Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/207

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186 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS, Sess. I. Ch. 24. 1919. m§¤Q_¤i¤°°’ D°P°*** ENGINEER DEPARTMENT. gzgiiiiifiolihi ud Buildings and grounds in and aroimd Washington: For improved ment and care of public gronmds, District of Columbia, as follows 5 c$¥pr°v°m°m an For improvement and maintenance of grounds south of Executive Mansion, $4,000. _ Sor ordixglaurytcare pahgreenhoplses andtnglrsery, $2,00% Oggor repair an recons c ion o e een ouses a e nursery, , . For ordinary care of La te Park, $2,000. For ordinary care of Fra _ `n Park, $1,500. M mt Grounds For improvement and ordinary care of Lincoln Park, $2,000. °°°m For care and unprovement of Monument Grounds and annex, $7 000. t lior improvement, care, and maintenance of Garfield Park, $2,500. G r°°°kS'°°‘ For construction and repair of post-and-cham fences, repair of high iron fences, constructing stone coping about reservations, painting watchmen’s lodigps, iron fences, vases, lamps, and lamp-posts; repairing and exten g water pipes, and purchase of apparatus for cleaning them; hose, manure, an hauling same; removing snow and ice; puiichapse ]a§ repuair of lslegts anid toollsé trees, tree End plant stakes, ab e w 'tewas an stoc or nurse , owerpots, twine, baskets, wire, splints, anclinoss, to be purchasg by contract or otherwise, as the Secretary of War may determine; care, construction, and repair of foimtains; abating nuisances, cleaning statues, and repairing pedestals, $18,550. _ _ _ lior improvement, care, and mainltenance ofdvarious reservéam, inc uding maintenance, repair exc ange an operation o e motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles to be used only for oiii- C18.] purposes, $35,000. _ _ _ For improvement, care, and maintenance of Smithsonian grounds, $4,000. For improvement and maintenance of Judiciary Park, $2,500. For laying cement and other walks in various reservations, $3,000. For broken-stone road covering for parks, $10,000. Rock cm mk For curbing, copmg, and iiaggmggor park roads and walks, $2,000. md may and, For care and improvement of ock Creek Park and the_ Piney Parkway Br3nch1Parkway, excgpsive of gligsixpenptgppengs residence, an mc uding person services in e trict o um ia, $23,200. P°‘°“’“ P*"k· _ For improvement, care, and maintenance of West Potomac Park, i;;g1:)%•ing grading, soiling, seedmg, planting, and constructing paths, For oiling or otherwise treatinimacadam roads, $8,000. For care and improvement of ast Potomac Park, $50,000. For clontinuing the improvement of Montrose Park, and for its p care an maintenance, $5 000. “““d°°”P°"”· dil§`or and maintagziing special portions of the parks in contion or ou oor sports, 5,000. M¤ridi3¤H¤1P¤rk- For improvement, care, and maintenance of Meridian Hill Park, $30,000. For care and maintenance of Willow Tree Park, $1,500. 18016 care of the center parking on Maryland Avenue northeast, , , . . $1, 0 .

0i§?,ZY,§t°"°n mm For operation, care, repair, and maintenance of the um which

. . . P P8 Pm mm,mm_ operate the three fountams on the Union Station Plaza, $4,000. To provide for the increased cost in park maintenance, $25,000. For care of the center giarking in Pennsylvania Avenue, between Tw B _ b C Second and Seventeenth treets southeast, $2,500. with W ° mg Tidal Basinbathing beach: For puriiication of waters of the Tidal Basin and maintenance of the bathing beach, $15,000.