Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/887

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S1XTY-FrFTH CONGRESS. Sess. 11. Ch. 143. 1918. 869 President may rescribe. No man shall be enlisted in it until he has q,,’;,';‘_¥”’°Y· °*°·· ”* furnished satisfactory evidence that he will faithfully and loyally serve the cause of the United States and that he desires to fight the Imperial governments of Germapy and Austria-Hungary and the allies thereof. The force so rais and duly sworn into the service naggemgyyti *¥¤*i¤g; may be equipped, maintained, trained with our own troops or use¤gainstcommoiien— separately as the President may direct and thereafter may be trans- °“"'· ported to such field of action as the President may direct to be used against the common enemy in connection with our own troops or with those of any nation associated with the United States in the present war; and the several items of expense involved in the equipment, ,,,,E§""’°”"°"'·'*""" maintenance, training, and transportation of such force may e [Laid from the respective appropriations herein made or from any su sequent appropriations or the same: Provided, That American citizens g•{,$•'{g;mm0,Am_ of Austrian or German birth, or who were born in alien enemy terri- trlan or German tmp, tory, who have passed the necessary examination and whose oyalty $§i{9dII1B1%bBA_rc_!(;1 is unquestioned, may, in the discretion of the Commander in Chief Nm'- of %e Army and Navy, be commissioned in the United States Army or avy. · orumaivcn DEPARTMENT. m§)¤'{{””‘“°° D°""°“ ORnNANc1=: smzvron: For the current expenses of the Ordnance cumneupemm. Department in connection with purchasing, receiving, S{;0l-lag, and PM P- 1171- issuing ordnance and ordnance stores, comprising police an office duties, rents, tolls, fuel, light, water, and advertising, stationery t ewriters, and adding machines, including their exchange and oyfhbe furniture, tools, and instruments of service; for incidental expenses of the Ordnance Service and those attending practical trials and tests of ordnance, small arms, and other ordnance stores; for ublications for libraries of the Ordnance Department, including the, Drdnance OfIice• subscriptions to periodicals, which may be paid for ‘ in advance; and payment for mechanical labor in the office of the Chief of Ordnance; and for pru·chase, maintenance, repair, and operation of motor-propelled or horse-drawn passenger-carrying vehicles, $30,000,000. Onnnaivcn sronns aimrmrrrouz Manufacture and purchase of m·}i,'}j'g;:*"°° ‘°' ammunition for small arms and for hand use for reserve su ply, mmaammnpue ammunition for burials at the National Soldiers’ Home in Washing- °h}»°§;‘,,,_ 1]71_ ton, District of Columbia, ammunition for firing the mominipnd evening gun at military posts plrescribed by General Orders num red seventy, Headquarters of the Army, dated Jully twenl?-third, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, and at Nationa Home or Disal§ed Volunteer Soldiers and its several branches, includin National Soldiers’ Home at Washington, District of Columbia, ang soldiers' and sailors} State homes, $390,000,000: Provrkled, That the Secretary §g°d'j{y;m, commu of War is authorized to enter into contracts, or otherwise incur obli- auuionm. 1 gations for the purposes above mentioned in this item not to exceed ix: §¥°f§;’ °°°' $7%,486,991, in addition to the appropriation herein and heretofore made. SMALL-Arms TARGET pnacrronz For manufacture and purchaseof ,,§,% °""’ "“‘°‘ ammunition, targets, and other accessories for sma.ll·arms, hand, and {\S,¤¤$¤1¤i¤°¤» W- machine—gun target practice and instruction; marksmen’s medals, gePovt,p.ll7l. prize arms, and insignia for all arms of the service; and ammuni- mgi;;i·;g·é¤°¤¤i¤¤· tion, targets, target materials, and other accessories which ma be ’ ' issued for small-arms target practice and instruction at the edircational institutions and State soldiers’ and sailors’ orphans’ homes to which issues of small arms are lawfully made, under such regulations mma as the Secretary of War may prescribe, $75,200,000: Provided, That Aaainémr muah the Secretary o War is authorized to enter into contracts or otherwise "“§};‘},'f';,°§j8·,,, xm incur obligations for the purposes above mentioned in this item not PM. xr- 1171