division, $2,500; assistants-—one °*’d°'¤¤d *¤=¤¤¤¤*<>¤- $1,500, one $1,200, three at $960 each, two at $840 each, two at $600 each, one $580; two junior messe§;n·s, at $420 each; in all, $12,380. Catalogue, classification, and sh : Chief of division, $3,000; chief u$§°*.L‘R§g;{h“m” clamiiier, $2,000; assistants——four at $1,800 each, seven at $1,500 each, six at $1,400 each, twelve at $1,200 each, six at $1,000 each, fourteen at $960 each, four at $920 each, thirteen at $840 each, thirteen at $600 each, four at $540 each; six junior messengers, at $420 each; in all, $92,020. Binding: Assistants——one in charge, $1,500, one $960; junior mes- m'“""" senger, $420; in all, $2,880. _ Bibliogra hy: Chief of division, $3,000; assistants-one $1,500, two B"’"°g”'*’*"" at $960 eaclh, one $840; stenographer and typewriter, $960; junior messenger, $420; in all, $8,640. _ Reading rooms (including evening service) and special collections: R°°°*““'°°‘"’· Superintendent, $3,000; assistants—two at $1,800 each, seven at $1,200 each (includin one in room for the blind), three at $1,000 each, two at charging desk at $1,080 each, five at $960 each (including one for Toner library and one for Washington library), one in room for the blind $900, twenty-seven at $840 each, six at $600 each; stenographer and typewriter, $960 ; attendants—Senate reading room, $960, Representatives} reading room—one $960, one $840, two in cloakroom at $780 each, two or gallery and alcovcs at $540 each; telephone operator, $720; four jrmior messengers, at $420 each; two watchmen, at $780 each; in all, $62,460. Periodical (including evening service): Chief of division, $2,000; P°"°'u°°1' ass1stants—chief $1,500, two at $960 each, five at $840 each; sten<;§— rapher and typewriter, $960; two junior messengers, at $420 ea ; in all, $11,420.