Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1633

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INDEX. elxv Nevada-CpHt1DuGd._ Page. New Mambo Judicial .D1:8tT|:C¢*CODlZlDU€d. Page. prospecting permits allowed for develop- attached to eighth circuit. . . 1361 1*1% ¤¤<1€1`E¥0¤¤d W¤’¤€1' 10F 1¤'1g==¤=i<>¤ judge, attorney and marshal . 1361 111 ------ - ; --··-···-···—---·--- - - - 293 clerk to keep oillce at the capital ,..., 1362 lends t»0_be designated ...----.. 294 terms of court . . 1362 application requirements .._.,, 294 powers, jurisdiction, etc __,,__, , __,,______ 1362 conditions for development operations. - 294 New Mexico Pueblos, area allowed on discovery and develop- appro riation for irrigation, etc., for. 3, 408, 1226 _ ment ... Z ... : . -_ _ . .: 294 New Organs, Lu., disposal of remander withm hmits of appropriation for assistant tressurer’s office. . 656 perm1t ... _ . 294 discontinued, July 1, 1921 654 receipts to reclamation fund _ _____,__ 295 for mint at _,,_ , ,,,,,.,.,,.,.,._,_,, 657, 1275 reservation of mineral deposits . 295 for dispatch agent ... 741, 1208 disposal of- . .: .. Z .: .. 295 for naval station, public works . 144 prospecting rights, etc.; CODd1t10DH...- 295 for naval station, fueloil plant 820 occupation of surface for development foreign nations invited to send delegates to _w0rks, etc . 295 World Cotton Conference . . . . 271. 271

 of surface lands to be reserved may extend Dauphine Street through

in mmeral patents 295 grounds of Jackson Barracks 1354 Nevada Agency, Neu., _ ‘ restriction on salary of commissioner of appropriation for support, etc., of Ind1ans immigration, removed .. 936 at ... . .. 31, 434, 1248 New York, Nevada National Forest, Nev., appropriation for reimbursing, for marine appropriation for maintenance, etc., of 250, school expenses. ..,. 134, 814 708, 1328 construction, etc. , of tunnel under Hudson New Brunswick, N. J., River by New Jersey and, consented appropriation for operating, etc., Govern- to .,,,.,...,.,,... 158 ment house at - ... 223 may unite with Troy, etc., in bridging New Hampshire Avenue WZ, D. C., Hudson River, Troy to Cohoes 1108 appmpnation for paving, I to Twenty- New York City, N. YZ, seventh Streets 845 appropriation for assistant treasurer’soliice. 656 {or paving, Upshur Streetto Grant Circle- 1116 discontinued. July 1, 1921 654 New Haven, arm., f h ml f ger my ogice at ... 657, deficiency approp ’on or ospi or or atc t ... 741, 1 discharged disabled soldiers, etc.,at. 508 for navy yard, public works, traveling te;-mg of court at 1146 cranes, etc . 820 New Jersey, water front, improvements, etc., susconstruction, etc., of tunnel under Hudson pended 820 River by, and New York, consented for aircraft mail service to San Francisco to 158 from, via Chicago and Omaha. . 579,1153 New Jersey Central Railroad Comlparny, for passport bureau. I .. 642 may bud e Delaware River, aston, Pa., for quarantine stauon, purchase from to ghillipsburg, N. J . , 1055 the State ... _ ... $75 Newark Bay, Elizabeth to Bayonne, schedule of fees, etc., continued .. 875 N_ J ,.. . .. 27 7 for pneumatic tuba system. customtime extended for bridging Newark Bay, one and appraisers stores. 16S,_876,1369 N_ ,1,, by .,,,,. 1009 dsiiciency appropriation for rexmbursing New London, Conn, certain customs laborers, port oi 44 appropriation for operating, etc., Govern- for assay offico . _ $-14, 11:+1 ment house at .. . . 223 for assistant. troasurer‘s office, reimbursfgygubmgfinabasé, . ... 822 l¤g&mpl0y0€!. New Mwir-0, construction. etc., of tunnel under Hudson appropriation for surveyor general, clerks, River between Jersey City and. conetc ... . . . .. 673. 1293 sented to ,.. , ,,. _. 2 ..,,, 158 for support, etc., of Indians in . 9. 422, 1238 exhibits for National Marine Exposition st. deficien appropriation for support of may be furnished by Deparunent of [sgi;-;_¤5 m _,___,,,,.. . . 66, 1042, 1186, 1191 Commerce ... . . 550 Carson National Forest., exchange of lands terms of court at. . _. . ._ . . .,... 395 gm- ______ _ ____,_,,,.,,,,.. , ,,,,,.,. 1364 Arew York Eastern Judicial Dwtrwt, 9;%% ermitted oi lands in Sen Juan, counties constituting - 395 clginlev, and Valencia Counties, terms of court._Broo_·lyn., .. _. . 395 to consolidate holdings in solid areas. 1239 concurrent jurisdiction with southern dxs— gold, etc., allowed of unallot- . trict over New York Harbor waters, _ ted with wu mineral lands of etc  :..1 ... . S9? [mum rggepaupm in _ ,_______,_,. 31 interchanzze with Rnd? of other dxstncts. . S90 payment of interest and bonds of designa- New Harb Harbor, 1 ’. ., _ p _ _ ted counties, etc., authorized from appropriation for preventing mjunous deproceeds of land gmnt- 947 _ P¤¤¤·¤ K1 -··· _- - ; -··-·· · ··--- 181%,901- 1391 sums for allotting lands, etc. , not to be used dencxency appropnanon for preventing infor Indians in, not on pnbhc _ yurious depositsxn . 1164 domain prior to June 30, 914. 3, 408, 1225 preliminary examination, etc., to be made New Mambo Judu·ialD13trict, of channel, Shooters Island . 1010 composition; district court to be held at maintenance of anchorage buoys, from the capital ,,,,. - ..,.,.., , , .,,,_,, 1361 Lighthouse appropnanou. ..,,, , , , , 1373