Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/136

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SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 8. 1919. 115 relief maps for issue to organizations, commercial newspapers, market reports, and so forth; for the tableware and mess furmture for kitchens and mess halls, each and all for the enlisted men, in- _ cluding recruits; for forage, salt, and vinegar for the horses, mules, m£g_”g°·°‘°~» ‘°' °’”‘ oxen, and other draft an riding animals o the Quartermaster Corps at the several posts and stations and with the armies in the field, and for the horses of the several regiments of Cavalry and batteries of Artillery, and such companies of Infantry and Scouts as may be mounted; for remounts and for the_ authorized number of officers’ horses, including bedding for the ammals; for seeds and implements required for the raising of forage at remount depots and on military reservations in the Hawaiian and Philippine Is ands, and for labor and expenses incident thereto, including, when specifically authorized by the Secretary of War, the cost of irrigation; for straw for soldiers’ bedding, stationery, typewriters and exchange of same, e,§°¤u°¤”Y»P¤¤“¤8· including blank ooks and b ank orms for the Army, certificates for ' discharged soldiers, and for printing department orders and reports, $$7,083,334. INCIDENTAL Exrmvsns. Postage; cost of telegrams on official business received and sent by I“°‘d°“m °xp°”°°' officeis of the Arlnay, including members of the ()fH.661'S, Reserve Corps, when order to active uty; extra pay to soldiers employed E"*""’""“‘>’ F’°Y·°*°· on extra duty, under the direction of the Quartermaster Corps, rn the erection of barracks, quarters, and storehouses, in the construction of roads, and other constant labor for periods of not less than 10 days; as additional school-teachers during the school term at plost schools, and as clerks for post quartermasters at military pos and for overseers of general prisoners at posts designated by the War Department for the confinement of general prisoners, and for the United States disciplinary barracks vguard ; of extra-dailrgyg pay at rates to be fixed by the Secretary of ar for mess stew and cooks at recruit depots who are graduates of the schools for baklpsrsiand cooks, an;} instructopocoogsfat tl}e schools for bakiers and coo ;orexpemeso expresses an rom rontier tsan armies in the iield;_ of escorts to officers or agents of theoéuartermaster Corps to trams where military escorts can not be fuunshed; hire of laborers rn the Quartermaster Corps, includinagzhe care of oHioe¤·s’ mounts when the same are furnished by the vernment, and the hire of interpreters, spies, or Fuides for the Army· compensation of clerks and other cmp oyees o the Quartcrmastor Corps, and clerks, foremen, watchmen, and organist for the United States disciplinary barracks, and incidental expenses of for the apprehension, securing, and delivering of deserters, including escaped military prisoners, and the expemes incident to their 't, and no eater sum than for eac deserter or esca ed prisoner BED, in the discretion of the Secretary of War,Pbe*paid to any civil officer or citizen for such services an expenses; or a donation of $10 to each dishonorably prisoner upon his release from con- Hnement under court-martial sentence, involving dishonorable discharge; and such additional expenditures as are necessary and authorized by law in the movements and operation of the Army, and at military posts, and not expressly assigned to any other department, $30,000,000. Taaxsronryrrorr or rms Azur nm rrs Snrrums. F¤rt¤§>o1t•tixme¤EtheA11n mditssu liesincludingtrans- I &>1'$·•iio¤ ·the_troopg when mevdngofeitilguer or water; and of BF $)‘ h T ’ *7 · ¤¤l¤St¤dmeueftheEnlktedB¤erve0orps, sndretireden&t¤d¤\¤¤