Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/819

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SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 130. 1918. 801 superintendent $4,000, assistant general superintendent $3,500; chief clerk, $2,000; in all, $27,250. Orrrcn, Trmm ASSISTANT P0smAsTEn GENERAL: Third Assistant s,§§’*§g §*P“Q§,_’§as§; Postmaster General, $5,000; chief clerk, $2,500; division of postal Generalsavmgs-—·du·ector $4,800, assistant director $3,000, chief clerk $2,500, d,$,‘§l§,‘i,§{“§§,‘}°°”*’ °' clerk m charge of administrative section, and clerk in charge of audit section, at $2,000 each; superintendents of divisions—stamps $2,750, finance (who shall give bond in such amount as the Postmaster General may determine for the faithful discharge of his duties) $2,250, classification $2,750, registered mails $2,500, money orders $2,750; chief clerk division of money orders, $2,250; m all, $37 ,050. Ormcn, Formrn ASSISTANT Posmasrnn GENEEAL: Fourth Assist- s,Q',§;’gg‘ {,’g‘j¤{*m*;“¢,§; ant Postmaster General, $5,000; chief clerk, $2,500; division of rural census, mails—su(perintendent $3,000, chief clerk $2,000; division of equip- d,$,‘§§','f',,,§{‘Z§’,§{1°“°‘ °' ment an supplies—superintendent $3,000, chief clerk $2,000; togographer, $2,400; in all, $19,900. otal salaries, $1,682,990. _ CONTINGENT EXPENSES, PosT Ormcm DEPARTMENT: For stationery °°“°‘”g°“t°‘p°“°S‘ and blank books, index and guide cards, folders, and binding devices, including lpurchase of free penalty envelopes, $25,000. _ For fue and repairs to heating, lighting, and power plant includ' H”°"’g’ °t°" *‘]““*‘ repairs to elevators, purchase and exchange of tools, and electrili]5 supplies, and remova of ashes, $55,000. or telegraphing, $5,000. T°'°“"“‘u”“’°°°‘ For painting, $2,000. For purchase, exchange, hire, and maintenance of horses and horse- V°***°l°* drawn passe er·carrying vehicles, purchase of a motor truck, and re air of vehligles, inc uding motor trucks and harness, $3,200. Klfor miscellaneous items, including purchase, exchange, and repair m°°°““'*°°“* of typewriters, adding machines, and other labor-saving devices; street car tickets not exceeding $300; plumbing; floor coverings; postage stamps for correspondence addressed abroad which is not exemapt under article eleven of the Rome convention of the Universal Post Union, $30,000, of which sum not exceeding $3,985 may be expended for telephone service, and not exceeding $1,500 may be expended for law books, books of reference, railway guides, city directories, books necessary to conduct the business of the department; and repairs to department buildings. Fm For furniture and filing cabinets, $7,000. R °‘"°‘ For rent of stables $500. 0:,;] P at I For publication of copies of the Official Postal Guide, $33,000; came. ° ° and the amounts received durin the fiscal year nineteen hundred and nineteen from sales of the gfiicial Postal Guide to the public may be used as a further appropriation for the publication of copies of such guide. Pom, wv, Appropriations made for the service of the Post Ofhce Department prtations nose ffpife in conformity with the Act of July second, eighteen hundred and °¤$,d°{°g lgj’ggf¤¤°¤*· thirty-six, shall not be expended for any of the purposes herein ' provided for on account of the Post Office Department at Washington, District of Columbia. DEPARTMENT or JUSTICE. t,.,2?¤"*m* °‘ ’·** Ormcn or Tim ATTORNEY GENERAL: Attomey General, $12,000; Solicitor General, $10,000; assistant to the Attorney General, $9,000; { six Assistant Attorneys General, at $7,500 each; Solicitor for the mmrgsm °°D°°°n` Department of the Interior, $5,000; Solicitor for the Post Office Department, $5,000; Solicitor of Internal Revenue, $5,000; Solicitor A msg for the Department of State, $5,000; four attorneys, at $5,000 each, .¤¤l°é°{Z°ys' one of whom shall have charge of all condemnation proceedings m the District of Columbia and supervise the examination of titles and 112460°—voL 40—r·r 1--51