Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/605

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584 SIXTY—SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cus. 161, 162. 1920. EXP°”$°S °u°‘*°d· (b) The expenses of the commission and of the advisory council, including all necessary traveling expenses incurred b a member of the commission, a member of the adviso council: an engineer, special expert, clerk, or employee, imder oiiders of the commission, Accounting maliling imy inyostigaticén or ugpiholigiickall busénessdin otlher placles ‘ tantopaceohisresiencesa o owe an ai uponte presentation of itemized vouchers therefor, approved lby the chairman of the §on1;w'%L‘ch apprgval shall e conclusive upon the Y . . accounting o oers o t o easury epartmeut. self °°hg°t‘°°’°P°”f (ogxe cplmmission sl;al]la1Ip(y1estiga1ti¢;] all prment and prospoctivg met an systems 0 , patc ing, transport' , an delivering the mails and the fal,li§.ities therefor; and as 1i§1y all methods and sylstems which relate to the handling, dgilviery and Raw, M mm dis atohing of the mails in the large cities of the United States. saamammmuumii 8n or before March 1, 1921, the commission shall make a report to Cgngress fooiitaining a summary of éts and such recom- . . men ations or egislation as it may e ove to e pro er. evitilll`e°K`tyt° °bt°m (d) For the purposes of this section, tho commission shall have povgar to suipiénon and compoldthe attepldanco of witnosseshsand the - pro uction o ocumentary evi ence an_ to a ter oat .

igiii diimi); (o) The executive departments and independent establishments

°° ’ of the_Government, when directed by the President, shall furnish the commission, on its request, all records, papers and information in their possession relating to any subject of investigation by the commission. enippiightgym (f) The sum of_$10,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, ’““° “’· ‘““°· is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not other- ,._,,,,,,,,,,, ,,0,,, wise appropriated, to be available immediately and imtil uly 1, 1920; i>¤¤=¤1 r¤v¤¤¤¤¤- and the unexponded balance on June 30, 1920, of any appropriation for the service of the Post Ofhoo Department for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1920, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby approgsnated, to be available after June 30, 1920, for the 0 purposes 0 t section. _ _ fg? iE°°sit§2s rm- Sec. 7. That the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, authorized g’f§,Q‘f,}Q°,,,,,,j;’,,_“$*"‘°‘ and empowered, at his discretion, and under such rules and regu- Aw. v- sw. lations as he may prescribe, to loan to any State of the Union, when "°“* *’°· **55- “"°· so requested by the highway department of the State such tractors e stained and not distributed der th t a I ed M h 15 as ar r _ _ un e ac pprov arc gmc. sid 1920, for uso m highway construction by tho highway department b §§,T§_“°°b°° of such State: Provided, That all e es for re airs and u kee of y XPGDS _ P , P J "*?r°‘i.” Z?. 1‘§°?.°£ °é‘$*a“”° ‘21‘£§§?‘” °f l§2dé“gt3“d §’°‘§h‘ “h b° pai y o , m erto ta an teroturnto the Army. hépmiig as Sec. 8. That if the revenues of tho _Post Ofhoo Depiagtmont shall °°“°‘°°· be i;11suHic1e1};tdt°<;imeet thp tgppropriatioris mgdp by t Act, lp sugn equ to suc c1ency_o o revenue 0 said apartment is ere y appropriated, to be paid out of any mone in the Treasury not otherwise aplgpfpmated, to supp? said deficiencies in the revenues for the Post oe Department or the year endin June 30, 1921, and the sum needed maybe advanced to the Post O%oe Department upon requisition of the ostmaster General. Approved, April 24, 1920. A ***%,1*%- cmu. 1c2.—A ActG ti th so r 11 · ·

 of Shelly, Norman (l1ounty,r$n1h`§mt¤$,gl)xi1d€ $e0ww(ii1siii€;:Sol°(lal;<lgiii¤a%eT?rr;.illl(E;c;ri1ri1ll“;rI3

I " %Z?“" ’}‘1'£°"l~& °é‘r‘}$“‘iL”%5°lf}?i”3§’g°1‘2.$*t°ri'§g”“""£§°"“*$i’§&"""“° “°‘°°°“‘° "‘°" V€l‘0 E 0 D WGCD 8 BRI G8. ,_,g~_gg_ Rim of ¢¤¤ Be it macted_Iry the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Casgdauy, mm, and States 1% America m Congress assembled, That the consent of Congress my §§’fi‘é,,_N· D“·· is here y granted to the village and township of Shelly, Norman