Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/135

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1].4 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Srss. I. Ch. 8. 1919. (female) while on duty in hospital, and for enlisted men, applicants for enlistment while held under observation, civilian employees who are entitled to subsistence at public expense, and general prisoners sick therein, to be paid to the surgeon in charge; advertising; ,,,,§§°“°“‘°"°"‘“d for providing prizes to be established by the Secretary of War for enlisted men of the Army who graduate from the Army schools for bakers and cooks, the total amount of such prizes at the various c,,§,,‘§§,‘§§f° °‘ *’“" schools not to exceed $900 per annum; for other necessary expenses incident to the purchase, testing, care, preservation, issue, sale, and accouutiniqfor subsistence supplies for the Armg, $62,5%,466.50: Gffj,}’*,,_°•¤ P¤>"*¤8 Promdcd, at not to exceed $22,500 of this sum e made available cm, sane, eu., of for the care of the peach orchard on Poole Island, Aberdeen Provm °’°p" Ground, and the grain now growing at this and other reservations and the harvest and disposal 0 the crops; and such disposal by sale or otherwise shall be made pursuant to such regulations as may be °°"°““°“'°°°‘P*"* prescribed by the Secretary of War: Promkled further, That all moneys received by the United States as the proceeds of such sales shall be ilieposited m the Treasury of the United States as “Miscellaneous ¢we1pts." Rnounan Surrmns. R°=·=*·*·¤·=··*¤¤·r 12 li in Co · 1 · · te, ,,, egular supp es 0 e Quartermaster , mc u their care pplm and protection; construction and repair :>'l,SmihtaiiH?¤€·eservation fences; stoves and heating apparatus required for the use of the Army for heating offices, hospitals, barracks and quarters, and recrnnting stations, and Umte States barracks; also ranges, stoves,_oofl'ee masters, and appliances or cooking and serving foo at posts, in the field, and when traveling, and repair and maintenance of such heating and cooking appliances; and the necessary power for the operation of movmg·p1cture machmes· authorized qu§g:;&“¢¤*· •*¤~ *0 issues of candles and matches; for furnishing heat and light for the authorized allowance of quarters for offices, including members of the Officer·s’ Reserve Corps when ordered to active duty, and enlisted men, warrant officers, and field clerks, including enlisted men of the Regular Army Reserve and retired enlisted men when ordered to active duty; contract surgeons when stationed at and occu ` pubho_quarters at military posts; for officers of the National R hub attending service and %arr1son schools, and for recruits, guards, ia?. hosgtals, storehouses, offices, the buildings erected at private cost, °L ”·¤·2$’· in e omrauon of the Act approved May 31, 1902, and buildings for purposes on military reservations authorized by War Department regulations; for sale to officers, and including also fuel B km an engine supphes reqnured in the operation of modern batteries ch_,:&,,,aEs,al;$1z1dIr?ci; at esta hshed posts; for post bakeries, includin bake ovens and apparatus pertaining thereto and the repair theredi'; for ice machines an their mamtenance where required for the health and comfort of the troops and for cold storage; ice for issue to organizations of enhsted men and offices at such places as the Secretary of War may determine, and for preservation of stores; for the construction, operation, and maintenance of laundries at military posts in the United States and its island {possessions ;_ for the authorized issues of laundry materials for use 0 general PI'lSODGI‘S.COD§llD8d at military posts without pay or allowances, for applicants for enlistment su lm for h B while held under observation; authorized issues of soap; toilet paper- PP S° 00 - and_ towels; for the necessary furniture, textbooks, ape;-, and equipment for the post schools and hbraries, and schoolis for noncommissioned officers; for the purchase issue of instruments, office furniture, stationery, and other authorized articles for the use of officers schools at the several military posts; for purchase of