Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/206

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SIXTXYSIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 24. 1919. 185 Confederate cemetery, Point Lookout, Maryland, and Confederate cemetery, Rock Island, Illinois, $1,250. _ Monuments or tablets in Cuba and China: For repairs and preserva— mliigilligixts m Cum tion of monuments, tablets, roads, fences, and so forth, made and constructed by the United States in Cuba and China to mark the places where American soldiers fell, $1,000. Li I R k A k Burial of deceased indigent patients: For burying in the Little niiiigi igcetuiizéry, Rock (Arkansas) National emetery, including transportation thereto, §0g’gg,‘%,§fgS ‘§0“g‘,§,§,f indigent ex-soldiers, ex-sailors, or ex—marines of the United States service, either Regular or Volunteer, who have been honorablyqdischarged or retired and who die while patients at the Army and avy General Hospital, Hot Springs, Arkansas, to be disbursed at a cost not exceeding $35 for such burial expenses in each case, exclusive of cost of ave, $200. _ _ San ]:§i.ancisco National Cemetery: For preparation of new exten- §’Q‘f,};§T§§§§‘Q,‘§;_C“1‘f‘ sion in order to provide additional burial sites, $10,000. NATIONAL MILITARY PARKS. Military parks. Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Park: For continuing the C,$,l§‘§,§§‘0‘§,‘§§g“ and establishment of the park; compensation and expenses of civilian commissioner, maps, surveys, clerical and other assistance, including $300 for necessary clerical labor under direction of the chairman of the commission; maintenance, repair, and operation of one motoripropelled and one horse-drawn passenger-carrying vehicle; office an all other necessary expenses; foundations for State monuments; mowing; historical tablets, iron and bronze; iron gum carriages; roads and their giaiptenance; purchase of small tracts of lands heretofore authorized y aw, $50,000. - Gettysburg National Park: For continuing the establishment off the G°t°y°b°rg' park; acquisition o‘f lands, surveys, and maps; constructing, improvmg, and maintmnmgllavenues, roads, and bridges thereon; ences and gates; marking the es of battle with tablets and guns, each tablet caring a brief legend giving historic facts and compiled without censure and without praise; preserving the features of the battle field and the monuments thereon; compensation of civilian commissioner, clerical and other services, expenses, and labor; purchase and preparation of tablets and gun carriages and placing them in position; maintenance, repair, and operation of a motor-propelled pamengev-carrying vehicle, and all other expenses incident to the foregoing, $50,000, Gurnrono Counruousn Nxrxomir. Mrmrxnr PARK: For c0ntin111¤$ ‘{>§{l°§$f*,$Y“t{;}h°"` the establishment of a national military park at the battle field 0 Guilford Courthouse, in accordance with the Act entitled "An Act to establish a national military park at the battle field of Guilford Courthouse," approved March 2, 1917, $9,200. _ Snrnon Nariomin Mrnrranr Panic: For continuing the establish- shud" ment of the park; compensation of civilian commissioner; secretary and superintendent; c erical and other services; labor, historical tablets; maps and surveys; roads; purchase and transportation of supplies, implements, and materials; foundations for monuments; office and other necessary expenses, including maintenance, rep8·11'» gid lgpperation of a motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicle, a, 5. W , mm _ Vxcxsnune Nariomu. Mrnrranr Penn: For continuing the establishment of the park; compensation of civilian commissioners; clerical and other services, labor, iron gun carriages, guounting of siege gpgns, memorials, monuments, markers, and historical tablets, grvmg torical facts, compiled without praise and without censure; msg, surveys, roads, bridges, restoration of eacrthworks, purchase of Ian purchase and transportation of supplies and materials; and other necessary expenses, $30,000. 442s1°—·21—-14