Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/122

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SIXTY—SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 7. 1919. 101 leveler, $1,200; inspector, $1,200; draftsman, $1,050; clerks——one $1,800, one $1,500, three at $1,200 each (one transferred to assessor’s office); stores clerk $1,500, two at $1,000 each; timekeeper, $900; two rodmen at $900 each; two chainmen at $67 5 each; fom- oilers at $720 each; three firemen at $900 each; janitor, $900; drivers-—one $700, one $630; two messengers, at $600 each; in all, $91,610. For contingent expenses, including books, blanks, stationery, Ccntmomtexpcmes. printing, lgostage, damages, purchase o technical reference books and periodica not to exceed $75 and other necessary items, $5,000. For fuel, repairs to boilers, machinery, and pumping stations, pipe Opcmticnupemwdistribution to high and low service, material for high and low service, including public hydrants and fire plugs, and labor in repairing, replacing, raising, and lowering mains, aying new mains and connections, and erectingxsand repairing fire plugs, purchase and maintenance of motor true , horses, wagons, carts, and harness necessaiéy for the proper execution of this work, and including a sum not excee - ing $800 for purchase and use of bicycles by inspectors of the water department, and to reimburse three employees for provision and maintenance by themselves of three motorcycles for use in their official work in the District of Columbia, $15 per month each, $45,000. For continuing the extension of and maintaining the high-service wiftgrfvica ¤:g_¤¤¤¤¤» system of water distribution, laying necessary service and trunk ’ mains for low service, and purchasing, installing, and maintaining water meters on services to such private residences and to such business places as may not be reguired to install meters under existing r¥ulations as may be directe by the commissioners, said meters at a times to remain the property o the District of Columbia; to include all necessary land, machine , buildings, mains, and appurtenances, and labor, and purchase add, maintenance of horses, wagons, carts, and harness necessary for the proper execution of this work, not to exceed $450,000 of the amount available in the water fund during the fiscal ear 1920 after providing for the expenditures hereinbefore authond . For completingothe purchase, installation, and maintenance of ,,,“§§$,$,{,‘},,*§§*i,$ water meters, to placed on the water services to the United States {¤;,¢;¤,» ¤w· *¤ *¤¤ W- buildmgs, reservations, or grounds in the District of Columbia, and ‘ for eac and every purpose connected therewith, said meters to be purchased, installed and maintained by and remain under the observation of the officer in charge of the Washington Aqueduct, to be available until expended, $9,600. SEO. 2. That the services of draftsmen, assistant engineers, levelcrs, m%°:’ transitmen, rodmen, chainmen, computers, copyists, overseers, and mb inspectors temporarily reqiiired in connection with sewer, street, ml, sa. ¤;¤pl?}a°°; street cleaning or road wor or construction and repair of buildings °"‘*"°’°‘L and bridgles, or any general or special engineering or construction work authorized by appropriations may be employed exclusively to carry into effect said appropriations when specifically and in writing ordered by the commissioners, and all such necessary exipenditnres for the roper execution of said work shall be paid from an eguitably <1l[M‘g0<i)¤gainst the sums appropriated for said work; and 6 60111- missioners in their annual estimates shall report the number of such employees performing such services, and their work, and the sums Pilld each, and out of what appropriation: Provided, That the m wipcudltures hereunder shall not exceed $100,000 during the 5868} P¤•¢»l>·1¤¤¤· year 1920. The cmmnissioners are further authorized to employ temporhlily ,,g°'“°°""’l°b°'°’ smh laborers, skilled laborers, drivers, hostlers, and mechanics as may be required exclusively in connection with sewer, etreet,_and wed Fork, and street cleaning, or the construction and repaxf of bwlqhngs and bridges, im-niime and equipments, or any general or special engineering or construction or repair work, and to mem- all