Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/606

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SIXTY-SIXT H CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cnrs.162, 163, 165. 1920. 585 County, Minnesota, and the township of Caledonia, Traill County, North Dakota, and their successors and assigns, to construct, maintain, and operate a bridge and aplproaches thereto across the Red River of the North at a lploint suita le to the interests of navigation, L°°¤¤°¤· at or near the section e between sections thirteen and twenty- four, township one hundred and forty-six north, range forty-nine west, fifthwprinci a.l meridian, on the boundary line between Minne- C t cf sota and l\orth lgakota, in accordance with the provisions of the Act vitiisilpiiiif entiitled "An Act to re§u&1.te ltihe constguction of bridges over naviab e waters," a. rove arc 23, 190 . Amendmentg Sec. 2. That tiling right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved. ‘ Approved, April 24, 1920. CHAP. 163.-An Act Conierring jurisdiction on the Court of Claims to hear, Apiii.?isiim` determine, and render judgment in claims of the Iowa Tribe of Indians against the {Public, Nc. 189.1 United States. Be it emeted the Senate and House 0 Representatives of the United ,0,,,, .8 Ok,,,_ States of Amergya in Congress assembled? That jurisdiction is hereby Ugéiitmesgmgte conferred upon the Court of to hear, determine, and render brought ui ilscurt ol judgment on princiges of justice and equity and as upon a full and clumsfair arbitration of e claims of the Iowa Tribe of In `ans, of Oklahoma, against the United States, with the right of ajigealby either party to the Supreme Court of the United States for e determmation of the amount, if any, which may be legally or equitably due said tribe of Indians under any treaties or laws Congress or under any stipulations or Oatgirgements, whether written or or , entered into between said tribe dians and the United States or 1lZS authorized representatives, or for the failure of the United States to ay any money which many be legally or equitably due said tribe of Indians: ,,10,,,803 Prormlded, That e court shall also consider and determine an legal c¤u¤¤o¤b1¤ims,e¢c. or equitable defenses, set-oiis, or cormter claims which the United Fromm States may have against the said Iowa Tribe of Indians. A petition ` in behalf of said Indians shall be filed in the Court of Claims within one vear after the passage of this Act, and the Iowa Tribe of Indians shall be the party p amtrif and the United States the party defendant, and the petition mag be verrhed by the attorney employed by the said Iowa Tribe of dians to prosecute their claim under this Act, under contract to be approved y the Commissioner of Indian Affairs and the Secretary of e Interior, as provided by law, upon informa- _,mmeyS,,m tion and belief as to the facts allege? in said petition. Upon the ` final determination of the cause the urt of Claims shall decree such fees and expenses as the court shall find to be reasonably due to be paid to the attorney or attorneys cmplo ed by said Iowa Tribe of ndians and the same shall be paid out ofy any sum or sums of money Lim, ,,,,8,, and ex. found due said Iowa Tribe o Indians: Provided, That in no case pausesshall the fees and expenses decreed by said court be in excess of 10 per centum of the amount of the judgment. Approved, April 28, 1920. _ "' May 1, 1920. CHAP. 165.-An Act To revise and iz pensio' n tocertain soldiers, sailors, andmarines of the Civil War augqgiiag vg; Mexico, to certain widows [P'"’h°’N°‘ 1°°‘] including widows of the War of 1812, former widows, dependent parents, and children of such soldiers, sailors, and marines, and to certain Army muses, Md 81'¤·¤i·i¤8 D€¤‘ sronsandincreaseofpensionsincertaincasa. Be itewiacted theSe1•atem\dHouseo Re esentativeso the United States ofA1rre1•icIir;l/in Congress assembled ev personjivho Sorvvd (.,§;?:m@ ‘°' ninety days or more in the Arm , Ns. , urogarine Corps of the winslihai. M°` °° United States during the Civil wir, anvgwho has been honorably 4»&28l°—21——39