Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1632

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olxiv INDEX. Navy Departr1wnz—Gontinued. _ _ Pege. Navy Yards and Stations-Continued. Page. appropréafgion for Naval Commrmicatiog 1283 no par; of nav;l\;1p;;mpr11;tions]1 tohbe used ce _ .. _ .. , or ure eo articesw `c canbe for gxgeggwgi Navigation; temporagy;4 1283 Navy Yeréisgg lin, Sgt;) less price, etc ... . . . 834 for Naval Intelligence- ’ appropriation for cdmpiling .. 632 em£l0yees.: 664, 1284 Navy Yearbook, 1920, for Hy ographic Office; temporary em- appropriation for compiling .. 1253 Nployees . 665, 1284 Near Beer, for aval Observatory . _ .. 6 66, 1285 of designated alcoholic_ strength not infor aggstants, etc., Nautical Almang§6 128_ six provisions of War Proce ... , 0 1 10n ct .. . 30* for cilerks, etc., Bureau of Engineeringg6 1285 fpczrmits, etc., {equged ...,.,, seg emporary employees , 0 nstitutiona pro 'bitio ... 308 Bureau of Constiuction and 12 5 N Eplerm1t?,]etc., required. . .1} ... 303 temporary employees .,.. 7, 8 car st Re ok , Buieau of Ordnance; temporary ezgé 1286 charter grabnted; (purposes 273 p oyees . . ... 7, reports to e ma e, etc . .. 273 Bureau of Supplies and Accounts tem- termination of franchise .. 273 porary employem 667, 1286 Nebraska, Burean of Medicine and Surgery; tem- consent of Congress given to, as to jurisdicporary en;ploiy;ees .. 667 1286 tion over offenses upon boundary Bureau ofl ar and Docks; tempé;>é7 1286 gvatters, by agreement with adjoining rary em oyees .. , ta e ·... . ... . 1447 for contingegt expenses ,. . .. 668, 1287 Nebraska Natakmal Forest, Nebr., us? of naval appropriations for, ugés 1287 appropriation for maintenance, etc., of 249, awful .,... , _ 708, 1327 for Htting oflibpe spaéegpr Shipping Board 1287 trees to_ ar? land residents from in new avy ding` . nurseries 0 249, 708, 1328 use of naval appropriatigtls for Deparétég 1287 Nccesmriea (sctgzlao Food Control Act Amendmentp osesrestric . , _ men _ , for gauges ang Sscregv articles d(511g;1ated as, for national security t in cooperatwn wi tan — an e ense ... 297 ards Bureau . . .. 683, 1302 provisions for conserving, etc . . 297 for Navi 131, 812 punishment for violations ot 298 for freig z ,,,. . .,.., . 148,826 deficiency appropnatmn for investigating for printing and binding for 228, 941, 1429 production, distribution, cost, etc., deiicieiacy appropriation for playing diamage N t_ b?f,;\I1d by prodgctg 328 c aims, colhs1° `ons Wit IISVB ves— ego uz e rastruments, . ., ls-- . 49,34, 511, 1028 1168 protest for dishonor of: required onl f r for irsiecreased cost of envelopes, 1919 . , 49 _ foreign bills of exchange ... . lo. 569 for Hydrognphic Office ... 49, 63, 1185 original, oianoggr, stating presentment, for Nag . . .. 49, 61, 63, 65, 345, 348, 511, etc., accep as evidence. ... . . 569 { N 5 1, 10:2,9;, 1039, 1041, 1044, 1168, 1185, 11% N¢b¢€qm jtwer, Orvg., ti { or ave. A emy- . . pre IDIHIBTY examine on, etc., o , to be for Marine Corps. .. 50, 61, 65 348 made- .. . . 1013 522, 1039 1041, 1044, 1185,,1190 Nestaeca River, for judgments, Court of Claims under. . . 60, bridge authorized across, in Tillamook _ 60, 343, 521, 1037, 1182 County, Oreg . . 533 ger contingent expenses. . 63, 345, 1185, 1190 N,yw,.;a,,d_, and L,,Im,lm,,g or rent ... . 334 - · • · ’ for `udgments, United States courts , 343 1182 approlirmtmu for mmmwr to '·`'`'°`'` 739, 1206 for Naval Observatory ... 345: 1185 Nam B*?""`* N Cv . . for giililiizption, Naval Records of the pr° éxxxgur emu °fv t° be 10 11 e e 10]] . . ...,,,..,. 511 _ ‘‘‘°°‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘ for freight. . .. 1169, 1185, 1191 N¢¤¢T¢¤h¢y._ _ _ sddmona employees, authorized in d9P°l'*?·¤°¤ Of allfms c°¤V1€l>°<1 of 0¤'g¤·¤iZ· office of Secretary . 1028 m8€XP°d1l·1°¤9» Bic-»**·89¤¤¤tlTi€¤dlY in Burst? 0§€uppl§es and Accéounts. - - 1028 bfimeeu A\1g¤¤l? 1, 1914, 8Hd purchases or ave, ecords an Library _ _· I - · ······--··-~···-- 594 311:3;]*1;% for nav;] ye- 1' 0I1,p1’Ol11b1t9d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 594 _co 0 or ar . 510 Neutralit Act, Shippugg Bulletin publication authorized. 1028 appropilistion for e enses under; balance status rear admiral serving as chief of reappropnat ___,___,____,,____ 742 1208 mu, having served heretofore a Nevada, ` erm- . 140 a ’ ri { sm-V ml as of ngemsng, M ws Risk Issuance ""’°",f§i‘,‘..‘i‘T. FT . €’Y?T.????-..’-Y¥€"§“¢3, ns Pe nts Y-_ -----.. - .. 1374 s for support, etc. of Indisnsinm. 17, 422,1238 New Yards and Siatwqw. I deficiency apppropriation for support, etc., Spfropriatgon for maintenance. ., , .. 142,819 of ndiansin _,,_,___,,,_,,, 3%,523,1186 °!' P¤~b}}¤ W¤1'k¤ --·-- - - ; -----.-. 143, 820 dBS€l't lyljld €¤tl‘ies restriction to resident for repairs andgreservanon . -: ... 145, 822 citizens not applicable to . . 1086 srtxclesforuse theNa wluchcanbe gold etc 1 . - VY » ·, mlnltlsi eases allowed of unallot madheat,not_tobepurchasedelse- ted_w1 wn mineral lands of w ere, c<md1¤¤n ... 157 Indian reservations in, , ,,,,,__ 31