Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/818

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BOO SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 130. 1918. private secretary, $2,500; disbursing clerk, $2,250; appointment _ _ clerk, assistant to chief clerk, confidential clerk to Postmaster Genmgshifé ‘f§E.?§°2{t,p`"` eral, and chairman, board of inspection, at $2,000 each; chief inspector, $4,000; chief clerk to chief inspector, $2,000; purchasing agent, $4,000; chief clerk to purchasing agent, $2,000; ass1stant attorneysone, $2,750, one $2,500; three at $2,000 each; bond examiner, Cl°'“'°°°` $2,500; law clerk, $1,800; clerks—eighty-eight of class four, one hundred and thirty-four of class three, two hundred and eight of class two, two hundred and seventy-six of class one, one hundred and eighty-three at $1,000 eac , thirty-one at $900 each; skilled draftsmen—-three at $1,800 each, eight at $1,600 each, five at $1,400 each, eight at $1,200 each; map mounter, $1,200; assistant map mounter, $1,000; blue printer, $900; assistant blue printer, $840; M tch telegrapher, $1,400; typewriter repairer, $1,200; three telephone me¤ ,`iii¢. switchboard operators; two messengers in charge of mails, at $900 · each; twenty-two messengers; thirty-five assistant messengers; captain of the watch, $1,200; additional to three watchmen acting as lieutenant of watchmen, at $120 each; thirty-four watchmen; two engineers, at $1,200 each; nine assistant engineers, at $1,000 each; two blacksmiths or steamfifters, at $1,000 each; three oilers, at $840 each; fifteen frremen; twenty elevator conductors, at $720 each; C tm mm chief engineer, $1,600; assistant electricians—two at $1,200 each, a¤,°rp°° ”’ three at $1,000 each; two dynamo tenders, at $900 each; carpenters——one $1,400, three at $1,000 each; awning maker, painter, and plumber, at $1,000 each; assistant plumber, $900; laborers—foreman $900, assistant foreman $840, two at $840 each, sevent -six at $720 each, three at $660 each; female lab0rers—one $540, tllrree at $500 each, nine at $480 each; fifty-eight charwomen; actual necessary expenses of the purchasing agent while traveling on business of the Rm. tc, sab department, $500; in all, $1,516,540. mes. 1 n making readjustments hereimder, the salarv of any clerk in any class may e fixed by the Postmaster General at $100 below the salary Exed by law for such class and the unused portion of such salar shall be used to increase the salary of any clerk in an class entitled thereto by not less than $100 above the salary fixed by law migmnms to bw for such class. reamerc. The Postmaster General shall assign to the several bureaus, offices, and divisions of the Post Office Department such number of the employees herein authorized as may be necessary to erform the work required therein; and he shall submit a statement sliowing such assignments and the number employed at the various salaries in the annual Book of Estimates following the estimates for salaries in the C m Post Office Department._ ,m,,pp_¥2i0,¤5,;$4_ For enforcement of title twelve of the Espionage Act, approved June fifteenth, nineteen hundred and seventeen, and section nineteen of the Trading with the Enemy Act, approved October sixth, Gmac, Fm ,\sSi_t_ nineteen hundred and seventeen, $50,000. ant 'rtsemaaeé cen- Orricn, F msr Assrs·rAN·r Posmasrna GENERAL: First Assistant °";f;_mme d Li [Postmaster General, $5,000; chief clerk, $2,500; division of postar§·s3O¤S,s£_°n ° 0Hiceserv1ce——superintendent $4,000,assistantsuperintendent $3,000, assistant superintendent $2,250, two assistant superintendents at $2,000 each; division of postmasters’appointments—superintendent $8 ,000, two assistant superintendents at $2,000 each: superintendent, d1v1sion_of dead letters, $2,500; chief, division of correspondence, mm of Sm d As_ $2,000; in all, $32,250. S,,,,,,,g P,,s,m°‘,§s,,,, Orrrcrz, Smcoxn Assrsrrmr Posrirasrxn GENERAL: Second Assist- ¤;Qgei¤riutEudmS 0, ant Postmaster General, $5,000; chief clerk, $2,500; division of railar»~1sr¤¤s,¤¢¤. way ad]ustn1ents—superintendent $3,000, assistant superintendent, $2,250; division of foreign mails—superintendent $3,000, assistant superintendent $2,000; ivision of railway mail service——genera1