Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/888

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Manufacturing, etc., arms. Post, p. 1171. to exceed $84,073,725, in addition to the appropriation herein and heretofore made. MANUFACTURE OF ARMS: For manufacturing, repairing, procuring, andProviso. issuing arms at the national armories $50,000,000: Provided, That the Secretary of War is authorized to, enter into contracts or otherwise incurAdditional contracts authorized. obligations for the purposes abovePost, pp. 873, 1030. mentioned in this item not to exceed $207,324,325, in addition to the appropriation herein and heretofore made.Post, p. 1172.

Civilian employees in gun factories.PAY OF CIVILIAN EMPLOYEES IN GUN FACTORIES ON LEAVE OF ABSENCE: That the Secretary of War is hereby authorized and empowered, duringAdditional pay for working while entitled to leave of absence. the period of the war, to make payment, under such regulations as may be prescribed by him, in addition to and at the rate of pay now provided by law to each and all civilians employed by the War Department in gun factories and arsenals for work performed on all days of leave of absence granted by law to such employees.

Preserving, etc., ordnance.ORDNANCE STORES AND SUPPLIES: For overhauling, cleaning, repairing, and preserving ordnance and ordnance stores in the hands of troops and at the arsenals,Post, p. 1171. posts, and depots; for purchase and manufacture of ordnance storesPurchase, etc. to fill requisitions of troops; for Infantry, Cavalry and Artillery Equipments.equipments, including horse equipements for Cavalry and Artillery, $93,400,000:Proviso. Provided, That the Secretary of War is authorized to enter into contracts or otherwiseAdditional contracts authorized. incur obligations for the purposes above mentioned this item not to exceed $350,299,260, in additionPost, pp. 873, 1030. to the appropriation herein and heretofore made.Post, p. 1172.

Rifle contests.NATIONAL TROPHIES AND MEDALS FOR RIFLE CONTESTS: For the purpose of furnishing a Trophy, medals, prizes, etc.national trophy and medals and other prizes to be provided and contested for annual under such regulations as may be prescribed by the Secretary of War, said contest to be open to the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and the National Guard or Organized Militia of the several States, Territories, and the District of Columbia, members of rifle clubs, and civilians, and for the cost of the trophy prizes and medals herin provided for, and for the promotion of rifle practice throughout the United States, including the reimbursement of necessary expenses of members of the National Board for the Promotion of Rfle Practice, to be expended for the purpose hereinbefore prescribed under the direction of the Secretary of War $10,000.

Medals of honor, etc. MEDALS OF HONOR, DISTINGUISHED-SERVICE CROSSES, AND DISTINGUISHED-SERVICE MEDALS:Congressional medal of honor for conspicuous gallantry, etc., in actual conflict. That the provisions of existing law relating to the award of medals of honor to officers, noncommissioned officers, and privates of the Army be, and they hereby are, amended so that the Vol. 33, p 274.President is authorized to present, in the name of the Congress, a medal of honor only to each person who, while an officer or enlisted man of the Army, shall hereafter, in action involving actual conflict with an enemy, distinguish himself conspicuously by gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty.

Distinguished service cross.That the President be, and he is hereby, further authorized to present, but not in the name of Congress, a distinguished-service cross of appropriate design andAwarded for extraordinary heroism in present war against armed enemy. a ribbon, together with a rosette or or other device, to be worn in lieu thereof, to any person who, while serving in any capacity with the Army of the United States since the sixth day of April, nineteen hundred and seventeen, has distinguished, or who shall hereafter distinguish, himself or herself by extraordinary heroism in connection with military operations against an armed enemy.

Distinguished service medal.That the President be, and he is hereby, further authorized to present, but not in the name of Congress, a distinguished-service medal of appropriate design andAwarded for exceptionally meritorious service in the Army since April 6, 1917. a ribbon, together with a rosette or other device, to be worn inlieu thereof, to any person who, while