Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/123

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102 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 7. 1919. necessary engineering and other expenses, exclusive of personal services, moi ental to carrying on such work and necessary for the proper execution thereof, said laborers, skilled laborers, drivers, ostlers, and mechanics to be employed to perform such work as onay nolt be by law tofbe doloe under contract, aold to lplog or suc services an expenses rom the appropriations un er w ' such services are rendered and expenses incurred. §orses,wiehlcles,etc· Sec. 3. That all horses, harness, horse-drawn vehicles necessary

,,,,,§’°°é§m;§‘f§‘§§1§§ for use in connection with construction and supervision of sewer,

M Miva- street, street wotriklg and streetgcleaning work, ingluding maintenanceo said orses an arness, an maintenance an repair of said vehicles, and purchase of all necessary articles and oxo-p lies in (oognection therewith, ord on constrtolction and repair of b dings an r1 es or any gener or speci e ee or construction work ailiiiofized by appropsriations, may ge pxased, hired, and mamtained and motor truc may be hired exclusively to carry into effect said appropriations, when specifically and in writing ordered by the commrssionorsognd a£ sucg expenoitures naolcessary foréhtglo roper execution o said wor , ex usive o person services, M be paid from and eqgutably charged against the sums appropriated EN t' for said work; and the commissioners in the annual estimates shall report the number of horses, vehicles, and harness purchased, and horses and vehioles hired, and the sums paid for same, and out of what apS·opr1ation;and all horses owned or maintained by the I)is» Pmm tnctcgh , so far mole {nay ygacticablog be peoovildlgl for oltables .,.mp,,;,,., ,,0,,,,,,, own or opera y said 1str1ct: r , t suc orses, ¤¤¤v¤¤¤¤¤· horse-drawn vehicles and carts as ma be tem aril ceded f gauling and eorcavatifig iixattecrgl in aololnnyectiooi Iivorlzrsllaguthorizgl y appropria ions may e _ por_ y employe or suc urposes undor the conoitlipbnls soctgon 2 of tom Ac; in relatidii to the employmen o rers, . .

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°¤P*°Y°°- temporarily required in_connection with water-department work authorized by appropriations may be employed exclusively to mto eifect_sa1d_appropr1ations, and be paid therefrom, when specili" - cally and in writing ordered by the commissioners, and the commissioners m their annual estimates shall report the number of such P O emglotyfes oleiflormmgdmirlohh oegices anddtheir vlsiork agd tlole loums rom. pai eac : romde , a e en t t

·· M 1 mtqo swag tt. sas y§f.Pi»;5.““ °'°`"‘ °' ° “ “°

M P°"" °”· The commissioners are further authorized to emplo temporarily such laborers, skilled laborers, and mechanics as may be required in connection with water-department work, and to incur all necessary engnéieetrxgmand other expeolses, ocxclusive of peroonalh services, mc1 en carrym on suc o ecess t execution thereof, sagd laborers,“blfille£;l11lall1ore1s,‘l1a"i,1dOrliieclfaxiircgpgfi be employed to perform such work as may not be required by existing law to be done under contract, and to pay for such services and o§Ip(o;x1s;(o Xggigppmpriauon under which such services are mc . Legaboudays. _Ssc. 5. That all per diem employees and day laborers of the D' ?n{’,;d'§;m?g§r¥:gY$j§ tr1ct_of golumbiat who have belondregularly ompfloyeoldfor fifteelsxi ow psy ¤r- wor _ ay8 Dex _ prec Buc ays as a e ` th District of Columbia, and whose employmentrcoxtignues) thes lllland beyond sa1d_ legal holidays, shall be granted such leave of `iisence with pay as is granted the regular annual employees of the District of mmmmms um, Columbia for said legal holidays. f¤¤;:<;s§m_s bl S1¤c._6. That the commissioners are authorized to employ in the mm, "°"“ ° execution of work the cost of which is payable from the appropri-