Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/701

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680 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 214. 1920. Detroit, four at $2,100 each; Norfolk, ten at_$2,100 each; Seattle, sixteen at $2,100 each; Portland (Oregon), six at $2,100 each; Albany (New York), two at $2,100·each; Duluth, two at $2,100 each; Portland (Maine), two at $2,100 eaclr New London, two at $2,100 iigelrea, two at $2§g0&;1chgchNewPHay)en, awe at $2100eac;` ac on`etwoat 1 e · ittsurg one $2:100; Toledo, two at $2:100 each; leur trovéuog mspootois, at $3 0(X} each' $434,100; 4 `

 all, for inspectors, Steamboat-Inspection Service, $697,950. _ ·

ciorkmzo. C161'k#hi1'0, service at large: For compensation, not exceeding $1,500 alyear to eacgdperson, of clerks to boards of steamboat inspectors, to; ezappoint by the Secretary of Commerce in accordance with the provisions of law, $115,000. °;,¤;¤8j*¤lg·gg=,¤¤¤¤¤¤¤· Contingerit expenaieszalléor fees tc} Fitngsses; travgligg and <g.her " expenseswenono ci usinesso e u_ " pcctor n- eral, Deputy Supervising Inspector Qeneral, supervising inspectors, travehng inspectors, local and assistant inspectors, and clerks; instruments, umiture, stationery, Lanitor service, and eveig other gslligif mh m"°‘ necess§·)y0g) carryinto effect the provisions of Title 52, evised _ tatutes $1 .‘ N°“"‘"°“B“'°““‘ Bignmiu oi Navrearroivz Commissioner, $4,000; deputy commissioner, $2,750; chief clerk, $2 000; clerk to commissioner, $1,600; gerks-—-=two offclass four, four oiglass three, three gh class two, five one· our at $1000 ea ·six at $900 e : two steno - raphers and,typewriters to be employed not to exceed six montgs Sm at the rateof $75 per month each; two messengers; in all, $42,530. sromgm °°mm” Shipping service: For shipping commissioners in amounts not expeledding the follpxwingz Baltimore, $2,00§; Boston, $3,000; New Bed- 0 $1 200-. ew Orleans $2 500- ewport News, $1 500; New Yori, Noorour, s1,éoo,’rm’1ooo1pmo, $2,400; Bia, Maine, $1,000; Rockland, Maine, $1,200; Portland, Maine, $1,300; Charles-

.30:1, South ;}ar3l)ina§a;1§00; Seattle; $3,500;.11 Providence, $1,800;

veston 1,8 ; rancisco $4 000; in ,535 200. °'°"’“ hi"- Clerk For compensation, tb bé fixed by the Selzretary of Com- Pmm merceéiof not to exceed $1,600 per annum to each person or clerk in Additioml ouow. the 0 ces of shipping commissioners, $70,000: Provided, That one “’°°· gguékmmay be cmp oyed hereunder at a compensation not to exceed , per annum. $§’§§E“,$f’},‘§,$"°“’°°· t Cont1t1;geut :_ For reénti stationery, and other reqéxiisites fog ransac on_o e usmess o ing commissioners offices an Qciibjxtor in the commissioners o&ce at New York, $840; ih all, ,,,;,'§.,'f,i{§f’°"""°"‘°"“ °' 'Ilo enable the Commissioner of Navigation to secure uniformity in PMP-684- the admeasurement of vessels, including the employment of an adjuster of admeasurements at not to exceed $2,260, purchase and exchange $c:;f7(;16lmeasur1ng instruments, traveling and incidental e nses . $¤,·::,j¢gjrg,g{f¤¤8¤r¤· Sigia piircliase and repair of instruments for counting passengers, mggggr bwgglgggg Enforcement of navigation laws: To enable the Secretary of Comlogzd P M merge to provide and operate such ntiotorhboag and employ tiierelplrg ’ ‘ suc ersons as may e necess or t t, ' direction by custlcgmi officers, cgagrws relating tgrxiiigrlitgtdtioiiinailld inspection o vesse , oard1ng` o vessels, and counting of passengers ' be ts, 75,400. cydwyucxgggg 0u’1lir?_(eli1r;l>(l§ th; Segretary of Commerce to employ, temporarily in vossonsoeo. addition to those now provided for by law, such other persons as may be necessary, of whom not more than two at any one time may be employed in the District of Columbia, to enforce the laws to prevent overcrowding of passengézr and excursion vessels, and all necessary expenses in connection therewith, $18,000.